Software platform for the Semantic Web of Linked Data
Corese has entered a new era. The project has been moved under the care of the Corese-stack organization on GitHub. Further development and maintenance of Corese will be fully-open and done under the new organization, starting with members of Wimmics, P16 teams from INRIA, and members from Probabl leading the project.
We still maintain the different diffusion channels. You can still find the latest stable releases of each corese application on Maven, Docker, Flathub, and Pip.
Formerly Corese-library, allows the usage of Corese to manipulate RDF data, execute SPARQL queries, SHACL shapes and LDScript scripts through an API.
Command Line Interface for Corese that allows users to interact with Corese features from the terminal.
Server application allowing the creation, configuration, and management of SPARQL endpoints.
Graphical interface that allows easy and visual use of Corese features.
Python wrapper for accessing and manipulating RDF data with Corese features using py4j.
Application used to test and evaluate the application of Corese to the different W3C standards.
The backend plugin to interface with RDF4J.
The backend plugin to interface with Jena.
Corese is a software platform implementing and extending the standards of the Semantic Web. It allows to create, manipulate, parse, serialize, query, reason and validate RDF data.
Corese implement W3C standards RDF, RDFS, SPARQL1.1 Query & Update, OWL RL, SHACL … It also implements extensions like STTL SPARQL, SPARQL Rule and LDScript.
There are several interfaces for Corese:
- Corese-library: Java library to process RDF data and use Corese features via an API.
- Corese-server: Tool to easily create, configure and manage SPARQL endpoints.
- Corese-gui: Graphical interface that allows an easy and visual use of Corese features.
- Corese-Command: Command Line Interface for Corese that allows users to interact with Corese features from the terminal.
- Corese-Python (beta): Python wrapper for accessing and manipulating RDF data with Corese features using py4j.
- Download from maven-central
<!-- jena storage -->
<!-- rdf4j storage -->
- Documentation: Getting Started With Corese-library
- Download from Docker-hub
docker run --name my-corese \
-p 8080:8080 \
-d wimmics/corese
- Alternatively, download Corese-server jar file.
wget ""
java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" "corese-server-4.5.0.jar"
- Documentation:
- Download on Flathub
- Or download Corese-gui jar file.
wget ""
java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" "corese-gui-4.5.0.jar"
- Download on Flathub
- Or download Corese-command jar file.
wget ""
java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" "corese-command-4.5.0.jar"
- Alternatively, use the installation script for Linux and MacOS systems.
curl -sSL | bash
To uninstall:
curl -sSL | bash
If you're using zsh, replace
- Documentation: Getting Started With Corese-command
- Download Corese-python jar file.
wget ""
java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" "corese-library-python-4.5.0.jar"
- Documentation: Getting Started With Corese-python
Download source code and compile.
git clone ""
cd corese
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Use the "Cite this repository" option on the right side of this page.
For support questions, comments, and any ideas for improvements you'd like to discuss, please use our discussion forum. We welcome everyone to contribute to issue reports, suggest new features, and create pull requests.
- Corese website
- Documentation
- Source code
- Corese server demo
- Changelog
- Mailing list: corese-users at
- Subscribe to the mailing list: corese-users-request at subject: subscribe