确认工作目录(Confirm your working directory)
所在目录下面有raw文件夹储存原始文件('raw' file store rawdata)
质量控制(Quality Control)
1.fastqc 主要查看GC% ; 接头 ; 碱基质量 (GC% ; Adaptor ; Base quality)
去接头(The raw RNAseq data is first trimmed by Trim Galore to remove adaptors)
回帖基因组(The high quality RNAseq reads were mapped to the hg38 human / mm10 mouse genome by using Hisat2 )
nohup sh 04hisat.sh > mapped_ratio.out &
index download : https://daehwankimlab.github.io/hisat2/download/
从bam文件中提取出来未比对上的序列 :samtools view x.bam | awk '$3=="*" {print ">"$1"\n"$10}' >x_no_mapped_reads.txt
'The number of reads mapped to each gene was counted using featureCounts software'
featureCounts software was used to map the number of reads to each gene.
gtf download : https://www.gencodegenes.org/
gtf download Chinese help description : https://blog.csdn.net/u011262253/article/details/89363809
差异基因分析(Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) analysis)