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BandXR project demo can be found here BANDXR

User Interaction

  • Use the arrow keys (left, right, up, down) to move your character in the room.
  • Hold left click and move the mouse to turn the camera.
  • Use left click to press keys in pianos and drum.
  • Use keys (a,s,d,f...) to press keys in pianos when you standing right next to the pianos.
  • Use left click to focus the whiteboard (while focused, you can't move your character or turn around), then hold left click and drag the mouse to draw something. Reclick the white board to stop focusing on the white board.

Why the project is useful

BandXR is a project allow multiple users to play instruments in a virtual room. This help users stay productive by learning how to play music. Users can entertain themselves during the pandemic without spending money.

What the project does

Storyboard Due to the pandemic, musicians are stuck at home and cannot have in-person meetings to play music with each other. BandXR serves as a virtual and remote way for musicians of all skill levels to congregate and play together with the added benefit of not having to spend money to try new instruments and bother neighbors with loud music.

Our features consist of:


  • 48-key piano for a total of 4 octaves
  • Potential to change the soundfont of the piano
  • Keys will flash red when pressed on


  • Hitting both the head and rim of the drum makes different sounds
  • The head drum will flash red and the rim will flash green when hit


  • The user may click on the whiteboard to upload any image for sheet music
  • The user can drag their mouse on the whiteboard to draw or write on it

Multiuser support
Multiuser support

  • Up to 16 users can join simultaneously (for now)
  • All users can hear each other play notes in real time

Modularity Our application is handled mostly on the client side thus most of our reuseable code is located in the client, such as the room, instruments, and user objects. The server mostly utilizes Player.ts and GameRoom.ts to update what is going on in the room.

Architecture On the client side, we used babylon.js for the graphics, soundfont-player for its musical capability, blender for the 3D models, and Colyseus to send data to the server. On the server side, we use Colyseus to process the client requests and Node.js as the back-end framework.

Dataflow The dataflow of BandXR consists of the client sending their position, rotation angle, and any note they are playing to the server. The server then broadcasts the information to all other users, which their own client then reconstructs players' movement and sound on the client side.

How users can get started with the project

Explain and link to the general structure of the Github repository Point to the main components of your code with links to specific repository folders

This project contains two main folders including client and server.

The client folder includes

  • dist includes all the 3D model you need for the project.
  • soundfont includes all the music sound file for the project.
  • src includes all the source code.
  • src/index.ts is the main source file that will be used to create the scene, the user and all the module.
  • src/meshes is the folder that containing all the module we write for creating the room including virtual instruments, user character and the room itself.
  • src/game includes the network communitation pre-defined by Colyseus.

The server folder includes

  • server/entities includes class that the server use to describe a user. It also defines the data structure got communicated between the server and the client.
  • server/rooms includes the code that handle all the situation related to user behavior, including when new user join the room, user send messages(position update, music sound update) through the network and user leave the room.

To begin with our project, the most important files are listed above. In order to add a new instrument, follow the following steps.

  1. Create a new model from blender or BABYLON JS meshes, download sound file.
  2. Create a class under client/src/meshes.
  3. Import the instrument in the client/src/index.ts, create the instrument.
  4. Add new member variable in server/entities, this will be communicated between client and server.
  5. Play the corresponding sound in client/src/index.ts when client receive message from server.
  6. Recompile the project and run.

Who maintains and contributes to the project

Team 229
Hongxiang Jiang, Graduate Student at UC San Diego
Yucheng Bian, Graduate Student at UC San Diego
Yuepeng Shen, Graduate Student at UC San Diego
Brandon Tran, Undergraduate Student at UC San Diego

Where users can get help with your project Yuepeng Shen Hongxiang Jiang Brandon Tran Yucheng Bian


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Contributors 4
