pod 'WXWaveView'
Or Carthage:
github "WelkinXie/WXWaveView"
Initialize WXWaveView with method " addToView:withFrame: "
self.waveView = [WXWaveView addToView:headerView withFrame:CGRectMake(0, CGRectGetHeight(headerView.frame) - 10, CGRectGetWidth(headerView.frame), 10)];
Of course, you can just give CGRectZero to the method above and use Auto Layout to define its frame.
Perform the method wave when you want it to animate.
[self.waveView wave];
That's it!
The time when the wave lasts. When it is set to zero, the wave will never stop. Default is 1.5.
self.waveView.waveTime = 0.f;
The color of the wave. Default is white.
self.waveView.waveColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];
The speed of the wave. Default is 9.
self.waveView.waveSpeed = 20.f;
The angular speed of the wave. Default is 2.
self.waveView.angularSpeed = 1.8f;
You can also stop the wave manually with the method stop whenever you want.
[self.waveView stop];
What will it be depends on your creativity! Have fun :]
WXWaveView is inspired by KYWaterWaveView. Thanks KittenYang and his contributions.
WXWaveView is released under MIT License.