The official Alephium desktop wallet.
Install depedencies with:
npm install
To launch the app as a web app, run:
npm start
To launch it as an electron app, run:
npm run electron-dev
npm test
The command below will detect your OS and build the corresponding package:
npm run electron-pack
To build for ARM64 Linux, run:
npm run electron-pack-linux:arm64
To release a new version:
Checkout the master branch:
git checkout master
Create a commit that updates the package version in package.json and package-lock.json and a tag with:
npm version patch # if you want to bump the patch version npm version minor # if you want to bump the minor version npm version major # if you want to bump the major version npm version prepatch --preid=rc # if you want to create a release candidate and bump the patch version npm version preminor --preid=rc # if you want to create a release candidate and bump the minor version npm version premajor --preid=rc # if you want to create a release candidate and bump the major version
Push the new commit and new tag to GitHub to trigger the release workflow that will build the downloadable binaries:
git push git push [remote] <tag>
and add your translations. -
Import new translation file and add it to the resources in
import en from '../locales/en-US/translation.json' import fr from '../locales/fr-FR/translation.json' i18next.use(initReactI18next).init({ resources: { 'en-US': { translation: en }, 'fr-FR': { translation: fr } } })
Add new language option in
const languageOptions = [ { label: 'English', value: 'en-US' as Language }, { label: 'Français', value: 'fr-FR' as Language } ]
translation file insrc/App.tsx
import 'dayjs/locale/fr'
The implementation is inspired by Coinbarn's wallet codebase.