This tool is designed to trace system calls on ARM64-bit Android devices. It allows you to attach to a running process by PID or process name, or execute a command and trace its system calls. The tool provides options to display absolute and relative addresses, as well as backtraces for the system calls.
Attach by PID: Attach to a running process by specifying its PID.
Attach by Process Name: Attach to a running process by specifying its name.
Execute and Trace: Execute a command and trace its system calls.
System Call Tracing: Specify which system calls to trace.
Address Display: Option to display absolute and relative addresses.
Backtrace: Option to display call stack for each system call.
An Android device with root privileges and the ability to execute shell commands.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd syscallTracer
- Build the Tool
\path\to\ndk\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++.exe -target aarch64-linux-android30 -static .\tracer.cpp -o .\syscall_tracer
Command Line Options
Usage: syscall_tracer [options] -- <command>
-p <pid> Attach to process by PID
-n <process_name> Attach to process by name
-e <command> Execute and attach to command
-s <syscall_num> Specify syscall number to hook (can be used multiple times)
-a Show absolute address
-r Show relative address
-b Show backtrace
-h Show this help message
- Attach to a Process by PID:
./syscall_tracer -p 1234
- Attach to a Process by Name:
./syscall_tracer -n init
- Execute and Trace a Command:
./syscall_tracer -e ls
- Specify System Calls to Trace:
./syscall_tracer -s 63 -s 64 -e "cat /data/local/tmp/test.txt"
- Show Absolute and Relative Addresses:
./syscall_tracer -a -r -e ls
- Show Backtrace:
./syscall_tracer -b -e ls
- Trace All System Calls
./syscall_tracer -n init
- Show All
./syscall_tracer -n init -s 94 -s 222 -s 220 -arb
The tool will output the system calls being executed by the target process, along with the specified address information and backtraces.
Example output:
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (0x6f711000 - 0x6f7a4000) offset 0x0
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (0x6f7a4000 - 0x6fa88000) offset 0x93000
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot.vdex (0x6fa89000 - 0x6fa9c000) offset 0x0
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (0x6fa9c000 - 0x6fa9d000) offset 0x377000
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (0x6fa9d000 - 0x6fa9e000) offset 0x378000
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (0x6fa9e000 - 0x6faac000) offset 0x0
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (0x6faac000 - 0x6faf0000) offset 0xe000
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.vdex (0x6faf1000 - 0x6faf4000) offset 0x0
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (0x6faf4000 - 0x6faf5000) offset 0x52000
New module loaded: /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (0x6faf5000 - 0x6faf6000) offset 0x53000
Attached to thread: 1936
Attached to thread: 1937
Attached to thread: 1938
Attached to thread: 1942
Thread 2252 entering syscall futex(98) at 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[0] 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[1] 0x79d373e5d8 Relative address: 0xb55d8 in /apex/ (file offset: 0xa4000)
[2] 0x769dd4a354 Relative address: 0x79354 in /data/data/com.wachat/virtual/data/user/0/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spo/ (file offset: 0x0)
[3] 0x769a252a64 Relative address: 0xbdca64 in /data/data/com.wachat/virtual/data/user/0/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spo/ (file offset: 0x3af000)
[4] 0x769a2516b8 Relative address: 0xbdb6b8 in /data/data/com.wachat/virtual/data/user/0/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spo/ (file offset: 0x3af000)
[5] 0x769a252240 Relative address: 0xbdc240 in /data/data/com.wachat/virtual/data/user/0/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spo/ (file offset: 0x3af000)
[6] 0x772ba40358 Relative address: 0x440358 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x2fc000)
[7] 0x189ca5dd52421277 Relative address: Not found in any loaded module, possibly in anonymous memory mapping.
Thread 2187 entering syscall futex(98) at 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[0] 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[1] 0x772ba8638c Relative address: 0x48638c in /apex/ (file offset: 0x445000)
[2] 0x6f7a42e0 Relative address: 0x932e0 in /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (file offset: 0x93000)
Thread 2140 entering syscall futex(98) at 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[0] 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[1] 0x772ba46334 Relative address: 0x446334 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x445000)
[2] 0x6f7a4508 Relative address: 0x93508 in /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (file offset: 0x93000)
Thread 2134 entering syscall futex(98) at 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[0] 0x79d36d6e60 Relative address: 0x4de60 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x4d000)
[1] 0x772ba46334 Relative address: 0x446334 in /apex/ (file offset: 0x445000)
[2] 0x6f7a4508 Relative address: 0x93508 in /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (file offset: 0x93000)
Bug fixes, optimized backtrace, optimized output, and parsing/printing system call arguments? I might not update it further, who knows?
This tool only parses non-anonymous memory mappings because its purpose is to facilitate reverse engineering. Calculating offset addresses for anonymous memory mappings is meaningless.