Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Model Consensus Maximization. Based on the single model scenario developed by Thomas Probst et al.
- download 'data' from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i_20qdSdSLnVVkvEaG6lJWl92c6HGNYQ?usp=sharing
- place 'data' inside the repository in such a way the directory tree appears as follows:
-- ulmmcm
| -- bin
| -- data
| -- model
| -- results
| -- syndalib
| -- utils
| -- losses.py
| -- metrics.py
| -- requirements.txt
- setup venv using requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- modify values under "user defined variables" in the script bin/train.py as you wish
- run train.py
- run test.py script
- choose what scenario to test among those listed in the menu
(results are already stored in results/test)
contact me at william.bonvini@outlook.com for any question or doubt!