Installation is the same as any vim syntax file, and is not complex. Move the
file to
for a system wide install, or to
for a single user install. NOTE: You may have to create the syntax/
in your ~/.vim/
Once you have moved the syntax file into the correct directory, open up your
and add the following line:
"Recognize whiley file type
augroup filetypedetect
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.whiley setf whiley
augroup END
this should set everything up properly, so that you can see Whiley syntax
highlighting in .whiley
To enable highlighting of trailing whitespace, and tabs mixed with spaces, type the following into vim:
:let whiley_space_error_highlighting=1
:set syntax=whiley
To disable it again, type this:
:unlet whiley_space_error_highlighting
:set syntax=whiley
The reason you have to type :set syntax=whiley
each time is to force vim to
reload the syntax definitions from file, and rehighlight the contents of the