Due Date: Week 7 - Midnight of 3/8/2017
Develop a ToDo List that allows users to manage tasks.
- It should allow the user to create, read(diplay), edit and delete tasks.
- Pick and use a standard library for CSS styling. My recommendation is Materialize CSS
- Your designs must be responsive
- Take care of proper positioning of the UI elements
- BONUS POINTS for custom animated elements
- You do not need to save the tasks yet. We'll cover that in class later
All the submission must be done through github to our class organization. The assignment will be accomodated and distributed using GitHub Classroom. GitHub classroom will automatically create a repository in our organization for each student and will grant administrative rights of that repository to that student.
All students MUST visit this url: Confirmation Link. There you will be asked to accept and confirm the reception of the Assignment and consequently a repository will be automatically created for you under our organization. The name of your repository will follow the following pattern: assignment-01-${your GitHub username}
In your own new assignment respository${your username}
, go on and delete and replace it with the readme of your choice.
The assignments must be functional upon submission. The code should be well commented and self-explanatory. All references must be properly cited. Document your submission in the