Webcampak is a set of tools to reliably capture high definition pictures, at pre-defined interval, over a very long period of time and automatically generate timelapse videos. Built to scale and adapt to a variety of use cases, Webcampak will drive a DSLR camera for projects typically ranging from months to years. Failsafe mechanisms are available to ensure no pictures get lost during that time.
Webcampak software is broken down in multiple repositories, one for each of its main components:
Repo | Description |
Core | Entry-point repository (the one you are currently on), contains all commons elements and installation scripts. |
API | Contains the Symfony API used by the User Interface to communicate with the Webcampak. |
UI | Contains Sencha Extjs User Interfaces. |
CLI | Contains the Python Cement command line interface used to drive Webcampak inner activities. |
A demo version of Webcampak is available at
- Login: demo
- Password: omed
Webcampak documentation is available at
We are constantly adding new features, so the list might not be up-to-date, but should provide a good idea of Webcampak capabilities:
- Image Capture and automated processing
- Capture JPG and/or RAW
- Variable capture rate based on hour of the day and/or day of the week
- Picture manipulation: rotate, crop, zoom, resize, watermark, legend
- Video formats: H.264, MP4
- Video effects: crop, zoom, resize, watermark, legend, thumbnail
- Multi-Camera
- Email alerts and daily summary
- User Interface
- Browse pictures & videos
- Webcampak configuration
- Per-user and Source Access Control
- Access logs
- Manage fleet of Webcampaks
- Access reports
- Launch jobs (video, large picture transfer)
- Monitor system (logs, statistics, ...)
Please refer to Webcampak documentation
Note: Webcampak has been pre-configured and tested using system user "webcampak", you will need to replace paths if you want to use a different username.
- apps/: API, UI and CLI.
- config/: Webcampak configuration files.
- i18n/: Language files used for internationalization. Using gettext for the most part.
- install/: Install script(s) and system configuration files
- resources/: Common assets available to all components
During installation, the webcampak will create many more directories, those will not be synced with github as they are specific to each install.
Webcampak project was initiated in 2009, initially as a set of bash scripts to control Canon compact cameras and automatically generate timelapse videos. Number of features have been progressively growing with the following major technical differences between versions:
- Webcampapk pre 1.0: Webcampak core in Bash, Simple UI in PHP/Html, then PHP/Smarty
- Webcampak 1.0+: Webcampak core in Python, UI in PHP/Smarty
- Webcampak 2.0+: Webcampak core in Python, PHP API (custom framework) and Sencha Extjs 4.x/Touch UI
- Webcampak 3.0+: Webcampak core in Python wrapped with Cement, Symfony 3.0 API, Sencha Extjs 6.0 UI.
The next move from a software perpespective will be to conver the API to REST (currently some sort of HTTP-RPC, relying mostly on POST) and likely move away from Extjs in favor of a more modern Javascript framework
You can learn more on our website/blog:
User guides and other end-user documentation is available here:
Note that the document has not been yet updated for Webcampak 3
You can check out the full license here
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
Any questions,