A Wall Brew infrastructure library to monitor function performance in clojure applications.
keg measures the time it takes functions to execute, uses clojure/tools.logging
to emit debug statements.
This repository follows the guidelines and standards of the Wall Brew Open Source Policy.
With the advent of OpenTracing and OpenTelemetry, cross-language and cross-platform performance monitoring and logging has been solved in a much more meaningful and generally applicable way. Wall Brew's internal software has begun shifting to these new standards, and we no longer use keg in day-to-day operations. You are free to continue using published versions of this library, fork this repository for your own needs, or use any of the code within. As of 2025-01-05, this repository will be archived and Wall Brew will no longer support Keg.
Add the library to your :dependencies
[com.wallbrew/keg "1.0.0"]
First, require keg in your namespace:
(:require [keg.core :as keg])
Then, tap the function definitions you want runtime statistics for:
(defn my-awesome-function
[arg1 arg2]
(+ arg1 arg2))
(keg/tap #'my-awesome-function)
This creates a hook for your function.
Every time it executes, it'll log some data via clojure/tools.logging
through whatever logging provider your project uses.
Be sure to prefix the function name with #'
otherwise you'll encounter errors that state your functions are unnamed modules in the DynamicClassLoader.
For example:
(my-awesome-function 3 5)
;=> 2020-10-28T17:21:25.959Z my-machine-id DEBUG [my-app.core/my-awesome-function] - {:function-name my-awesome-function, :runtime 1}
If you want pour extra data, you can use some of the provided formatters:
(keg/tap #'my-awesome-function keg/pour-runtime-and-args)
(my-awesome-function 3 5)
;=> 2020-10-28T17:21:25.959Z my-machine-id DEBUG [my-app.core/my-awesome-function] - {:function-name my-awesome-function, :runtime 1, :arguments [3 5]}
(keg/tap #'my-awesome-function keg/pour-runtime-args-and-return)
(my-awesome-function 3 5)
;=> 2020-10-28T17:21:25.959Z my-machine-id DEBUG [my-app.core/my-awesome-function] - {:function-name my-awesome-function, :runtime 1, :arguments [3 5], :return-value 8}
Or, you can always write your own:
(defn my-awesome-formatter
[_function-name runtime _return & args]
{:app-port (System/getenv "PORT")
:runtime runtime
:args args})
(keg/tap #'my-awesome-function my-awesome-formatter)
(my-awesome-function 3 5)
;=> 2020-10-28T17:21:25.959Z my-machine-id DEBUG [my-app.core/my-awesome-function] - {:app-port 8080, :runtime 1, :args [3 5]}
When writing your own formatters, please note the following:
- Arguments are always received in this order:
function-name runtime function-return args
- The formatter can return text, or a map for structured logging
- Care should be used when logging arguments and/or return values in production environments
- All run times are assumed to be in milliseconds
Copyright - Wall Brew Co
This software is provided for free, public use as outlined in the MIT License