This repo holds code for Imputing Brain Measurements Across Data Sets via Graph Neural Networks. (MICCAI PRIME 2023 Accepted)
We are using NCANDA dataset, with the Freesurfer score for each of the 34 bilateral cortical regions. Each of the regions consists of 5 regional measurements: average thickness, surface area, gray matter volume, mean curvature, and Gaussian curvature. We use the first three measurements to impute the rest curvature scores.
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If you find this paper, code useful for your research, please cite our paper:
title={Imputing Brain Measurements Across Data Sets via Graph Neural Networks},
author={Wang, Yixin and Peng, Wei and Tapert, Susan F and Zhao, Qingyu and Pohl, Kilian M},
booktitle={International Workshop on PRedictive Intelligence In MEdicine},