代码实现基于 pytorch 1.71
paper link: http://www.ecice06.com/CN/10.19678/j.issn.1000-3428.0063674
General setting: number of variables is 5; Erdos-Renyi model with parameter 0.3; lag is 1.
Run a demo of Our model :
python main.py
and the baseline methods :
python baseline/baseline_main.py
Our model :
nohup bash run.sh &
the results will be stored in 'output' folder and to summarize the results with all settings :
python result_combine.py
the results under different settings will be stored in 'result' folder;
And the baseline methods :
nohup bash baseline/baseline_run.sh &
the results will be stored in 'baseline/baseline_output' folder, and to summarize the results with all settings :
cd baseline
python baseline_result_combine.py
the results under different settings will be stored in 'baseline_result' folder.