💤 Snorlax.nvim: Personal lazyvim customization
Snorlax.nvim is a neovim setup customization from lazyvim for easier customization and better config maintenance. Designed with same workflow as gyarados.nvim (my previous neovim configuration), but with better maintainability from with a lot of pre-configured package and setup by lazyvim (maintained by the community).
This config is made with few goals in mind as the successor of previous gyarados.nvim config
- Remove unnecessary time to fix / maintain plugins update.
- Replace null ls as it had not been maintained anymore (there still exist community driven null ls)
- Replace lspSaga had a lot of breaking changes entering neovim v0.9
- Use the support from community maintained plugins (too much error from broken change in plugins that I use, got too annoying at this point)
- Allocate time more on expanding plugins functionality instead of maintaining current configs (there are a lot of frequent breaking changes when maintaining alone)
- Utilize DAP & Neotest support
Your editor, your style
With easier customization and better maintenance (via community effort)
Syntax Highlighting
Language Server (Definition, Reference, etc...)
Telescope (file finder)
Telescope (live finder)
Workspace diagnostic
File Tree viewer
Symbol Outline
File Format:
Tmux Navigation:
Non-repeat key Training (cowboy.nvim inspired):
Try it with Docker
docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:edge sh -uelic '
apk add git lazygit neovim ripgrep alpine-sdk --update
git clone https://github.com/William9923/snorlax.nvim ~/.config/nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
Install the snorlax.nvim, inspired by LazyVim Starter
Make a backup of your current Neovim files:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
Clone the configs
git clone https://github.com/william9923/snorlax.nvim ~/.config/nvim
Remove the
folder, so you can add it to your own repo laterrm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
Start Neovim! (initial open take quite some times, as it need to download necessary tools & plugins)
Feel free to customize the nvim configs.
Most of snorlax.nvim keymaps use original lazyvim keymaps which can be referred here
Some customization is done by myself to suite my personal usage. Feel free to adjust based on your need (file location provided).
Key | Description | Location (File) |
<leader>ss |
Split window below | config/keymaps.lua |
<leader>ff |
Format Document | config/keymaps.lua |
;l |
Show Lazy UI | config/lazy.lua |
;f |
Telescope find files | plugins/telescope.lua |
;r |
Telescope live grep (search) | plugins/telescope.lua |
;b |
Telescope find buffers | plugins/telescope.lua |
;d |
Telescope show diagnostics | plugins/telescope.lua |
;k |
Telescope show keymaps | plugins/telescope.lua |
;t |
Show TODO | plugins/editor.lua |
<leader>sv |
Split window right | config/keymaps.lua |
<leader>sq |
Close current split window | config/keymaps.lua |
gh |
Lsp Reference | plugins/lsp.lua |
<leader>lr |
Symbol Rename | plugins/lsp.lua |
<leader>la |
Show Code Action | plugins/lsp.lua |
[[ |
Prev Reference | plugins/editor.lua |
]] |
Next Reference | plugins/editor.lua |
<leader>z |
Toggle code folding | config/keymaps.lua |
<leader>, |
Prev buffer | config/lazy.lua |
<leader>. |
Next buffer | config/lazy.lua |
<leader>. |
Next buffer | config/lazy.lua |
<leader>a |
Toggle Symbol Outline | plugins/coding.lua |
<leader>/ |
Comment Code | plugins/comments.lua |
<leader>td |
DAP Test Debug | plugins/lsp.lua |
<leader>ww |
Vimwiki | plugins/notes.lua |
Lazyvim provide some good example recipes to extend the editor. Here are some my personal recipes on top of it to further extend snorlax.nvim capabilities (in progress...)
- In
=> can find and adjust the lua function ofsetup_go_configuration
. It's similar to VScode Debug configuration.
local function setup_go_configuration(dap, configs)
dap.configurations.go = {
type = "go",
name = "Debug",
request = "launch",
program = "${file}",
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
type = "go",
name = "Debug (Arguments)",
request = "launch",
program = "${file}",
args = get_arguments,
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
type = "go",
name = "Debug Package",
request = "launch",
program = "${fileDirname}",
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
type = "go",
name = "Attach",
mode = "local",
request = "attach",
processId = filtered_pick_process,
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
type = "go",
name = "Debug test",
request = "launch",
mode = "test",
program = "${file}",
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
type = "go",
name = "Debug test (go.mod)",
request = "launch",
mode = "test",
program = "./${relativeFileDirname}",
buildFlags = configs.delve.build_flags,
-- TODO: please add your debug configuration here...
if configs == nil or configs.dap_configurations == nil then
for _, config in ipairs(configs.dap_configurations) do
if config.type == "go" then
table.insert(dap.configurations.go, config)
- In
Please add this mini.ai animation plugins.
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = function(_, opts)
local animate = require("mini.animate")
opts.scroll = {
enable = false,
opts.resize = {
enable = false,
opts.open = {
enable = false,
opts.close = {
enable = false,
opts.cursor = {
timing = animate.gen_timing.linear({ duration = 150, unit = "total" }), -- adjust the duration of how the cursor travel (in ms)
- In
Please find nvimdev/dashboard-nvim
plugins and modified it.
event = "VimEnter",
opts = function(_, opts)
-- NOTE: change the greeter logo here (utilize lua array)
local logo = [[
██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗
██║ ██║████╗ ██║██║ ██║╚██╗██╔╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██║ ██║
██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║ ╚███╔╝ ███████║█████╗ ██║ ██║
██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║ ██╔██╗ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║
███████╗██║██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝██╔╝ ██╗██║ ██║███████╗███████╗███████╗
╚══════╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
by: William Ong
logo = string.rep("\n", 8) .. logo .. "\n\n"
opts.config.header = vim.split(logo, "\n")
-- NOTE: change window greeter footer
local footer = function()
local stats = require("lazy").stats()
return {
"⚡ Neovim loaded " .. stats.loaded .. "/" .. stats.count .. " plugins",
opts.config.footer = footer()
opts.config.center = {
-- NOTE: change which action for the window greeter
{ action = "Telescope find_files", desc = " Find file", icon = " ", key = "f" },
{ action = 'lua require("persistence").load()', desc = " Restore Session", icon = " ", key = "s" },
{ action = "Lazy", desc = " Lazy", icon = " ", key = "l" },
{ action = "qa", desc = " Quit", icon = " ", key = "q" },
- In
For the line number, we differentiate the color using autocommands.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter" }, {
callback = function()
vim.cmd("hi LineNrAbove guifg=red ctermfg=red") -- NOTE: line number above current cursor is red. Please use vim color reference for more color.
vim.cmd("hi LineNrBelow guifg=cyan ctermfg=cyan") -- NOTE: line number below current cursor is cyan. Please use vim color reference for more color.
- In
For the file name previewer, we use b0o/incline.nvim
-- buffer filename
event = "BufReadPre",
priority = 1200,
config = function()
highlight = {
groups = {
InclineNormal = { guibg = "cyan", guifg = "black" }, -- color when in buffer
InclineNormalNC = { guifg = "magenta", guibg = "black" }, -- color when not in buffer
window = { margin = { vertical = 0, horizontal = 1 } },
hide = {
cursorline = true,
render = function(props)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ":t")
if vim.bo[props.buf].modified then
filename = "[+] " .. filename -- NeoTree symbol when file modified
local icon, color = require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon_color(filename)
return { { icon, guifg = color }, { " " }, { filename } }
- In
As lazyvim
use noice, for some people the number of messages that pop out might be annoying. Feel free to add any template to filter on the lua table.
opts = function(_, opts)
table.insert(opts.routes, {
filter = {
event = "notify",
find = "No information available",
opts = { skip = true },
table.insert(opts.routes, {
filter = {
event = "msg_show",
-- NOTE: add any not important / annoying message here
any = {
{ find = "%d+L, %d+B" },
{ find = "; after #%d+" },
{ find = "; before #%d+" },
{ find = "%d+ more lines" },
{ find = "%d+ fewer lines" },
{ find = "%d+ lines yanked" },
view = "mini",
opts = { skip = true },
local focused = true
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FocusGained", {
callback = function()
focused = true
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FocusLost", {
callback = function()
focused = false
table.insert(opts.routes, 1, {
filter = {
cond = function()
return not focused
view = "notify_send",
opts = { stop = false },
opts.commands = {
all = {
-- options for the message history that you get with `:Noice`
view = "split",
opts = { enter = true, format = "details" },
filter = {},
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "markdown",
callback = function(event)
opts.presets.lsp_doc_border = false
opts.presets.bottom_search = true
- In
Utilize conform.nvim
plugins for formatting.
dependencies = { "mason.nvim" },
lazy = true,
cmd = "ConformInfo",
opts = {
---@type table<string, conform.FormatterUnit[]>
-- NOTE: add formatter here => formatter installed separately (conform didn't automatically install it for you!)
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = { "stylua" },
sh = { "shfmt" },
-- NOTE: Conform will run multiple formatters sequentially
python = { "black", "isort" },
-- NOTE: Use a sub-list to run only the first available formatter
javascript = { { "prettierd", "prettier" } },
rust = { "rustfmt" },
go = { { "gofmt", "goimports" } },
sql = { "pg_format", "sql_formatter" },
yaml = { "yamlfmt" },
- In
To customize the git blame virtual text, edit the current_line_blame_formatter
field in the gitsigns.nvim
event = "LazyFile",
opts = {
current_line_blame = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame`
current_line_blame_opts = {
virt_text = true,
virt_text_pos = "eol", -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align'
delay = 50,
ignore_whitespace = false,
virt_text_priority = 5000,
current_line_blame_formatter = "<author> • <author_time:%Y-%m-%d> • <summary>",
For other related to LazyVim, please refer to LazyVim recipes page
If you feel that this repo have helped you provide more example on learning software engineering, then it is enough for me! Wanna contribute more? Please ⭐ this repo so other can see it too!