A mobile dictionary application for SailfishOS including the Heinzelnisse dictionary heinzelnisse.info and supporting dict.cc export files
Sebastian J. Wolf sebastian@ygriega.de
Licensed under GNU GPLv2
- Chinese: dashinfantry
- Dutch: d9h02f
- Italian: Alessandro Pra'
- Hungarian: Szabó Géza
- Polish: Atlochowski
- Slovak: okruhliak
- Spanish: carlosgonz
- Swedish: Åke Engelbrektson
Code contributions
This project uses
- the Norwegian-German dictionary from heinzelnisse.info - Updated on September 16, 2021 - Thanks to the authors Heiko Klein and Julia Emmerich for making the dictionary accessible under the conditions of the GNU GPLv2!
- Dict.cc dictionaries
- the QuaZIP library to extract ZIP archives