I'm a self-taught software engineer, currently working at OVO Energy. I have a passion for learning new things and have been consumed with teaching myself programming ever since I made my first Python scripts. I currently work heavily in C# (.Net/.Net Core/.Net MVC/.Net Framework/Entity Framework) as a back-end engineer but I also like to dabble with JS/React and Python from time to time and even some Go recently.
A to-do app written in Node/Express/Mongo/React -
Backend (full auth) / Front end / Live Example
I've also been doing the current Advent of Code (2022) in Go. It's been fun! I'll probably start trying to build more things with it.
C# Discord Betting Bot With Dependency Injection/SQL Integration
C# Inventory Manager
When I knew I wanted to be a professional software engineer, I decided to start to focus on skills that would make myself employable and so started to learn how to access databases and design software with real world uses. In my old career, we used an outdated inventory manager and so I wanted to create something that could do a better job than the old piece of software we used at that time.
- Languages/Frameworks Used
- C#
- .Net Framework
- Object Oriented Programming
Discord Mafia/Werewolf Bot
I created a bot for the popular app Discord. This bot was coded in Python and utilises the Discord API and asynchronous Python to play the social party game of Mafia/Werewolf. Please see the readme for more information!
- Languages/Frameworks Used
- Python/Asynchronous Python
- Discord API
- Object Oriented Programming
Face Recognition Website
This is a website that utilises React/Node.js/Express.js/PostgreSQL. It allows a user to register to the website (which is stored in the database and their password is encrypted with Bcrypt). Once in the website a user is able to paste a link to an image of a face in a search box. This image is then displayed on the website automatically and a face recognition API (Clarifai) is contacted (this provides bounding box co-ordinates for a face in an image). I use CSS to render these co-ordinates to display a box around the image highlighting the face. If a face is detected, the user's score is updated.
- Languages/Frameworks Used
- Javascript
- React
- Node/Express
- PostgreSQL
Django Blog/Forum
When I started learning Python, I very much wanted to learn how to create websites. At the time, I was part of a forum community that was using an extremely outdated forum with no real functionality. I thought that I would take it upon myself to create a better environment to talk in by creating a forum using my newly developing programming skills.
Thus, I took it upon myself to learn a very popular Python framework (Django). I started by creating a blog, as I was following a tutorial to get to grips with it but as soon as I learnt that I started progressing on to make the forum itself. I created most of it and enabled user registration (with a database to store usernames/passwords/posts etc) and it was largely completed. I never got around to promoting it, as I left the community shortly after, but I learnt a lot in the process.
- Languages/Frameworks Used
- Python
- Django
- SQLite
As I was learning programming I was also learning digital art as a hobby alongside it. I thought it would be fun to also learn video game development along with my programming studies so that I could combine both my artistic skills and my new passion. Here are a collection of things that I've created on the way:
These are all created with C# and Unity:
Rocket Boost - Playable Demo (Controls: A/D (turn), Space (boost))
- C#
- Javascript
- Go
- Python