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Releases: Washington-University/cifti-matlab


20 Mar 04:51
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Fix octave warning, use uint8 for string to bytes conversion

Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2


01 Mar 23:45
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  • Fix 3D cifti support, tolerate singular-dimension disappearance
  • Rework and simplify chunked IO (used when there is more than 128MB of array data, to minimize extra memory used by transpose, etc)
  • Fix/improve some XML/diminfo sanity checks
  • Update provenance version number this time

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1


27 Feb 21:43
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Added additional environment de-modification in custom system() replacement function, to attempt to improve behavior in newer matlab.

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0


19 Apr 01:15
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Output changes:

  • write smaller XML for typical dconn, pconn, or other cases where AppliesToMatrixDimension="1,0" doesn't change the semantics
  • less whitespace between voxel/vertex numbers


  • typo in cifti_write_from_template made error messages unhelpful


08 Mar 00:57
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Bugfix update:

  • use entities in XML attributes

Other changes:

  • emulate cifti-legacy permissiveness for dtseries length change


16 Nov 00:46
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Bugfix update:

  • rename modified xmltree to avoid collision

Other changes:

  • licenses have been changed for easier compilation
  • sanity check and sort label tables by key
  • reduce whitespace added to vertex/voxel lists

v2 Initial Release

24 Mar 01:32
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cifti-matlab v2 is now ready for public use. Its API is now considered stable (function names, arguments, struct conventions, return value conventions) so that development using it should not need to make any significant changes as bugs are fixed or new features are added.

Differences from v2.0.0-beta.1 are generally superficial:

  • version in metadata
  • documentation changes
  • removal of problematic mex files in the legacy ft_cifti folder.

Initial beta release

01 Oct 00:06
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Initial beta release Pre-release

cifti-matlab v2 is now ready for public testing. Function naming and other conventions are considered near-final, but could be changed if a clearly better design, or overwhelming consensus suggests something different. Please discuss possible changes to library design or function naming/arguments in #5, and help info formatting in #7, while any bugs or feature requests should be reported as new issues.

The v2 library is drop-in compatible with the ciftiopen/ciftisave/ciftisavereset functions used in the HCP pipelines. Major features compared those functions are a reduction in disk IO, and the ability to use information about the cifti indices (what vertex, what the timestep is, etc).

Note that v2 is not compatible with the previous cifti-matlab (ft_read_cifti, etc), and adding compatibility is not currently planned. See the ft_cifti folder or the v1-final tag to use the previous cifti-matlab library.