Tick 0.3
New release of tick : Tick 0.3
Tick is now usable on windows systems: it can be compiled from the source code, so installation on windows is now "almost" easily (although pip is not working on windows yet).
This new version introduces also a large number of new features and fixes, listed below.
New features
- Score metric to Hawkes EM, with exp kernels and ADM4
- A bunch of new models for linear supervised learning (several Hinge loss, Huber, for classification and regression, etc.)
- Computation of the exact Hawkes log-likelihood
- Asynchronous SVRG - gives SVRG a multi-threaded option
- The SAGA solver
- Sum of exponential kernels for log-likelihood Hawkes model
- Strong improvement of SVRG for sparse data: fully sparse updates
- Hawkes Model with least squares can be serialized
- Refactoring of FeaturesBinarizer blocks properties
- SDCA now supports Poisson regression with identity link
- Robust inference : tick.inference.RobustLinearRegression, and some metrics and robust standard deviation estimates
- Hessian for hawkes exponential kernels likelihood
- ProxL2 and ProxGroupL1, new C++ class ProxWithGroups class
- Allow simulation of point processes with thresholded negative intensties
Compilation improvements
- Support for mkn build tool - general compilation/swig execution/google tests faster and better (in particular with ccache)
- better builds on windows : mkn support for Anaconda python and MSVC
- Anaconda on windows - C++ compilation check for cBLAS - fixes for mkn/gtests
- Ensure all python tests are run and corrected some unittests
- Fixes unit tests on windows
- Removing -Werror because our dependency cereal raises a Warning
- Set default values for base array 2d n_cols and n_rows
- Moved safe_array tests in Models instead of Learners
- Modified the tick.plot.stems function to handle better matplotlib and bokeh rendering and remove warnings due to the new version of bokeh
- Extra tests for GLM models : with intercept VS hard-coded intercept
- Intel® partnership
- Documentation page to use tick in R
- Fork me ribbon on the doc's main front page
- Improvement of the solvers docstrings, with preciese descriptions of the iterations and more mathematical details
- Update and reorganization of the models documentation
- Merge DOC and doc folders and rename doc_cpp folder
- Split README.md into other smaller files