This PowerShell module implements functions that can be used to make maintaining packages with AU even easier.
To Learn more about AU, please refer to their relevant documentation
- Ability to push out fix versions for both 4-part versions and pre-release versions by calling a single function.
- Ability to easily get the url that is being redirected to.
- Ability to update either a single or multiple metadata elements
Please read our documentation for an overall view of the functions available:
Wormies-AU-Helpers requires a minimally PowerShell version 3: $host.Version -ge '3.0'
To install it, use one of the following methods:
: [
Install-Module wormies-au-helpers
]: [
choco install wormies-au-helpers
]: [
choco install wormies-au-helpers --source --pre
]- Download the 7z archive from the latest
, or latest appveyor build artifact
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Kim J. Nordmo 🚧 | RB 💻 🐛 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!