O sistema deve ser capaz de cadastrar os dados de um usuário para que ele possa ser acessado posteriormente pelo usuário. O sistema deve ser capaz de permitir o cadastro de livros, os livros podem ser separados por categorias, onde posso cadastrar um livro que estou lendo, que quero ler (lista de desejos) e dos livros que eu já concluí a leitura. É interessante que também tenha uma página de quem somos, para identificar o objetivo geral do site solicitado. Há, já estava me esquecendo, o sistema é de uso pessoal.
- Limit value analysis
- should throw an exception if email, full name or password attributes are not provided
- should throw an exception when attempting to register a user with an existing email
- should throw an exception when attempting to register a user with an existing name
- should throw an exception when password is not strong enough
- should not throw an exception when password is safe
- should be return a user by id correctly
- should be return empty Array when user not found
- should throw an exception when fetching users with an invalid field
- should receive the start and end date of the reading if the reading status for 'Complete Reading'
- should throw an exception if dont't receive the start date of reading or don't receive the end date for the status 'Complete Reading'
- should receive the start date of reading and should not receive the end date for the status 'Reading in progress'
- should receive the start date of reading and should not receive the end date for the status 'Reading in progress'
- should throw an exception if receive the start date of reading and receive the end date for the status 'Reading in progress'
- should't receive the start date and end date for the status 'Reading interest
- should be return a filtered books by User correctly
- should be return a book registered by the user correctly