An easier way to use the **RealSense** SDK! Custom poses, gestures and much more.
Warning: Make sure you have the RealSense SDK version installed before using SharpSenses. This is not ready for production, I'm changing the SDK (breaking changes sometimes) while I add new features, so stay tuned for version 1.0.
Nuget: Install-Package SharpSenses.RealSense
var cam = Camera.Create(Capability.HandTracking);
cam.LeftHand.Visible += (s,a) => Console.WriteLine("Hi left hand!");
cam.RightHand.Closed += (s,a) => Console.WriteLine("Hand Closed");
cam.RightHand.Moved += (s,a) => {
Console.WriteLine("-> x:{0} y:{1}", a.Position.Image.X, a.Position.Image.Y);
For performance reasons, you have to tell the camera which modules will be loaded for use. The available modules are:
- HandTracking,
- FingersTracking,
- GestureTracking,
- FaceTracking,
- FaceRecognition,
- FacialExpressionTracking,
- ImageStreamTracking,
- SegmentationStreamTracking
You can enable the modules when creating the Camera object or calling the method "AddCapability", always before calling "Start".
var cam = Camera.Create(Capability.HandTracking, Capability.FingersTracking);
cam.Gestures.SlideLeft += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Swipe Left");
cam.Gestures.SlideRight += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Swipe Right");
cam.Gestures.SlideUp += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Swipe Up");
cam.Gestures.SlideDown += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Swipe Down");
cam.Poses.PeaceBegin += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Make love, not war");
cam.Poses.PeaceEnd += (s, a) => Console.WriteLine("Bye!");
cam.Face.LeftEye.Blink += (sender, eventArgs) => {
cam.Face.LeftEye.DoubleBlink += (sender, eventArgs) => {
Console.WriteLine("Double Blink");
cam.Face.WinkedLeft += (sender, eventArgs) => {
cam.Face.WinkedRight += (sender, eventArgs) => {
cam.Face.Mouth.Opened += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("-> month opened");
cam.Face.Mouth.Closed += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("-> month closed");
cam.Face.Mouth.Smiled += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("-> month smiled");
##Custom Poses
var pose = PoseBuilder.Create().ShouldBeNear(_cam.LeftHand, _cam.RightHand, 100).Build();
pose.Begin += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("Super pose!");
pose.Begin += (s, a) => DoSomething();
##Facial Expressions
- Anger
- Contempt
- Disgust
- Fear
- Joy
- Sadness
- Surprise
OBS: Unfortunately this feature was deprecated by Intel
##Face Recognition
Anytime you want to recognite a new face, call:
You can always get a notification when a new or pre-recognized face is recognized:
_cam.Face.PersonRecognized += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + a.UserId);
##Voice/Speech Synthesis
Oh yeah, we speak!
cam.Speech.Say("Isn't that cool?");
##Voice/Speech Recognition
I can hear you, man!
cam.Speech.SpeechRecognized += (s, a) => {
Console.WriteLine("-> " + a.Sentence);
Don't forget that you have to have the Intel RealSense SDK v7.0.23.8048 (and the 3d camera, of course) for this library to work!