Manage all your loans with a personal loan tracker.
Personal Loan Application • API Documentation
DNA is an open-source project which was initiated at Automation Cube(Wuralab). It's a personal loan tracker with mobile client, it aims to solve innefficient tracking and payments of loans by applying digital documentation and tracking of loan records. Thus an individual is well aware of how much debt they've incurred or have given out; and the further details as capital, interest,expiry date and all payments asscociated with the loan can be easily retrieved and updated conveniently. Notifications can also be sent to the phone number, push notifications and emails depending on user needs. This app could be Used by Individulas and Agencies who want to track their loan record through a smart process 😁.
// Some Information
Set up the back-end To make use of the API;
There are two ways to set it up
- Setting it up locally
- Setting it using docker-compose
The project uses environment variables for configuration, which starts with DEV_DATABASE_. To configure the connection to our database, we need to specify the DB name, user, password, and host. In the root project folder create a file called .env
and fill it with the content in the .env.example
This method is suitable for anyone who wish to run the project locally without docker.
To run this application locally on your PC, you should have the following installed
git clone
Using Pipenv
pipenv shell
Using pip3
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Using Python
python runserver
To test the application, open your browser and type this in the Url address bar
The application can be run using docker also, you should the following installed
- run
docker-compose build
to build the docker image - run
docker-compose up -d
to run the docker container
Application runs on port 8000
is set to trust
to allow access to postgres port without a password.
Though not recommended; Can be replaced with docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your_password>
Download the Personal Loan Tracker App
Python/Django + PostgreSQLDB
If you have any questions or need help send a DM on to any of the amazing developers.
┗ 📦.github
┗ 📦workflows
┣ 📜ci.yml
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┣ 📜
┣ 📜
┗ 📦migrations
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┣ 📜
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┣ 📜password_reset_emai.html
┣ 📜password_reset_emai.txt
┣ 📜.env.example
┣ 📜.gitignore
┣ 📜Dockerfile
┣ 📜Procfile
┣ 📜
┣ 📜docker-compose.yml
┣ 📜
┣ 📜requirements.txt
There are many ways you can contribute and help this project. Here a few ones:
- Star this Repository.
- Up vote issues with 👍 reaction so we know what's the demand for particular issue to prioritize it within road map.
- Create issues every time you feel something is missing or goes wrong.
- Provide pull requests for all open issues and especially for those with help wanted and good first issue labels.