This is a simple Hangman game implemented in C++ that you can play in your console. The game challenges you to guess a word letter by letter. Be careful not to make too many incorrect guesses, or the hangman will be completed, and you'll lose the game!
- Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
- Compile the code using your C++ compiler.
- Run the compiled executable.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game.
- You will be shown a series of underscores, each representing a letter in the secret word.
- Try to guess the letters in the secret word by entering a character.
- If your guess is correct, the letter will be revealed in its correct position(s).
- If your guess is incorrect, the game will keep track of your incorrect guesses, and parts of the hangman will start to appear.
- You have a limited number of incorrect guesses before the hangman is fully drawn, and you lose the game.
- Try to guess the word before the hangman is completed to win!
The code is organized into functions and provides the following functionalities:
: Selects a word for the game and initializes the game.disp()
: Displays the current state of the game, including the hangman's progress and your
: Handles the core game logic, including checking your guesses and updating the game state.check()
: Checks if the game should end (either by winning or losing).winAnim()
: Displays a winning animation when you successfully guess the word.main()
: The entry point of the program, where the game is started.
Documented by ChatGPT.