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A simple app to help Weebly Developers easily understand how Weebly Elements are constructed.


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Weebly Element Hello World

Simple Node.js application to help developers understand how Weebly Elements are constructed.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


It is expected that you already have a Weebly Developer Account and can login to the Weebly Developer Admin, if you do not you can Create a Free Weebly Developer Account.

You will need to define a new Weebly App named Hello World to Register a Weebly App.

NOTE: Prior to developing any custom code, please make sure you read the Weebly App Policy Requrements and that your app will not be at risk of being denied during publishing.

Get the Code

There are two ways you can get the code onto your local workstation.

Clone with Git

Clone using Git

git clone

Download the .zip

  1. Download the .zip file here:
  2. Extract the file contents:

Get your Weebly App API Keys

OPTIONAL This step is only required if you plan on integrating your element with the Weebly REST API.

Make sure to Create a Weebly Developer Account, if you have not already.

You will need your Weebly App's API Keys and a Weebly Developer Site in order for this code to work properly after it is deployed.

Next, please Register a Weebly App to obtain your API Keys.

While registering your new Weebly App, give it the name "Hello World", and set the type to services.


Now that you have the code on your workstation, and your new Weebly App API Keys on-hand, you will need to update the code prior to deployment to Weebly.

  1. OPTIONAL, ONLY REQUIRED IF USING THE API OR AUTH. Open manifest.json.tmpl and replace {{WEEBLY_CLIENT_ID}} with the Weebly Client ID for the Hello World app you created for the prerequisites.
  2. Once you save the changes, rename that file to manifest.json and save the changes.
  3. Next, open the Weebly Developer Admin, login if you are not already, and click on the "Hello World" app if it is not already open


  1. Create a .zip file of EVERYTHING within the root directory
  2. Name or Rename the newly created .zip file: (I've found it helpful to keep my zip file names mapped to the same as my app version value in the manifest.json file)
  3. Login to the Weebly Developer Admin Portal
  4. Choose your app from the list, if you haven't already.
  5. Click Upload a New Version of your app's zip file in the Weebly Developer Admin and complete the form for the other required fields
  6. Then, click the Save Draft link. If any errors are displayed, correct those and try clicking the Save Draft link again
  7. Go back to the Hello World app's Versions tab, and click on the link labeled Install to Site and choose your Weebly Developer Site
  8. The Editor should immediately open, and you should see the Hello World element in the editor highlighted in blue
  9. Drag the Hello World element on to a page of your Weebly site and play with the settings....TADA, hello world element in Weebly!

Built With

  • Github
  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine
  • NPM.js - Leading package manager for JavaScript
  • NVM - Leading Node Version Manager


Please read for details on the Weebly Code of Conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Billie Thompson - Initial documentation work - PurpleBooth
  • Benjamin Dean - Core Contributor - bdeanindy


  • Submit a PR that is merged to see your name here!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Weebly Engineering Team for all their efforts
  • Robin Whitmore - the initial author of the Weebly Developer Docs and reviewer making this app possible
  • You, and all the Weebly App Developers who make Weebly awesome with your awesome questions and challenging issues


A simple app to help Weebly Developers easily understand how Weebly Elements are constructed.








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