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Changelogs ‐ DLL

Wimberton edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 83 revisions

All update changelogs will be filtered into this location. Confused on a change? Check our changelogs for more information.

v3.1.5 (12/18/2024)


Fixes and Enhancements

  • Star-quality options fixed to match Palia's classification system modifications.
  • Flow-tree options fixed to match Palia's classification system modifications.

v3.1.4.1 (12/17/2024)

Support for Palia game v0.187.0

v3.1.4 (11/21/2024)

Support for Palia game v0.186.0


  • Remote Shops: Added the Landscaping store to the remote shop list
  • Clothing Fixes: Compatibility with new internal clothing changes

v3.1.3 #2 (10/22/2024)

Support for Palia game v0.185.0

v3.1.3 (09/24/2024)

Support for Palia game v0.184.0

New Features

  • Maji Market Stores: Added new stores to the Maji Market so you can shop for more cool items.


  • Prize Wheel: Tweaked prize wheel timing so you don't get bad rolls as often.
  • API Security Check: Made our software safer by adding session checks.
  • Session Response Fixes: Cleaned up how the game talks to the servers.
  • ESP displays Maji Market Balloon names and colors
  • Toggling the UI is easier, with more options available.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Added a "Select All" button to make it easier to sell or throw away things.
  • You can now manage your backpack and ammo pouch with fewer clicks.
  • Fixed an issue where a security check would sometimes fail.
  • Changed how the swing area looks to make combat smoother.
  • We now use the game’s own function to load the world.
  • Made it easier to see where quests are in the game.
  • Fixed bugs with your backpack order.

Hotkey Changes Toggling The Menu In-Game

  • CTRL + `
  • ALT + `


New Features

  • Auto Refill Focus: Keeps your focus topped up automatically.
  • Unpurchased Furniture ESP: Now shows unpurchased furniture under 'Players & Toggles'.
  • Auto Open Settings: Automatically opens chests and oysters for faster loot collection.
  • Auto Sell Descriptions: Added clear descriptions for what each Auto Sell option handles.
  • Inventory Selling: Interface for selling, moving, and discarding items from both main inventory and ammo inventory.


  • Villager Weekly Wants: Now ignores friendship requirements for additional gift slots.
  • Ore ESP: No longer shows already mined ores.
  • Quest ESP: General improvements for better tracking.
  • GUI Rearrangement: Minor tweaks to the interface layout.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • ESP Performance: Code optimizations for faster ESP processing.
  • Auto Open Settings: Improved handling for chests and oysters.


New Features

  • Villager Weekly Gifts: Now you can see what gifts each villager likes without having to guess or remember. Super easy!
  • Complete Gardening Automation: Gardening just got way easier with these new automatic tools:
  • Auto-Till: Prepares the soil for you.
  • Fast Filling: Fill your Watering Can super-fast.
  • Auto-Weed: Removes pesky weeds automatically.
  • Auto-Harvest: Picks your crops for you.
  • Auto-Replant: Plants new crops in the same spots with the same crops as before.
  • Auto-Fertilize: Lets you decide how much fertilizer to use and applies it for you!


  • Hotkeys Fixed: Hotkeys will only work when you're actually in the game, so no more accidental triggers!
  • Gardening Overlay Tweaks: We made the gardening tools smoother and easier to use, with better fertilizer management.
  • Building Mode Upgrade: Placing fences and rotating buildings is now much easier, even when you're viewing things from above or switching surfaces.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Better ESP Performance: We cleaned up some code to make the ESP (extra game info) features run faster, especially for AutoGardening.
  • Gardening Updates: Your garden locations now stay updated even when you move things around.
  • Stronger Configs: We made sure your settings work better and added a warning if something goes wrong.
  • Gardening Fixes: Fixed some bugs with gardening tools and options in the overlay.
  • ESP Hover Fix: You can now see detailed info when you hover over things on the map again.
  • Home Plot Noclip Fix: Noclipping at your home plot no longer removes static/dynamic environment items!

Fun Extras

  • Spinbot: We added a funny new Spinbot feature that makes your character spin around super fast!
  • AutoSwing Expansion: It’s now easier to interact with things in the game using the expanded AutoSwing function.


Support for Palia game V0.183.0

New Features

  • Notification System: Added notifications for hotkey toggles; configurable positioning.
  • Hotkey Enhancements: Added hotkey support for buttons and checkboxes; Right-click an option to set a hotkey.
  • Housing Placement: Added item movement and rotation controls. (alt/shift + scrolling for rotation | X C Z + scrolling for X, Y, Z control)
  • Auto Gather: Implemented auto-gathering for forages using ESP selected settings.


  • Placement Tweaks: Enhanced rotation and positioning axes; fixed PlacementRotation handling.
  • ESP System: Added text scaling; updated widget functions; simplified config saving.
  • Autosell: Optimized for trees and general store; tableized structure.

Fixes / Enhancements

  • Ore ESP: Fixed crashes and reappearing ores in ESP.
  • GameplayUI: Resolved crashes and ore visibility issues.
  • General: Fixed merge conflicts, ImGui Sell option, and other minor bugs.

Technical Changes

  • Detour Manager: Reconfigured for better function handling.
  • CMakeLists: Updated to align with project needs.
  • Component Validation: Implemented IsComponentValid checks.


Support for Palia game V0.182.0

  • ESP Colors Save: ESP colors are now saved between sessions.
  • InteliAim Transparency: Change the transparency of the InteliAim peripherals.
  • Fast Tools: Added for quicker tool usage.
  • Auto Swap Tools: automatically switch your tools to the most appropriate one when within ranges to use it.
  • Gates Removal: Gates are now removed once again.
  • Direct Level/World Teleportation: Instantly traverse to different levels or worlds like the underground, Kilima, Bahari, etc.
  • Infinite Gold Exploit: Unrepair your tool for infinite gold.
  • Store Buy Multiplier: Customize the number of items bought at a time from stores.
  • Infinite Jump Mod: A new movement feature, allowing for unlimited, customizable jumping.


  • Equip Any Outfit or Glider
  • Fulfill Infinite Player Requests
  • AntiReport - No snitching
  • AutoGathering of all loot
  • Waypoint Teleport without map
  • Recode to majority of the core components
  • Improvements to Silent Aim
  • Improvements to InteliAim
  • Improvements to Waypoint TP


  • SDK changes (Stability Attempt)
  • More checks (Stability Attempt)
  • More reuseability (Performance)
  • ESPs naming changes
  • Open Guild stores remotely (Rambolo)
  • Open Player storage remotely (Rambolo)
  • Fixed some ESPs not being in the correct UI options (Bug types)
  • Fixed rare chance of crash when listboxes weren't able to populate.
  • Teleport to targeted now wont teleport with the Overlay opened
  • Teleport to targeted won't hold onto outdated target actors
  • InteliAim Circle option moved into Aimbots & Fun tab


  • Major changes to codebase redundancy. Smoother, better gameplay.


  • Completely rehauled validity checks (Void & Rambolo)
  • Slightly better animal TP targeting
  • Custom interaction distance option
  • ESP rendering rehaul [distance / priority rendering]


  • Customizable Avoidance Radius
  • Customizable Max Housing Placement Height
  • Toggle Display Watermark
  • Other minor changes to UI and Processes


  • Updated to support the latest Palia (1.180.1) Update for Steam & Standalone
  • Minor naming changes to the UI Tabs
  • Added More Toggle all ESP Buttons
  • Added ore ESP despawn timer displays (Rambolo)


  • Fixed issue with InteliAim not targeting on 2.6.9
  • Fixed issue with CMake files adding invisible space (Diyagi)


  • Configuration completely rehauled! (Diyagi)
  • Fixed minor problems with InteliAim and feature toggling
  • Start of ESP button recoding


  • Minigame Skipping Feature (Diyagi) (Skips minigames gameplay instantly)


  • Saving current Menu size XY for next startups (Cole Hart)
  • Removed ESP Limit distance checkbox
  • Replaced current ESP Distance limitations with min 10 - max 999


  • Better handling of Ore ESPs when ore node is unavailable (Marlon Colhado)
  • Fix to the Location (262) error! For now... (Void)
  • Clamping max an min of the ESP distances (Wimberton)


  • Fixed issue with Skills / Fishing tabs being interconnected
  • Added check for primary player is ESPs. Will not show your name. (Start of resolution to ESP ghost objects)
  • Moved the AntiAFK button to the Aimbots & Fun tab
  • Fixed issue with crashing of Selling tab when unavailable character / store controllers


  • Fixed issue with Fishing disabling automatically on menu usage


  • Introduced AntiAfk (Helpful when fishing, stops all potential AFK issues nonetheless)
  • Removed capture fishing button (no need anymore)
  • Cleaned up selectable fishing locations


  • Improved Auto-Sell for fishing. Selling works always, even at your home base (enigmaquip)


  • Added fishing locations dropdown (enigmaquip) (marloncolhado)


  • Reverted config changes to styling
  • Fixed housing placement issues from 2.5.1


  • Made the user config a bit easier to read


  • Global Game Speed + Fishing Cooperates now
  • Fast Fishing smoothed and recoded for GOD-LIKE effects
  • Sloppy start of public save code pushed
  • Config File Live Editing / Management

V2.4_HOTFIX #2

  • Reintroduced the buttons for enabling ESP options


  • Fixed some issues with fishing options with the saving of values
  • Fixed text rendering / scaling issues. Looks better.


  • ESP Toggled options save to config. All of them (colors not included yet)


  • Fixed issues with saving fishing pools and fast fishing


  • Fixed capture fishing and override options
  • Added the fishing options to the main config saving


  • Added fishing chest opening / storage of items (enigmaquip)
  • Added ESP text scaling option
  • Changed fishing mechanic. Fast-fishing now handled properly
  • Fixed issue when trying to enable / disable aimbot settings


  • Added map waypoint teleportation
  • Merged Core Saving. Saves main values like speeds and others (interbound)
  • Cleaned up general processing and hooking
  • Other various changes to event processing


  • Updated to support Palia game version 0.180.0


  • Switched from sliders to inputs for Game Speed.


  • Added place housing items anywhere.


  • [HOTFIX] Persistent movement component is working now. Movement customizations should stay between world swaps.


  • Gate removal approved.
  • Remove gates (stables) in the world. Removes the crashing issue from most situations.
  • Character movement persistent changes. Saves your movement settings between world swaps.


  • Pickable List now populates from enabled Forageable ESP options
  • Added a slight Z increase to the pickable list entries
  • Changed the only 2 instances of K2_TeleportTo to K2_SetActorLocation, as the rest of the project uses it


  • Swapped back to input values for Movement controls. Provides granular control while testing and for more options.
  • Added more movement hooking (Ballsackulon)


  • Added missing home FoliageOnPlot ESP actor names
  • Names would still show, but without the proper names, reverted them
  • Minor name tweaks
  • Changed Wim's spot to only show up while in Kalima
  • Reverted teleport to targeting disabled by default (hotkeys coming)
  • Reverted changes from non-button Player/Entity ESP options back to buttons
  • Added pickables teleportation list (tied to forageable ESP visibility)
  • Slight changes to the targeting teleportation again


  • Renamed PaliaHook to OHook
  • Removed the annoying building output messages related to overriding /MDd to /MD
  • Moved 'Player & Entities' options with the rest of the togglable ESP options
  • Moved 'Others' to its own option under 'Player & Entities'
  • Changed the order of the ESP categories
  • Changed Return to Home button to its own entry in the Teleport List
  • Changed NPC, Animal, Loot, Teleport names slightly
  • Removed Clear Housing Cooldown (Didn't work?)
  • Removed Home Plot Trees, Rocks (At housing plot ESP seems like more moving parts)
  • Removed 'Star' label and checkboxes for Coral and Shell (Pretty sure they don't exist?)
  • Disabled teleport to targeted by default


  • [HOTFIX] Fishing selling mechanics reverted to Discard slot 1
  • Fixed issue with auto-fishing crashes due to fishing rod not found.
  • Identified issues with map reloading and local movement values. Will be fixed and persistent in the next patch.
  • Changed how fish selling works. Now sells Junk / Fish, with the option to destroy Waterlogged chests or send them to primary storage.
  • Made teleporting to a listed location require double-clicking. This will be handy for edit/remove location buttons later on.


  • Start of custom location listings. Currently can add during your session. Time to work on general configs and saving.


  • Slight changes to how targeted teleportation works. Might mitigate some of the ground issues.


  • Automatically sell all fish items when instant fishing, not just slot 1


  • Added auto-destroy slot 1 unsellable items such as Waterlogged chests
  • Added auto-fishing rod recasting
  • Added better implementation for auto-selling


  • Final patch of compatibility with Standalone/Steam editions.
  • Unless more major issues are reported, the final major release while I work on some restructuring.


  • Added multithreaded runtime support for common runtime components.
  • Removed junk code pertaining to ESP functionality in level loading


  • Added steamAPI support
  • Modified Basic.hpp to include non-constant object values for steamAPI pointer swapping during initialization
  • Removed my personal loader (for now) until I rework it fully to work for this specific tool. Thanks for your patience
  • Started work of restructuring general calls to the objects such as ValeriaCharacter, ValeriaPlayerController, etc


  • Legacy Aimbot now only triggers during bow usage, and while not in the OriginPalia menu
  • Fixed an issue with toggling the OriginPalia menu with the INSERT hotkey, and manually toggling using the X menu button