Small Class for inlined html email template cross-client responsibility.
The most email mobile client apps automatically remove all className selectors from your template and responsibility won't work
After inlining all basic styles by packages like 'inline-css' you need to set all styles with breakpoints inside <style></style> tag and call new instance of Cross Mail Warrior to replace all className selectors into any attributes. Also you can specify a prefix for new attributes value.
Firstly, install the package
$ npm install cross-mail-warroir --save-dev
Import it to your script, which compile your email template
const CrossMailWarrior = require('cross-mail-warrior');
Call it for your source/dest folders
new CrossMailWarrior({
/*required. Array of strings. Specify which attribute(s) you want to replace from classNames*/
cloneToAttrs: ['data-lang', 'data-etc'],
/*not required. String. Prefix of attribule value.
Default: ""
Exapmle: <div class='block'> will replace to <div data-attr='x-block'>*/
valuePrefix: 'x-',
/*not required. Boolean. Directive, which found end of css rule and sets the important to reinherit inline styles*/
setImportants: true,
/*not required.
path.source: path.join(__dirname, 'source')
path.dest: path.join(__dirname, 'dest')*/
paths: {
source: "path/to/source",
dest: 'path/to/dest'
- Do not minify your code into style tag. You need to \n for !important automatical sets.