This repo is for passing the NIST Benchmark tests with the Franka Emika Panda Robot.
Follow the instruction in doc/ to setup everything.
To run this repo...
- In simulation, follow the instructions in doc/
- On the bot, follow the instructions in doc/
Our code is in the src/panda_benchmark package. Please only put any additional scripts there.
Note: If you get an error about
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
, please runexport LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1
and your issue should be fixed. -
Panda limits for motion are located here. If you go beyond them, you will get the error
libfranka: Move command aborted: motion aborted by reflex! ["cartesian_reflex"]
. After that any other command will throw the errorlibfranka: Set Joint Impedance command rejected: command not possible in the current mode ("Reflex")!
UNTIL the joints are locked and unlocked. -
If you ever see the error
libfranka: Set Joint Impedance command rejected: command not possible in the current mode ("Reflex")!
along with the error on Franka Desktop ofConfigured Force Thresholds Reached.
and they keep on popping up even when moving very little/slowly and pop up when moving to the "pack" position in Settings > System > Move Robot to Transport Pose (even after you reboot), you will need to factory reset the bot by using the button under Settings > System > Factory Reset.
Source of RelaxedIK (Panda URDF has been midly modified):
More detailed instructions that help with installing RelaxedIK ROS1:
Source of franka_description: