This tool aims to give a simple access to all non-technical protagonists of a projet to Github issues and add some extra features like screenshots upload.
Based on Silex micro-framework and Twitter Bootstrap.
Clone the project:
git clone
Retrieve submodules (Twitter Boostrap) content:
git submodule update --init
Run composer:
composer install
(more info on
Create your local config file and edit it:
cp app/config/config.php.dist app/config/config.php
vi app/config/config.php
Chmod your upload dir
chmod 777 web/upload
-> whether in production or notbase_url
-> url to your web directory, where index.php is locatedlocale
-> default app language (en, fr currently)repositories
-> list of repositories managed by the tool
: use a temporary repository for lambda users if you do not want to give access to your final repository to them. Define in which repo pending issues are stored and transfer them to final repo after approval
if do not want to use this feature
'pending_repo' => array(
'user' => 'userforpendingrepo',
'repo' => 'repoforpendingrepo',
'allowed_users' => array('thisusercanapprovependingissue', 'thisonetoo', 'andalsothatone'),
## Changelog
* v 1.2.0 Added Pending Issues
* v 1.1.0 Added Bookmarklet
* v 1.0.0 Initial version
## Requirements
* PHP 5.3.x
* curl extension activated
* add label(s) when creating a new issue
## Screenshots
![add issue bookmarklet](
<p>Add an issue via Bookmarklet</p>
![add issue bookmarklet 2](
<p>Add an issue via Bookmarklet (bis)</p>
![Github Issue with screen](
<p>View screenshot directly in Issue + extra infos!</p>