- x86, x64, arm*
- Debian 8 and later
- Ubuntu 16.04 and later
- Latest mainline or stable version, from source
- Optional modules (see below)
- Removed useless modules
- Custom nginx.conf (default does not work)
- Init script for systemd (not provided by default)
- Logrotate conf (not provided by default)
- Block Nginx installation from APT using pinning, to prevent conflicts
- LibreSSL from source (CHACHA20, ALPN for HTTP/2, X25519, P-521)
- OpenSSL from source (TLS 1.3, CHACHA20, ALPN for HTTP/2, X25519, P-521)
- ngx_pagespeed (Google performance module)
- ngx_brotli (Brotli compression algorithm)
- ngx_headers_more (Custom HTTP headers)
- ngx_http_geoip2_module with libmaxminddb and GeoLite2 databases
- ngx_cache_purge (Purge content from FastCGI, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches)
- ngx-fancyindex (Fancy indexes module)