This is v2 of Homer Theme, v1 is available here.
Homer Theme is a theme for the Homer Dashboard.
• Demo [Coming Soon] • Getting started •
- Custom font
- Spacing between cards
- Transparent cards
- Custom tag colors
- Custom wallpaper
- No header
- Offline Fonts
- Added Light mode
- More rounded corners
- Added settings header
- Changed GitHub Icon
- Offline Fonts
Homer Theme is a theme for the Homer Dashboard.
Clone this repo. You can do this by running:
$ git clone
Now cd into the newly created folder.
$ cd Homer-Theme
And now for the final step move the assets
folder into your Homers www
You can find this directory by running
$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' homer
Before moving the folder, make sure to create a backup. You can do this by running
$ sudo mv /homer/www/assets /homer/www/assets-backup
Make sure you replace /homer/www/assets
with the location of your homers www folder.
Move the folder by running
$ sudo mv assets /homer/www
Make sure you replace /homer/www
with the location of your homers www folder.