deltaSHAPE [1] presents a statistically rigorous approach to analyzing changes in chemical probe reactivity between two conditions. It was originally designed for finding protein binding sites using SHAPE-MaP data [2], which include estimated measurement errors for every nucleotide. deltaSHAPE compares reactivity differences relative to the associated errors, and also compares the magnitude of each difference relative to every other change in reactivity. Nucleotides that exhibit strong, meaningful changes in reactivity are thus identified.
In order to run, you must have Python 2.7 installed, as well as two additional modules:
matplotlib, freely available from NumPy, freely available from SciPy, freely available from
Installation instructions for each of these modules are provided on their respective websites.
Simple usage: python <> <>
Required input,
(The .map file format is described below.)
Data handling:
--mask5 INT
Tell deltaSHAPE to ignore INT number of nucleotides at the 5' end of
the RNA. Often used in combination with --mask3 to exclude primer-
binding sites from datasets generated with targeted primers [2,3].
Default: 0
--mask3 INT
Tell deltaSHAPE to ignore INT number of nucleotides at the 3' end of
the RNA. Often used in combination with --mask5 to exclude primer-
binding sites from datasets generated with targeted primers [2,3].
Default: 0
-p INT, --pad INT
Indicate the smoothing window size. By convention, SHAPE reactivity
values are smoothed over a centered 3-nt window prior to calculating
differences. Window size is calculated as (2 * pad + 1). The default
smoothing window size is 3 (--pad 1). To eliminate smoothing, set
--pad to 0.
Default: 1
-z FLOAT --Zcoeff FLOAT
Adjust the Z-factor test stringency. Default setting of 1.96 tests
whether the 95% confidence intervals of two SHAPE-MaP measurements
overlap. Can be interpreted as the area under the normal distribution
curve within Zcoeff standard deviations of the mean. To increase test
stringency, raise this value. Alternatively, adjust the value of
Default: 1.96
-t --Zthresh FLOAT
Adjust the Z-factor test stringency. Default setting of 0 tests
whether the ratio of Zcoeff*(err1 + err2):(reactivity1 - reactivity2)
is greater or equal to 1. Raising Zthresh decreases the maximum
allowed ratio. Alternatively, adjust the value of -z/--Zcoeff.
Default: 0
-s --SSthresh FLOAT
Set the cutoff threshold used during standard score filtering.
Default value of 1 indicates that only nucleotides which undergo a
change in SHAPE reactivity with a magnitude of 1 or more standard
deviations from the mean will be considered as passing the standard
score filter. Increase SSthresh to increase stringency, or lower
SSthresh to decrease stringency.
Default: 1
-f --FindSite INT,INT
Indicate the window size and number of required hits to use when
determining binding sites. These are provided as a comma-separated
pair of integers (e.g., 2,3). The first number indicates the window
pad size where window size = 2 * pad + 1. This "pad" value is
independent of the pad value used to set the smoothing window size.
The second number sets the number of nucleotides within a given
window that must pass both the Z-factor and Standard Score tests.
The default of 2,3 means that 3 nucleotides within a 5 nucleotide
window must pass both tests, otherwise they will not be considered
part of a binding site and will not be reported. To eliminate this
windowed searching, set -f --FindSite equal to 0,1.
Default: 2,3
Output options:
-o --out STRING
Provide a filename and location for output file(s) to be written.
Output file is ordered by nucleotide position, 5' to 3', unless
otherwise indicated by use of the --magrank option.
Default: ./differences.txt
Sort output text file by absolute magnitude of the deltaSHAPE
Default: OFF
Output data for all nucleotides, regardless of whether they are
significantly different between experimental conditions. When this
option is used, insignificant deltaSHAPE values are reported as 0.
Default: OFF
Save a PDF file of the plotted reactivity differences. The PDF file
will have the same prefix as the output file, by default,
"differences.pdf". Use of the -o --out flag will change the prefix
of the PDF file as well. This option is commonly used with the
--noshow option. Use with the --noplot flag has no effect.
Default: OFF
Prevent the plot from showing. Useful when processing many datasets
or when running on a remote machine without window forwarding.
Commonly used with the --pdf option. Use with the --noplot flag has
no effect.
Default: OFF (the plot is displayed)
Skip all plotting steps, and only write the output text file. Use of
this option nullifies any options set with the --pdf, --noshow,
--dots, --Zdots, --SSdots, --colorbar, --colorfill, --ymin, --ymax,
--xmin, and --xmax options.
Default: OFF (plotting is performed)
Plot markers indicating which nucleotides passed both the Z-factor
and standard score filters. Standard score dots are open and plotted
the Z-score dots, which are filled. For large RNAs, this can get
unweildy, especially when using an interactive plotting window.
However, it is useful for troubleshooting when very many or very few
nucleotides are flagged as significantly different.
Default: OFF
Exactly like --dots, except only the dots indicating nucleotides
that pass the Z-factor filter are plotted.
Default: OFF
Exactly like --dots, except only the dots indicating nucleotides
that pass the Standard Score filter are plotted.
Default: OFF
Significant deltaSHAPE differences are highlighted on the plot with
colors that fill between the difference line and zero. This produces
somewhat "prettier" images but can be harder to see for large RNAs
when scaled down. Default behavior is to highlight the plot with
colors that span the entire height of the plot.
Default: OFF
--ymin FLOAT
Set the minimum y-axis value.
Default: Determined automatically
--ymax FLOAT
Set the maximum y-axis value
Default: Determined automatically.
--xmin FLOAT
Set the minimum x-axis value.
Default: Determined automatically
--xmax FLOAT
Set the maximum x-axis value
Default: Determined automatically.
.map files
The .map file is a 4-column tab-delimited format. The columns list:
(1) Nucleotide number (starting at 1)
(2) SHAPE reactivity
(3) Estimated standard error of the reactivity measurement
(4) Nucleotide identity (A, G, C, U)
Positions for which no SHAPE data are available should be included,
with SHAPE reactivity and standard error values set to -999.
output text file
The output file created by deltaSHAPE has eight tab-deliminted
(1) Nucleotide number (starting at 1)
(2) Nucleotide identity (A, G, C, U)
(3) deltaSHAPE value (smoothed difference between conditions 1 & 2)
(4) Z-factor
(5) Standard score
(6) Smoothed reactivity, condition 1
(7) Smoothed reactivity, condition 2
(8) Unsmoothed difference between conditions 1 & 2
(9) Unsmoothed reactivity, condition 1
(10) Unsmoothed reactivity, condition 2
deltaSHAPE values are the smoothed difference between conditions 1 & 2.
They are only reported for nucleotides that are identified as having
strong changes between the two conditions. Values of 0 in the
deltaSHAPE column are reported when the --all flag is used and all
nucleotides, regardless of significance, are reported.
Matt Smola ( ) Weeks Lab, Department of Chemistry University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
M.J. Smola, J.M. Calabrese, and K.M. Weeks. Detection of RNA-protein interactions in living cells with SHAPE. doi:10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00977
N.A. Siegfried, et al. RNA motif discovery by SHAPE and mutational profiling (SHAPE-MaP). Nat. Methods 11, 959-965 (2014).
M.J. Smola, et al. Selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension and mutational profiling (SHAPE-MaP) for direct, versatile, and accurate RNA structure analysis. Nat. Protoc. 10, 1643-1669 (2015).