Parasist is the game we made for the 46th Ludum Dare. The theme was Keep it alive, so we made a game were you are a parasite making choice for the animal hosting you, in order to keep it alive as long as possible, so that you can yourself survive.
The game is available online, and on the Ludum Dare website.
- Graphics: Mattéo Decorsaire and Pénélope Douet
- Audio: @clarabistouille
- Game data: Pénélope Douet, Mattéo Decorsaire, Éloïse Poitou, @Wartapoo, @clarabistouille and @ThibaultBus
- Code: @edgarogh and @elegaanz
All assets are under the CC-BY-SA licence. The code is under the GPLv3.0 licence.
This app is a React website, with TypeScript and SCSS. It uses NPM and Parcel.
The tools used for assets creation include Photoshop, Glimpse, Krita, Audacity and MuseScore.