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AFS Voice List

End-User-Person edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 38 revisions

Voice AFS list

This huge table contains documentation for every AHX file found in event_adx_e_adx.afs. Despite ADX being in the filename, SA2 does NOT support the ADX format in this archive. WAV and AHX are allowed only. Using WAV will bloat the archive to 300mb+, so please stick to using the AHX format.

Use CTRL + F to search for specific lines, or type common lines in the find bar that would match where a line would be used. For example, type "ugly" to find Shadow's "Get out, you ugly prototype!" line for clearing the Biolizard boss fight.

The English voice files are located in the EVENT_ADX_E.AFS archive, while the Japanese voices are stored in the EVENT_ADX.AFS archive. Both files are in all versions of the game, and the voice files are saved in the .ahx format. They can be played back in any media player that supports the VGMStream codec or CRI ADX tools.
On the Dreamcast version, these archives are stored in the SONIC2 folder.
The GameCube version places these files in the root of the disc.
The PC version stores the files in the resource\gd_PC folder.
The GameCube and 2012 re-releases contain the same voice data, while the Dreamcast version lacks many of the multiplayer sounds.

For the sake of readability, the list of voice clips will be split into three parts containing up to 1000 clips each. These lists assume that the very first entry is labeled as 0000.

Part 1

This section contains voice entries from 0000-0999.

Click here to view entries 0000-0999.
# Character Dialogue Notes
0000 Pilot Sigma Alpha 2, heading due south over the city. We're on route, everything's a go.
0001 Radio This is control tower; we have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured hedgehog aboard, over.
0002 Pilot That's a ten-four. Cargo secured on board and - What?!? E0000 Intro
0003 Radio Didn't copy that, over!
0004 Pilot The hedgehog is gone! He's taken out everyone aboard and...what in the world?!?
0005 Pilot Freeze! What do you think you're doing?! Get that hedgehog!!
0006 Radio What's wrong?!? Come in, over!!
0007 Sonic Talk about low-budget flights! No food or movies? I'm outta here!
0008 Sonic I like running better.
0009 Sonic Yeah!! End of E0000
0010 Sonic This game of tag is boring, I'm outta here! E0001 Big Foot Boss Intro
0011 Sonic Hmm, finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on! E0001 Big Foot Boss Intro
0012 Sonic These robots are a total pain in the... Unused E0002 Intro
0013 Sonic What? E0002 Intro
0014 Shadow It all starts with this.
0015 Shadow A jewel containing the ultimate power.
0016 Sonic That's the... Chaos Emerald!
0017 N/A beep Empty AHX file
0018 Sonic Now I know what's going on.
0019 Sonic The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!
0020 Sonic So, where do you think you're going with that Emerald?
0021 Sonic Say something! You fake hedgehog!
0022 Shadow Chaos... Control!
0023 Sonic Wow, he's fast!
0024 N/A beep Empty AHX file
0025 Sonic Hey, it's not his speed.
0026 Sonic He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!
0027 Shadow My name is Shadow. I'm the world's Ultimate Life Form. There's no time for games; farewell!
0028 Sonic Kuu! ...Shadow... what is he?
0029 G.U.N. Don't move; stay where you are. Keep your hands up in the air!
0030 Sonic Huh?
0031 Sonic Not again...
0032 Sonic Shoot! End of E0002
0033 Rouge Just let it go! You just don't know when to give up, do you?
0034 N/A beep
0035 Knuckles What are you talking about? That Emerald's mine. You got that? The Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emeralds; that makes it very powerful.
0036 Knuckles What the?!?
0037 N/A beep
0038 Rouge Wha -- thief!!
0039 Knuckles Look who's calling who a thief.
0040 Eggman I came here following the signal from the emerald. If I'm not mistaken, this is the Master Emerald, is it not?
0041 Knuckles It's you... Doctor Eggman.
0042 Rouge So that's Doctor Eggman.
0043 Eggman Well, I guess I can use it for something. I'll just take it with me. Farewell, Knucklehead.
0044 Knuckles Not if I can help it!
0045 Rouge AHHHH!
0046 Rouge What was that all about?! And look what you did to my Emerald!
0047 Knuckles I did that to prevent it from being stolen, you idiot! If it's in pieces, I can restore it. And by the way, that's not your Emerald.
0048 Eggman Hmm... doesn't matter. I'll look into it once I get back to the base.
0049 Rouge I despise anyone who takes jewels from me. All the world's gems are mine to keep!
0050 Knuckles Yeah, well we'll see about that, bat girl!
0051 Eggman What?
0052 Tails There's no mistake about it; this must be the island. It's a secret military base that is reinforced, and super strong. It's called Prison Island.
0053 Tails I heard the news about it on satellite TV. I still can't believe that Sonic would destroy the military buildings, or rob the bank. Wait for me, okay Sonic? I'm on my way.
0054 Tails What?!?
0055 Tails Hey, look, it's Amy! And Eggman too. What's Amy doing here?
0056 Tails Doesn't matter. I have to help Amy, because she's in danger. Tornado Transformation!
0057 Eggman This time I'll let you go. But the next time we meet, you won't be so lucky.
0058 Amy Wow Tails, you did it! But what are you doing here on this island?
0059 Tails I'm the one who should be asking that question. Don't you know it's dangerous here?
0060 Amy I know, but I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!
0061 Tails Again?
0062 Amy Hurry! I know Eggman's up to no good again!
0063 Tails Okay. You stay here, I'll be right back.
0064 Amy Don't leave without me! I wanna help Sonic too!
0065 Sonic Huh? Amy?
0066 Amy Shh! Keep your voice down! Have no fear...Amy Rose is here!
0067 Sonic How'd you get here?
0068 Amy Well, if you gotta know, I caught a ride with Tails.
0069 Amy Are you sure you don't need my help? It looks like you could use it.
0070 Sonic The reason I'm in here is because of that fake hedgehog!
0071 Amy You mean... that black hedgehog?
0072 Sonic Did you see it? Where is it now?
0073 Amy If I tell ya, will you marry me?
0074 Sonic No way!
0075 Amy I thought I had you this time.
0076 Amy That black hedgehog came here with Dr. Eggman.
0077 Sonic So Eggman's behind this, huh?
0078 Amy What's all that writing on the walls anyway? Did you write that?
0079 Amy Wait for me, Sonic! He's such a brat sometimes.
0080 Sonic Phew, so far so good.
0081 Sonic Hey, that's-
0082 Shadow That blue hedgehog again, of all places!
0083 Sonic I found you, faker!
0084 Shadow Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Hah! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
0085 Sonic I'll make you eat those words!
0086 Eggman Shadow! What are you doing?! Hurry and get back here right now before the island blows up with you on it!
0087 Sonic Blows up?!
0088 Sonic I gotta get outta here, and find Amy and Tails... right away!
0089 Knuckles This place sure feels haunted... There's no time to lose. I have to hurry and find the Master Emerald.
0090 Eggman Hahahah! Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully. My name is Dr. Eggman, the world's greatest scientist! And soon to be the world's greatest ruler! 0090 to 0093 are leftovers from the FMV sequence featuring Eggman's global threat
0091 Eggman From this moment forward, you are all citizens of the great Eggman Empire! Unused
0092 Eggman Now, witness the beginning of the greatest empire of all time! Hahaha!
0093 Eggman Mwhahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!
0094 Amy Look! Half of the Moon is gone?!
0095 Sonic Eggman! Oh, that creep never gives up!
0096 Tails But how did he manage to harness all that energy?
0097 Sonic It's got to be the Chaos Emeralds... Yeah, that's why they were looking for 'em!
0098 Sonic Tails?!
0099 N/A beep
0100 Tails The Chaos Emeralds are like magnets; they have the power to attract each other. I can use that to find where Eggman is!
0101 N/A beep
0102 Police The three of you, freeze! Put your hands up in the air and get on the ground!
0103 Sonic Tails, I'll take care of the police, while you try and find a way outta here. Find Eggman!
0104 Tails Got it!
0105 Amy "The three of you?" That means me, too! Hey, wait!
0106 N/A beep
0107 N/A beep
0108 N/A beep
0109 N/A beep
0110 N/A beep
0111 N/A beep
0112 N/A beep
0113 N/A beep
0114 Knuckles Hmm... I didn't expect the inside of the mines to be like this. This is gonna be tougher than I thought!
0115 Sonic Sheesh! There always seems to be a lot of police around when you don't need 'em. Tails, any news yet?
0116 Tails For some reason, I'm not getting a signal from the six remaining Chaos Emeralds. Maybe Eggman took the Emeralds into outer space.
0117 Sonic Okay! Let's meet up there!
0118 Police There's a dead end up ahead. Spread out and find them! Unused
0119 Amy Outer space?
0120 Amy Knuckles!
0121 N/A beep
0122 Knuckles Hey guys. Long time no see! I must have got lost in the mines. Looking for those Master Emerald pieces was tougher than I thought it would be. Where are we, anyway?
0123 Knuckles Hey, where are you going?!
0124 Amy Move aside, Knuckles!
0125 Tails I managed to find the transcrpits between Eggman and the President in the government computer. I'm following the President's limo right now.
0126 Amy Hey! Wait for me, Tails!
0127 Tails If we get into the limo, we can trace the call to find Eggman!
0128 Secretary Mr. President, reports show that since the incident three hours ago, the country is in turmoil. Our financial communities are impacted and our satellite communications are down. An emergency meeting has been called. Mr. President, this is a national crisis.
0129 President Spare me the details. Exactly just what is it that you want... Dr. Eggman?
0130 Eggman Hahaha! Well, let's just get down to business then, shall we, Mr. President? I won't bore you with all the details since I know you are a very busy man. Mr. President, my demands are quite simple: Surrender to the Eggman Empire and make no attempts to resist! Otherwise...
0131 President Otherwise?
0132 Eggman Otherwise your country will cease to exist! You have 24 hours to give me your answer!
0133 Sonic No way!
0134 President What the?
0135 Eggman Sonic! You...!
0136 President What the heck is going on here?
0137 Sonic Eggman Empire... Yeah right!
0138 President Oh no! What did you do?!
0139 Sonic Don't worry, Mr. President. Everything's under control. Just leave it to us! Got it, Tails?
0140 N/A beep
0141 Tails I got it! He's transmitting from the Space Colony ARK!
0142 Tails Wait up, Sonic!
0143 Sonic Okay! Let's move it!
0144 President Hey you, wait!
0145 Secretary Mr. President, we're receiving an incoming signal from our agent.
0146 Sonic chuckle
0147 Sonic grunt
0148 Sonic Inside that pyramid?
0149 Knuckles I saw Eggman go inside the pyramid, and more importantly, I saw that bat girl go inside with him as well. You saw them too, right?
0150 Amy Well, yeah.
0151 Sonic We should be able to get into outer space from there. I don't know what this space colony is all about, but I'll find and destroy that cannon, and then kick their imperial butts!
0152 Knuckles All right!
0153 Tails I'll go and find the entrance!
0154 Tails Looks like we're heading toward the center of the base.
0155 Sonic That Egghead sure loves mechanical things, doesn't he? I'll bet he has one or two spaceships lying around here somewhere.
0156 Tails The door is locked. We need a key to get in there!
0157 Sonic No problem! We can find it, right Knuckles?
0158 Knuckles What? Why do I have to find the key?
0159 Sonic We're counting on you, buddy! The world's greatest treasure hunter!
0160 Knuckles Huh? Who's there?
0161 Knuckles What the... a ghost?
0162 Knuckles What?! A ghost?! Alternate take of 0161
0163 Knuckles sigh That was pretty rough!
0164 Tails We did it! Let's go, Amy!
0165 Eggman You little thieves! Did you really think you could get out of here alive?
0166 Sonic Come and get some, Eggman!
0167 Tails Sonic!
0168 Sonic Just leave it to me!
0169 Eggman This time, I'll take your lives as well as the Chaos Emerald! I call on you to destroy these pests! Come out, my servant!
0170 Amy Yeah!
0171 Amy Eh?!
0172 Tails Whoa!
0173 Sonic Whoa!
0174 Announcer Green light for launch. Primary engine ignition on. Beginning liftoff countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... 0174 to 0186 are leftovers from the shuttle FMV sequence
0175 Announcer 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
0176 Announcer Shuttle liftoff!
0177 Sonic So this is the space colony where Eggman is hiding.
0178 Sonic What the?!
0179 Tails Is everyone all right? We should be landing soon.
0180 Knuckles Oh no! The hatch doors are open!
0181 Sonic Don't sweat it, Knuckles! The only thing in the cargo bay are those Master Emeralds... right?
0182 Knuckles What do you mean, "don't sweat it"? Land the shuttle and let me out!
0183 Sonic Knock it off, Knuckles! We're gonna crash this thing if you keep that up... OH NO! Don't touch that lever!
0186 Tails WHAAAAAAA
0187 Sonic What's up with that knucklehead, anyway? Trying to take over the shuttle... I thought we were toast for sure!
0188 Sonic Huh? Where did he go now?
0189 Tails Looks like he bailed.
0190 Amy This place looks deserted. Dusty too!
0191 Tails This place was shut down about 50 years ago because of a terrible accident.
0192 N/A beep
0193 Tails The first Bernoulli spherical space colony, called ARK.
0194 Tails When it was operational, it was the most advanced research center of its kind, but looking at it now...
0195 Amy Now it's an abandoned ARK, wouldn't you say?
0196 Sonic There's not much time left before Eggman fires that weapon again. We've got to hurry! Let's find the cannon and destroy it!
0197 Tails Yeah!
0198 Tails Someone designed that weapon to be impenetrable from outside attacks. Its defense shields are super strong, so we have to find a way to destroy it from inside.
0199 Amy Isn't that a Chaos Emerald?
0200 Tails It looks like it, doesn't it? But in fact, it's a fake one I created after researching the real emerald. It has the same wavelength and properties, but it's less powerful than the real one.
0201 Tails It's designed to reverse the energy field inside the Chaos Emeralds and blow up. It looks so real, even a machine can't tell the difference.
0202 Tails I'll find the power supply and destroy it! Sonic, you find the control room, okay?
0203 Sonic So the plan is, we'll switch the Chaos Emeralds when the machine has stopped, right?
0204 Amy I hate you! You guys always leave me behind and have all the fun!
0205 Sonic Tails! I found the control room! Approaching the bottom of the power generator tower in Eternal Engine (Story Mode)
0206 Tails Got it! I'll destroy the power supply! Reaching the bottom of the power generator tower in Eternal Engine (Story Mode)
0207 Tails Okay, Sonic! Now put that Emerald...
0208 Eggman Ahem! Tails, tell Sonic to meet you back at the research facility. Now!
0209 Tails Sonic! Amy is...
0210 Sonic I didn't get that, Tails. What happened to Amy? Tails!
0211 Rouge Long time no see, treasure hunter! Did you find MY Emeralds?
0212 Knuckles That's a good one! YOUR Emerald? Talking to you is a waste of time!
0213 Knuckles panting
0214 Rouge panting
0215 Knuckles Stop fooling around and give me back my Emeralds!
0216 Rouge Stop fooling around and give me back my Emeralds!
0217 Rouge What are you babbling about? You call yourself a hunter, attacking a lady? Shame on you!
0218 Knuckles What kind of lady goes around stealing gems, anyway?
0219 Rouge Those belong to me... aaah!
0220 Rouge Keep your hands to yourself! Don't touch me!
0221 Knuckles Is that how you say thanks to someone who just saved your life?
0222 Rouge Saving my life. Don't think I owe you one! You just wanted to hold my hand, didn't you? That's why you saved me. You're such a creep!
0223 Knuckles This isn't a joke, you know. Think what you want, bat girl. I was saving the Master Emerald!
0224 Rouge sigh No matter what you say, it sounds crazy!
0225 Knuckles Wha?
0226 Rouge Fine. Then just take them. They stink like echidnas do!
0227 Knuckles If that's what you thought, you should have given me them in the first place!
0228 Knuckles Finally!
0229 Rouge What?
0230 Knuckles I'm sorry... if I hurt you.
0231 Rouge We should get going.
0232 Rouge AAAAH
0233 Rouge What in the world?
0234 Eggman Let's take care of business first, shall we, Sonic? Hand over the Chaos Emerald, slowly, and then we'll talk about your girlfriend. That is, if you really care for her!
0235 Sonic Handing over the fake Emerald... I can kill two birds with one stone!
0236 Eggman Put the Emerald down right there and back off!
0237 Sonic You've turned into a big-time villain, Doctor!
0238 Eggman You thought you could trick me with that fake Emerald, didn't you?
0239 Tails So... how did you know it wasn't the real one?
0240 Sonic Tails!
0241 Eggman Heh! Because you just told me, fox boy!
0242 Eggman Now, for a little space ride!
0243 Eggman The capsule clears the colony, BAM!
0244 Sonic I'm counting on you, Tails! And Amy... take care of yourself.
0245 Eggman Farewell, Sonic the Hedgehog!
0246 Tails It's not fair, Eggman! Unused
0247 Amy Sonic!
0248 Tails "It has the same wavelength and properties, but it's less powerful than the real one!"
0249 Sonic The same wavelength and properties...
0250 Sonic But, can I do this?
0251 Eggman Farewell, Sonic, my admirable adversary...
0252 Amy Soniiiic! crying
0253 Eggman Now we have some unfinished business to take care of. If you give me the real Emerald, I will release you both! You have my promise!
0254 Tails Sonic...
0255 Eggman Huh?
0256 Tails Sonic has asked me for the first time to do something for him. I won't let him down! I won't give up!!
0257 Sonic Whoa!
0258 Eggman Hahahahaha
0259 Knuckles I feel some strange energy...
0260 Knuckles Hey, Sonic!
0261 Sonic Whoa. I wasn't sure if I could pull that one off. Somehow I managed to use the Chaos Control.
0262 Knuckles Chaos Control?
0263 Knuckles Are you okay?
0264 Sonic I'm worried about Tails and Amy. I hate to ask, but, could you help them?
0265 Sonic This is our last chance... I got it! Before the cannon fires, I'll slam-dunk it in there!
0266 Shadow You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.
0267 Sonic You know, what can I say? I die hard!
0268 Sonic You actually saved me, you know.
0269 Shadow It was a Chaos Emerald, wasn't it? But, there's no way you could have activated the Chaos Control using an emerald that's fake!
0270 Shadow So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you, anyway?
0271 Sonic What you see is what you get. Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
0272 N/A beep
0273 Shadow I see. But you know, I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end!
0274 Tails Sonic. I did it...
0275 Sonic Awesome job, Tails!
0276 Tails Sonic!
0277 Sonic Look outside!
0278 Amy Eh?
0279 Amy Oooh!
0280 Narrator Eggman steals the research from a military base located on an island to the south. The military's top secret weapon: Shadow, sealed in the Space Colony ARK. The seven Chaos Emeralds... 0280 to 0282 are leftovers from the Dark Story trailer FMV
0281 Narrator When all of the keys have been collected, world conquest will be at hand. Sonic Adventure 2: the Dark Side Story.
0282 Narrator Long live the Eggman Empire!
0283 Maria Shadow... 0283 to 0304 are leftovers from the Last Story trailer FMV
0284 Shadow The Ultimate Life Form...
0285 Eggman The end of mankind...
0286 Sonic Chaos Control...
0287 Shadow Vengeance...
0288 Tails Space Colony...
0289 Rouge Desperation...
0290 Amy Prayer...
0291 Knuckles Super Sonic...
0292 Maria Wish...
0293 Rouge ARK...
0294 Sonic Collision...
0295 Amy Tears...
0296 Knuckles Untamed power of Chaos Emeralds...
0297 Shadow Maria...
0298 Eggman Insanity...
0299 Tails Professor Gerald...
0300 Sonic Crisis of epic proportions...
0301 Shadow Apocalypse...
0302 Amy The truth about 50 years ago...
0303 Rouge The end of everything...
0304 Narrator Sonic Adventure 2: Last Episode. Wishes are eternal.
0305 Announcer Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Security breach at Gate 3! Intruder has been located in the north quadrant and is moving in the direction of the underground base. All units prepare to engage! Emergency battle formations! Standard battle procedures initiated! Locate and stop the intruder from entering the security area. This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!
0306 Eggman Hahahahaha! That was all too easy!
0307 Eggman Let's take a look at what my grandfather was working on... a top-secret military weapon! The military shut down the research because they feared it!
0308 Eggman Oh-ho!
0309 Eggman So this is the military's top secret weapon? It's a lot smaller than I expected.
0310 Eggman Enter user data, uh-huh. Enter password.
0311 Eggman Password is, MA-RI-A. Maria! Now all I have to do is to place the Chaos Emerald into this console.
0312 Eggman What's that? Is that you, Sonic? Are you trying to spoil my plans again?!
0313 Eggman Wait a minute. You're not Sonic! This is impossible!
0314 Shadow My name is Shadow. Since you were so kind to release me, my master...
0315 N/A beep
0316 Shadow I will grant you one wish.
0317 N/A beep
0318 Eggman Now what?!
0319 Shadow Behold the true power I possess!
0320 N/A beep
0321 Eggman Destroying that guard robot was spectacular!
0322 Eggman So, Shadow. You are the military's top secret weapon! But what did you mean when you said you will grant me a wish?
0323 Shadow Bring more Chaos Emeralds.
0324 Eggman Shadow, wait!
0325 Shadow I'll be waiting for you, in the central control room, on the Space Colony ARK.
0326 Eggman ARK?
0327 Rouge Just let it go. You just don't know when to give up, do you?
0328 N/A beep
0329 Knuckles What are you talking about? That emerald's mine! You got that? The Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emeralds. That makes it very powerful.
0330 Knuckles What the?!
0331 N/A beep
0332 Rouge Wha? Thief!
0333 Knuckles Look who's calling who a thief.
0334 Eggman I came here following the signal from the emerald. If I'm not mistaken, this is the Master Emerald, is it not?
0335 Knuckles It's you... Dr. Eggman!
0336 Rouge So that's Dr. Eggman.
0337 Eggman Well, I guess I can use it for something. I'll just take it with me. Farewell, knucklehead!
0338 Knuckles Not if I can help it!
0339 Rouge AAAAH
0340 Rouge What was that all about? And look what you did to my emerald!
0341 Knuckles I did that to prevent the Master Emerald from being stolen, you idiot! If it's in pieces, I can restore it. And by the way, that's not your emerald!
0342 Eggman Hmm. Doesn't matter. I'll look into it once I get back to the base.
0343 Rouge I despise anyone who takes jewels from me. All the world's gems are mine to keep!
0344 Knuckles Yeah, we'll see about that, bat girl!
0345 Eggman What?
0346 Eggman Those idiots will never find my hidden base inside this pyramid! Let's take care of business here first, then get inside.
0347 Eggman With the Chaos Emerald... in the Space Colony ARK... Hmm. I've got to find out just what's going on up there!
0348 Reporter We interrupt this broadcast for an important news flash. There has been a break-in at the Federal Reserve bank today. Mysteriously, the only thing that was stolen was the Chaos Emerald.
0349 Eggman The Chaos Emerald?!
0350 Reporter According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the suspect was identified as the world-renowned hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. The suspect was seen fleeing the scene, destroying the Reserve's guard robots in his path. Stay tuned for more details.
0351 Eggman Sounds more like the work of Shadow!
0352 Shadow Hm! How pathetic.
0353 Shadow panting
0354 Maria panting
0355 Soldier Find them before they escape!
0356 Shadow Maria!
0357 Maria panting Shadow, I beg of you. Please, do it for me.
0358 Shadow Maria...!
0359 Maria For all people, on that planet...
0360 Maria panting Sayonara, Shadow... the Hedgehog.
0361 Shadow Maria, I still remember what I promised you. For the people of this planet, I promise you... Revenge!
0362 Shadow What?
0363 Sonic Those robots are a total pain in the...
0364 Sonic What?
0365 Shadow It all starts with this...
0366 Shadow A jewel containing the ultimate power!
0367 Sonic That's the... Chaos Emerald!
0368 N/A beep
0369 Sonic Now I know what's going on!
0370 Sonic The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!
0371 Sonic So, where do you think you're going with that emerald?
0372 Sonic Say something, you fake hedgehog!
0373 Shadow Chaos Control!
0374 Sonic Wow, he's fast!
0375 N/A beep
0376 Sonic Hey, it's not his speed!
0377 Sonic He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!
0378 Shadow My name is Shadow. I'm the world's Ultimate Life Form. There's no time for games... Farewell!
0379 Sonic Kh! Shadow... what is he?
0380 Soldier Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air!
0381 Sonic Huh?
0382 N/A beep
0383 Sonic Not again...
0384 Sonic Shoot!
0385 Rouge This is Rouge. I've located Eggman's base and will proceed to enter it now.
0386 Rouge sigh I hate to say it... I guess I'm going to have to find that key first.
0387 Rouge It's a space transporter! The destination has been set to... ARK? Wasn't that space colony shut down over 50 years ago? What's he doing up there, anyway? Doesn't matter! It's my mission to find out what he's up to!
0388 Eggman So this is the Space Colony ARK. I have to locate the central control room that Shadow mentioned before he left.
0389 Shadow I've been waiting for you, Doctor. Now, I will show the glorious achievement of what the world's leading scientist Professor Gerald has created.
0390 Shadow The ARK was the first space colony created by mankind. Not many people know that the ARK contained a top-secret research facility, where weapons of mass destruction were being created. This is one of them; a weapon capable of destroying an entire planet, code-named... the Eclipse Cannon.
0391 Eggman Destroying an entire planet?
0392 Eggman Was this my grandfather's legacy?
0393 Shadow But it's been deactivated for some time now.
0394 Shadow To reactivate it...
0395 Shadow Large amounts of energy are necessary.
0396 Eggman Oh! So that's why we needed the Chaos Emerald.
0397 Shadow Exactly! To reactivate the machine, we need the seven Chaos Emeralds. Once you have that, then you have the ultimate power of destruction to use as you please. And then... the world could be yours!
0398 Eggman Hahahaha! Sounds like a plan! I like the way you think, Shadow. I will get the Chaos Emeralds, use the machine to dominate the world and build a legacy of my own!
0399 Rouge Do you really think it will be that easy?
0400 Rouge I've got a great idea! How about making a deal?
0401 Eggman A deal?
0402 Rouge When you grabbed that huge emerald, you said something about a reaction. A reaction that it may have with the Master Emerald. Now, if you can just let me borrow that radar, I may be able to help you. What do you think?
0403 Eggman If I do, what's in it for me?
0404 Rouge I have an idea where the other Chaos Emeralds may be. I may not look like it, but do you know that I am a treasure hunter that specializes in all kinds of jewels!
0405 Eggman Very well.
0406 Rouge Okay then, it's a deal! I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Rouge the Bat, but you can call me Rouge.
0407 Eggman We may be partners, but this doesn't mean I trust you. Unused
0408 Rouge Bad day or what? Unused
0409 N/A beep
0410 N/A beep
0411 Eggman Having to come back isn't my idea of a vacation! How can you be sure your intelligence reports are correct? Why would the Chaos Emeralds be here on the island? Are you absolutely sure?
0412 Rouge Well, believe what you want to believe.
0413 Eggman Hm! Very well, very well. Let's discuss how we are going to do this. I will go in first and distract the military troops, allowing you to sneak in the base without being detected. Then, Shadow will...
0414 Eggman Enter the armory, where he will set the timer on these dynamite packs. Once that is in place, we will blow up the whole island and get away before anyone has the chance to know what hit them!
0415 Eggman Meanwhile, you'll have to sneak into the cargo area and grab the Chaos Emerald. That's a challenge for such a worthy treasure hunter as yourself, isn't it, bat girl?
0416 Eggman We only have 30 minutes to pull this mission off, and we only get one try, so don't fail me!
0417 Eggman Okay, everyone ready? Shadow, Rouge! On with the show!
0418 Amy Oh Sonic! I thought I'd never see you again! I'm so glad you made it!
0419 Amy You're not Sonic! Who are you?
0420 Eggman I'm the one who should be asking that!
0421 Amy Dr. Eggman? AAAAH
0422 Eggman Ah! Amy, your timing is impeccable! Leave it to me! I'll take care of her. You two, go!
0423 Eggman Give up, Amy!
0424 Amy Boy, am I glad to see you!
0425 Tails Stand back, Amy!
0426 Shadow I'm in position, Doctor. Tell me when.
0427 Eggman There's been an unexpected delay on my end. There's no more time to waste! Set the timer for 15 minutes! Let's go, Rouge!
0428 Rouge Five minutes should be plenty! Here I go!
0429 Rouge I can't believe I've come this far, just to fail!
0430 Rouge This is Rouge. I've got a small problem. I can't believe that I'm trapped inside this locked safe with a Chaos Emerald! I guess I won't be able to call myself a treasure hunter anymore...
0431 Shadow Ah, shoot!
0432 Shadow Troublemaker!
0433 Shadow What?
0434 Shadow chuckle
0435 Sonic Phew! So far, so good.
0436 Sonic Hey, that's...!
0437 Shadow That blue hedgehog again, of all places!
0438 Sonic I've found you, faker!
0439 Shadow Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!
0440 Sonic I'll make you eat those words!
0441 Eggman Shadow, what are you doing? Hurry and get back here right now before the island blows up with you on it!
0442 Sonic Blows up?!
0443 Shadow Chaos Control!
0444 N/A beep
0445 Maria Shadow, what do you think it's like on Earth?
0446 Shadow The professor said his life's work was dedicated to all of those who live down there. He once told that the reason for his existence was making people happy through the power of science.
0447 Maria Shadow...
0448 Shadow Maria, I just don't know anything anymore. I often wonder why I was created, what my purpose is for being here. Maybe if I go down there... I will find the answers, maybe.
0449 Shadow Maria...
0450 Rouge Why so melancholy?
0451 Rouge That was so unexpected, so unlike you, Shadow, to come and rescue me. But your ability to use the Chaos Control certainly comes in handy!
0452 Shadow You know, I didn't come to save you. I came back for the Chaos Emeralds
0453 Rouge Yeah, yeah, but then again, that's not the whole story, is it?
0454 Eggman Ahem!
0455 Eggman Everything is ready to go!
0456 Rouge Are you sure? We only have six of the seven Chaos Emeralds, you know.
0457 Shadow That's more than enough for the demonstration. So let's get this show on the road!
0458 Rouge Well, that was really impressive. You've managed to create complete havoc on the whole planet! Does this now mean we control the planet and can do as we choose?
0459 Shadow At this rate, the cannon will take too much time to charge up. If you want to unleash its full potential, you'll need all seven Chaos Emeralds.
0460 Eggman Where in the world have you been?
0461 Rouge Why are you so upset?
0462 Rouge Something happen?
0463 Shadow Our threats fell on deaf ears.
0464 Rouge Look at you, throwing a tantrum like a little kid! How totally embarrassing!
0465 Eggman Don't forget your end of the bargain, bat girl! What about that last Chaos Emerald? We had a deal, right? So where is my emerald?
0466 Rouge Here you go. I found this!
0467 Eggman Why didn't you show me this before?!
0468 Eggman What's this? "Station Square saved from a life-threatening missile attack. The city has awarded its famed prize to the boy who saved Station Square. Miles 'Tails' Prower was given the Chaos Emerald as a testament of his heroic deed at a ceremony held at city hall."
0469 Eggman Ahem! This makes things a whole lot easier. Hurry, go back to Earth and find them fast! I want that Chaos Emerald!
0470 N/A beep
0471 Rouge Did you get that?
0472 Shadow Soon enough, Maria.
0473 Rouge This is Rouge reporting. Currently, I have not been able to confirm if Shadow is the Ultimate Life Form or not. I will continue my research on Project Shadow and have a follow-up report very shortly. Just a reminder. Don't forget about my jewels!
0474 Rouge They got away!
0475 Rouge Shadow, they're in that blue plane! Spotted at 11 o' clock.
0476 Shadow Copy that. I'm in pursuit.
0477 Shadow Doctor, they're heading directly toward us. What should we do?
0478 Eggman Just sit tight! I've got them on radar. There's no way they can get away! I don't know what they are planning, but I'll be sure to give them a warm welcome!
0479 Knuckles sigh That was pretty rough!
0480 Tails We did it! Let's go, Amy!
0481 Eggman You little thieves! Did you really think you could get out of here alive?
0482 Sonic Come and get some, Eggman!
0483 Tails Sonic!
0484 Sonic Just leave it to me!
0485 Eggman This time, I'll take your lives as well as the Chaos Emerald! I call on you to destroy these pests! Come out, my servant!
0486 Eggman Now go! And squash that blue hedgehog Sonic!
0487 Sonic Ha!
0488 Sonic TERIAA
0489 Eggman NOOO
0490 Eggman When Sonic struck his head, he must have broken the restraining mechanism.
0491 Eggman Agh! What a piece of junk!
0492 Amy Yeah!
0493 Amy Eh?
0494 Tails Whoa!
0495 Sonic Whoa!
0496 Rouge Hi, Doctor. How's it going? What? What do you mean they escaped? That's okay. I will go after them myself. Can you tell me the password for the space colony control?
0497 Rouge Hm! Tricking that old doctor is just too easy! All right, it's time to get to work.
0498 Rouge The password is MA-RI-A. Maria, hm? I've heard that name somewhere before... oh well!
0499 Rouge This is it! Research Project Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form. Let's see now...
0500 Rouge What in the world is this? This can't be right. Just what is Shadow, anyway?
0501 Rouge Hm! I guess I'll just have to take the last pieces of the Master Emerald!
0502 Rouge Long time no see, treasure hunter! Did you find my emeralds?
0503 Knuckles That's a good one. Your emerald? Talking to you is a waste of time!
0504 Knuckles breathing heavily
0505 Rouge breathing heavily
0506 Knuckles Stop fooling around and give me back my emeralds!
0507 Rouge Stop fooling around and give me back my emeralds!
0508 Rouge What are you babbling about? You call yourself a hunter? Attacking a lady? Shame on you!
0509 Knuckles What kind of lady goes around stealing gems, anyway?
0510 Rouge Those belong to me... aah!
0511 Rouge Keep your hands to yourself! Don't touch me!
0512 Knuckles Is that how you say thanks to someone who just saved your life?
0513 Rouge Saving my life. Don't think I owe you one. You just wanted to hold my hand, didn't you? That's why you saved me. You're such a creep!
0514 Knuckles This isn't a joke, you know. Think what you want, bat girl. I was saving the Master Emerald!
0515 Rouge sigh No matter what you say, it sounds crazy!
0516 Knuckles What?
0517 Rouge Fine, then just take them. They stink like echidnas do!
0518 Knuckles If that's what you thought, you should have given me them in the first place!
0519 Knuckles Finally!
0520 Rouge What?
0521 Knuckles I'm sorry... if I hurt you.
0522 Rouge We should get going.
0523 Rouge AAAAH
0524 Rouge What in the world?
0525 Eggman What's Rouge up to, anyway?
0526 Eggman This is strange. It's showing energy readings from two seperate Chaos Emeralds! Did they really think they could trick me with that fake emerald?
0527 Eggman Wait, Shadow! I'm the one who should be telling them the end is near, not you!
0528 Eggman Now is the time to end this long, drawn-out battle, and mark myself a place in history as the ultimate genius!
0529 Eggman If something happens to me, I'm counting on you to finish the job!
0530 Eggman Hurry! The moment for attack has come. It's now or never!
0531 Amy Darn! Why do they always leave a sweet little innocent girl like me alone?
0532 Eggman Well, well, young lady. Is there something I can help you with?
0533 Amy Dr. Eggman!
0534 Eggman If you value your life, you will tell me where Sonic and Tails are!
0535 Eggman Let's take care of business first, shall we, Sonic? Hand over the Chaos Emerald, slowly, and then we'll talk about your girlfriend. That is, if you really care for her!
0536 Sonic Handing over the fake emerald... I can kill two birds with one stone!
0537 Eggman Put the emerald down right there and back off!
0538 Sonic You've turned into a big-time villain, Doctor!
0539 Eggman You thought you could trick me with that fake emerald, didn't you?
0540 Tails So... how did you know it wasn't the real one?
0541 Sonic Tails!
0542 Eggman Heh, because you just told me, fox boy!
0543 Eggman Now, for a little space ride!
0544 Eggman The capsule clears the colony, bam!
0545 Sonic I'm counting on you, Tails! And Amy... take care of yourself.
0546 Eggman Farewell, Sonic the Hedgehog!
0547 Tails It's not fair, Eggman! Unused
0548 Amy Sonic!
0549 Eggman Farewell, Sonic, my admirable adversary...
0550 Amy Soniiiic! crying
0551 Eggman Now we have some unfinished business to take care of. If you give me the real emerald, I will release you both. You have my promise!
0552 Tails Sonic...
0553 Eggman Huh?
0554 Tails Sonic has asked me for the first time to do something for him. I won't let him down! I won't give up!!
0555 Sonic Whoa!
0556 Eggman Hahahaha
0557 Shadow I guess he was just a regular hedgehog, after all.
0558 Rouge Legend has it, when all seven Chaos Emeralds are collected, the power creates a miracle. I have six of them! They're mine, all mine!
0559 Shadow I don't think so!
0560 Rouge Shadow!
0561 Shadow So that was your plan from the very beginning, huh? Or was it a direct order from the President? Now I know who you are. You're that government spy, Rouge the Bat, aren't you?
0562 Rouge So you did your homework. Is that it? I would say that's an invasion of privacy.
0563 Shadow I could say the same thing about you.
0564 Rouge Hm! It looks like things aren't quite going your way, but since my job was done, I thought it was time to take what's mine and get out of this place.
0565 Shadow You are one pathetic creature!
0566 Rouge Hmm. Look who's talking. What about you?
0567 Rouge Here are the results of the research project called the Ultimate Life Form. But if this picture is of the real Ultimate Life Form named Shadow...
0568 Rouge Then exactly who, or what, is standing in front of me?
0569 Eggman This is Dr. Eggman. I have found all seven Chaos Emeralds! Shadow! Someone is trying to get to the Eclipse Cannon. There's not much time left before the cannon fires again. Can you get over there?
0570 Shadow If you want to live, leave the Chaos Emeralds where they are. The fake emerald is good enough for you!
0571 Rouge Do you actually believe that you're the real Shadow?
0572 Shadow No doubt.
0573 Rouge Even your memories might not be real, you know?
0574 Shadow Even if my memories are not real, it's still me, Shadow. And I will fulfill my promise to Maria. That's the only thing that matters to me now.
0575 Shadow You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.
0576 Sonic You know, what can I say? I die hard!
0577 Shadow So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you, anyway?
0578 Sonic What you see is what you get. Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
0579 Shadow I see. But you know, I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end!
0580 Eggman Hahahaha! This completes my plan to take over the world. Now begins the glorious era of the Empire of Eggman!
0582 Narrator The military's top secret weapon, Project Shadow, was stolen from the military base located on a deserted island in the southern seas. This incident increased worldwide terrorist activities. Sonic the Hedgehog was arrested. 0582 to 0584 are leftovers from the Hero Story trailer FMV
0583 Narrator The adventure for truth leads to the incidents that shock the entire world. The story takes our hero, Sonic, from the Earth and into outer space. Sonic Adventure 2: Hero Side Story.
0584 Narrator Farewell, Sonic, forever...
0585 Eggman Argh! What the... what's going on? Why doesn't the cannon fire?
0586 Eggman What? What's happening here?
0587 Eggman It's... it's my grandfather. Gerald Robotnik!
0588 Knuckles What's that, that vibration?
0589 Sonic Hey, wait! Someone is coming.
0590 Knuckles You. You haven't given up yet?
0591 Rouge It's all over for us.
0592 Knuckles What do you mean?
0593 Rouge I've just received a message from my boss. The Space Colony ARK is currently approaching the Earth at an incredible velocity.
0594 Rouge It... probably...
0595 N/A beep
0596 Rouge Will impact Earth.
0597 Knuckles What's that on the screen?
0598 Gerald This is a death sentence for every human being on Earth. If my calculations are correct, the Space Colony ARK will impact the Earth in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. All of you will be destroyed, along with your beloved planet Earth! This is a leftover from the FMV sequence featuring Gerald's televised revenge declaration
0599 Gerald copy of 0598
0600 Gerald I plan to give you a taste of my revenge once all the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected. Once I initiate this program, it cannot be disabled. All of you ungrateful humans who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair!
0601 N/A beep
0602 Gerald No.
0603 Soldier Is there anything else you want to say?
0604 Soldier Ready!
0605 Gerald This is a death sentence for every human being on Earth. Unused
0606 Knuckles Hey, the vibration's getting worse!
0607 Amy What's going on here? Who is that?
0608 Eggman Professor Gerald Robotnik, one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, and my grandfather.
0609 Knuckles What? I knew you were behind all this! Stop it right now, or else...!
0610 Eggman I'd have done this a long time ago if I had the chance.
0611 Sonic What do you mean?
0612 Eggman You're pretty persistent for a hedgehog, aren't you? You're still alive, huh?
0613 Sonic Heh! Just letting Knuckles pilot the shuttle on the way over here was more dangerous than you could ever be.
0614 Sonic No worries, egghead! Unused
0615 Rouge What is this?
0616 Eggman This is my grandfather's diary.
0617 Rouge "I don't quite know what happened or what went wrong. Was it a mistake to create the Ultimate Life Form? I thought it would be something that would benefit mankind, but then the military guards landed on the colony that day. They were sent to destroy the research project that I had been working on. My colleagues at the research facility, my granddaughter, Maria, I hope you are all safe."
0618 Rouge "The colony was completely shut down, probably to keep the prototype from falling into the wrong hands."
0619 Gerald The colony was closed down, probably to keep the prototype from falling into the wrong hands. The ARK was shut down under the premise that there had been an accident.
0620 Gerald I found Maria's name among those who died when the ARK was shut down. She meant everything to me, and I couldn't bear the thought that she died because of my research. I lost everything. I had nothing more to live for. I went insane. All I could think about was to avenge her, somehow, some way. I got scared as I no longer was able to control my thoughts. All I could think about was that I wanted it all to end.
0621 Gerald Based on my original projections, I was able to complete my project: Shadow. I designed its mind to be perfect. Pure. I will leave everything to him. If you wish, release and awaken it to the world!
0622 N/A beep
0623 Rouge "If you wish to fill the world with destruction." So that's why you released Shadow from the base!
0624 Eggman The core of the Eclipse Cannon is now highly reactive and explosive. This is because the energy of the Chaos Emeralds is overpowered. If the colony collides with Earth, it will shatter into pieces like my grandfather predicted. That mad scientist!
0625 N/A beep
0626 N/A beep
0627 Amy That should be you, right?
0628 Tails We have to stop the space colony now!
0629 Eggman The Space Colony ARK position may have shifted due to the amount of energy given off by the emeralds! We have to stop the energy!
0630 Tails But how?
0631 Rouge Hmm. That's it! There is a way to stop the energy. We have to use your emerald!
0632 Rouge You're the one that told me that the Master Emerald has the power to stop the Chaos Emerald!
0633 Knuckles That's right! If I use this, I just might be able to stop the Chaos Emerald!
0634 Tails The reaction of the Chaos Emeralds is moving toward the Cannon's Core! It may be too late!
0635 Eggman There still may be some time left. If we pull together, we might be able to get to the shortcut that leads to the core!
0636 Sonic No worries! Just leave it to me. I'm the world's fastest hedgehog!
0637 Eggman Then, let's get to work!
0638 Amy Oooh, I hate it when they leave me behind!
0639 Amy Look. It's Shadow!
0640 Amy I've really got to stop whining. Everyone's trying their best to help out and so must I!
0641 Amy Shadow, we need you! Please help us!
0642 Shadow It's all going according to plan. There's no reason for me to help them. Besides, there's no way to save anyone.
0643 Amy There has to be!
0644 Amy I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish, like the professor said.
0645 Amy But they're basically good, if they try their best and never give up on their wishes.
0646 Amy They always have a reason to be happy. That's why you should help them out. Saving them is a good thing!
0647 Amy Shadow, I beg you. Please do it for them. Give them a chance!
0648 Amy Give them a chance... Unused
0649 Maria Shadow, I beg of you. Please... do it for me. For a better future!
0650 Shadow Maria!
0651 Maria For all people who live on that planet...
0652 Maria Give them a chance to be happy!
0653 Maria Let them live for their dreams. Shadow, I know you can do it. That's the reason why you were brought into this world.
0654 Maria Sayonara, Shadow... the Hedgehog.
0655 Shadow That's what I've promised her, and I must keep that promise. That's what Maria wished for.
0656 Amy Shadow?
0657 Shadow I've got to go now! I have to keep my promise to Maria and you!
0658 Knuckles What's that? It looks just like the shrine of the Master Emerald!
0659 Sonic They probably designed the core like the shrine to harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds!
0660 Gerald All of you ungrateful humans who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair!
0661 Sonic Knuckles, here it comes!
0662 Knuckles Could this be the prototype of the Ultimate Life Form that was supposed to be encapsulated?
0663 Sonic There's no time for this! Unused
0664 Shadow Leave this one to me.
0665 Sonic Shadow, what are you doing?
0666 Shadow I'll take care of this while you run to get the Chaos Emeralds!
0667 N/A beep
0668 Biolizard roar
0669 Knuckles The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power. Power is enriched by the heart.
0670 Knuckles The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. Only you can do this. Stop the Chaos Emeralds!
0671 Biolizard roar
0672 Biolizard roar
0673 Knuckles Is it gone?
0674 Shadow Is that what Chaos Control is?
0675 Knuckles Since we've stopped the Chaos Emeralds, why is the space colony still on a crash-course with Earth?
0676 Eggman The prototype is still alive and he's controlling the space colony as it's falling to Earth! He's become one with the space colony and is determined to keep it on its collision course!
0677 Knuckles Sonic!
0678 Secretary The space colony is still accelerating toward Earth. In five minutes, there will be no way to stop it. 0678 to 0683 are all unused
0679 President Nothing can stop the colony now...
0680 Rouge Mr. President, don't give up just yet! Sonic and his friends can still help us!
0681 Secretary I've located the two hedgehogs. They're in the lower quadrant. The space colony has entered the Earth's atmosphere and is accelerating.
0682 President That's ridiculous! There's no way two hedgehogs can stop the colony now.
0683 Amy They can! I believe in them. Together, they can do it, I just know it!
0684 Sonic No way that's getting through!
0685 Tails Go for it, Sonic! Unused
0686 Eggman Shadow, we're counting on you! Unused
0687 Rouge I'm counting on both of you! Unused
0688 Amy Go for it Sonic, Shadow! Unused
0689 Maria Shadow, I beg of you...
0690 Maria Give them a chance to be happy!
0691 Shadow Maria!
0692 Sonic Now, Shadow!
0693 Sonic Chaos Control!
0694 Shadow Chaos Control!
0695 Shadow Maria, this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you.
0696 Secretary There's an emergency message from the space bureau. They are tracking the space colony's re-entry trajectory and it seems to have reappeared in quadrant L1. Unused
0697 President You know, when I was a kid, I used to dream about heroes like them, and their heroic deeds. Unused
0698 Secretary Mr. President, that's why you should be like them. Never give up believing in your dreams. Unused
0699 Rouge Where is Shadow?
0700 Rouge Do you really think that the professor created him- Shadow, to carry out the revenge on all those who live here on Earth?
0701 Sonic He was what he was: a brave and heroic hedgehog, who gave his life to save this planet. Shadow the Hedgehog.
0702 Rouge I guess you're right.
0703 Eggman As a child, I looked up to my grandfather because of all the great things he accomplished in his life. He was my hero, and I wanted to be a great scientist like him, but... did he really mean to destroy us?
0704 Tails I don't know, but what I do know is...
0705 Tails We all did it together!
0706 Eggman You're right.
0707 Tails Where are you going? Unused
0708 Eggman Next time, I will pull this off without anyone's help! I will use my own power to take over the world. Unused
0709 Eggman Next time we meet, all bets are off! Unused
0710 Tails Same here! Unused
0711 Knuckles So what's next for you, Rouge? Off again to find those jewels you love so much?
0712 Rouge Nah, I think I'm going to give up this line of work. Too much work for too little pay!
0713 Rouge Anyway, I've got something better than jewels that I'm thinking about right now...
0714 Rouge It'll all work out, you'll see.
0715 Knuckles If you say so.
0716 Sonic Created the Ultimate Life Form...
0717 Amy What's the matter, Sonic?
0718 Sonic Oh, it's nothing. Come on! Let's go home! To the planet as cool and blue as me!
0719 Sonic Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog...
0720 Omochao Let me tell you about the special action for Knuckles and Rouge.
0721 Omochao There are quite a few special actions for both of them. Try mastering them all!
0722 Omochao This is attack action.
0723 Omochao Knuckles' specialty is punching, while Rouge's is kicking.
0724 Omochao Press B button and try it!
0725 Omochao Try the different actions available when you press B button multiple times, or press it while running.
0726 Omochao Try breaking wooden containers with this!
0727 Omochao Knuckles and Rouge both have the special ability to glide.
0728 Omochao While in mid-jump, press and hold A button to glide.
0729 Omochao You can only glide downwards. Gliding upwards is not possible!
0730 Omochao To stop gliding, release A button to drop.
0731 Omochao Knuckles and Rouge can scale any wall with ease.
0732 Omochao To grab onto a wall, just glide into it or use forward and A button.
0733 Omochao Once you've grabbed onto the wall, use the analogue thumbpad to move.
0734 Omochao If a wall or overhang is a 90 degree angle, you cannot scale it.
0735 Omochao Knuckles and Rouge are also good swimmers.
0736 Omochao Jump into the water and press B button to dive underwater.
0737 Omochao Underwater, press A button to swim up and B button to swim down.
0738 Omochao Remember to come up for breaths of air. You cannot stay under forever!
0739 Omochao Knuckles digs with his hands, and Rouge digs with her feet.
0740 Omochao This is easy to master! Just press B button while jumping or gliding.
0741 Omochao Use Y button to change the action window. Select "Dig" and you can burrow where you are standing.
0742 Omochao One more important thing.
0743 Omochao If you are scaling a wall, you can dig into it by pressing B button.
0744 Omochao Besides the emeralds, there are a lot of items buried undergroud. Make sure you dig to find them all!
0745 Omochao If you find the Iron Gloves or Boots, your punches and kicks are stronger!
0746 Omochao You can break the steel containers with this!
0747 Omochao This is a very useful Level-Up Item!
0748 Omochao Use Y button to change the action window, then press B button to use the glasses.
0749 Omochao The Sunglasses will allow you to see things you couldn't before. It may even help you locate the emeralds quicker!
0750 Omochao If you use them, you'll be able to see things you couldn't before!
0751 Omochao Try using it in different places!
0752 Omochao If you want to take them off, just press A button to jump.
0753 Omochao You found something really cool!
0754 Omochao Try using it in the water. It will let you breathe underwater.
0755 Omochao Now you have nothing to be afraid of.
0756 Omochao The number of special actions for Knuckles and Rouge will increase when you find more Level-Up Items.
0757 Omochao Let me explain Knuckles and Rouge's 2P Versus mode.
0758 Omochao The rules are simple. The first one to find two of the three hidden emeralds is the winner!
0759 Omochao Pay close attention to your opponent's hint messages and radar, as it may help you locate the emeralds.
0760 Omochao Let me start by explaining the actions for Sonic and Shadow.
0761 Omochao Homing Attack!
0762 Omochao Press A button to jump and again while in midair to do the Homing Attack against your enemies.
0763 Omochao The best way to defeat the enemy!
0764 Omochao Somersault! This is a brand-new action for Sonic. Use B button to Somersault.
0765 Omochao The Somersault can be used to defeat enemies, break wooden containers, and get through tight spaces.
0766 Omochao Try Spin Dash to run at supersonic speed!
0767 Omochao Press and hold B button to charge up, then release the button to do the Spin Dash.
0768 Omochao The Spin Dash is very fast! Practice using the technique and use it wisely.
0769 Omochao Grinding! This is also a brand-new Sonic action.
0770 Omochao Grind down anything that resembles a rail. Give it a try!
0771 Omochao Find a rail and sport a grind!
0772 Omochao Remember to keep your character upright as possible to maintain speed and to avoid falling off the rail.
0773 Omochao If you find the Level-Up Item, then you can do the Light Dash!
0774 Omochao The Light Dash is a very useful action. It allows you to quickly move along ring paths.
0775 Omochao As you get close to a row of rings, the action window will open and all you do is press B button!
0776 Omochao Use the Light Attack to defeat many enemies quickly!
0777 Omochao Hold B button to charge up, then release B button once you're fully charged.
0778 Omochao We haven't figured out where it's best used, though. It's a very dangerous special attack!
0779 Omochao Bounce Attack!
0780 Omochao While in mid-jump, press B button and bounce like a rubber ball.
0781 Omochao Use this attack for enemies below you, or to reach places too far for a regular jump.
0782 Omochao Power-up version of the Somersault: the Fire Somersault. Use it to break steel containers.
0783 Omochao Sonic is the only one who can use this special technique called the Magic Hand. It turns enemies into small balls!
0784 Omochao Use Y button to select the action window. Press B button to pull in the closest enemy.
0785 Omochao Once the enemy is turned into a ball, throw it at enemies far away. Pretty cool, huh?
0786 Omochao Try turning different kinds of enemies into balls. It's fun!
0787 Omochao A mysterious melody indeed. Use Y button to select the action window, then press B button to play a melody.
0788 Omochao What's it used for?
0789 Omochao Well, that's a secret!
0790 Omochao Try playing it in front of something and watch what happens.
0791 Omochao Actually, the number of special actions for each character will increase if you find more Level-Up Items.
0792 Omochao You don't know what a Level-Up Item is?
0793 Omochao Somewhere in each stage are hidden Level-Up Items. There are also power-up items, as well.
0794 Omochao Find the item and I will tell you more about the action.
0795 Omochao Try learning how to use them all to increase your score.
0796 Omochao Let me tell you about the Sonic and Shadow 2P Versus mode.
0797 Omochao The rules are simple. The first one to the Goal Ring is the winner!
0798 Omochao One more thing.
0799 Omochao There are very special attacks used only in the Versus mode.
0800 Omochao Special attacks are awarded after collecting 20, 50, and 100 rings. Unused
0801 Omochao Once you have the special attack, the action window will appear onscreen. Press B button to use the attack.
0802 Omochao The more rings you collect, the more special attacks you can use.
0803 Omochao Special attacks are awarded after collecting 20, 40, and 60 rings.
0804 Omochao Let me explain Tails and Eggman's special actions.
0805 Omochao By using the homing missile, you can defeat multiple enemies.
0806 Omochao Activate the homing laser by holding down B button.
0807 Omochao Use the analogue thumbpad to lock on the enemies.
0808 Omochao Once you have locked on, release B button to fire the homing missiles.
0809 Omochao Try locking onto multiple enemies with the homing laser. More the better!
0810 Omochao Defeating multiple enemies with a single lock-on scores you technique points.
0811 Omochao But it's important to remember this.
0812 Omochao The aiming laser and lock-on only last a few seconds before they disappear. Fire quickly!
0813 Omochao Besides the homing missile, you also have a powerful Vulcan Missile.
0814 Omochao Just press B button to fire it.
0815 Omochao Use the Vulcan Missile to destroy items that you cannot lock onto.
0816 Omochao The most important Level-Up action is Hovering.
0817 Omochao Holding down A button will allow you to hover over short distances.
0818 Omochao Use it to fly over short distances or to slowly descend down.
0819 Omochao Release A button to drop.
0820 Omochao This is the power-up version of the Vulcan Missile.
0821 Omochao This will allow you to break steel containers that you couldn't before.
0822 Omochao This is the power-up item for the homing missile.
0823 Omochao After it hits an enemy, the missile scatters and will take out nearby items and enemies.
0824 Omochao This is a special device only used to power up Eggman's plane.
0825 Omochao The health meter is now increased two points!
0826 Omochao Makes clearing stages a breeze!
0827 Omochao The number of Tails' actions will increase as you find more Level-Up Items during the action stages.
0828 Omochao Let me tell you about Tails and Eggman's 2P Versus mode.
0829 Omochao The rules are simple: Attack your opponent until his health is gone. That's it!
0830 Omochao But remember, your opponent will be shooting homing missiles at you!
0831 Omochao The homing missiles will home in on you, so remember to use the walls and springs to avoid them.
0832 Omochao Try locking on to your opponent while avoid his homing missiles.
0833 Omochao Here's the controller configuration!
0834 Omochao Move your character using the analogue thumbpad.
0835 Omochao Press A button to jump.
0836 Omochao Action assigned to B button differs depending on the character you choose. Each character has their own special actions.
0837 Omochao What special actions?
0838 Omochao The action window in the upper-right corner indicates what action is performed with B button.
0839 Omochao Actions include Whistle, Pick Up, Throw, and Look. In 2P Versus mode, B button can be used for the special attack. These will automatically appear in the action window.
0840 Omochao Try different actions with different items.
0841 Omochao And don't forget about Y button. It's important, too!
0842 Omochao Pressing Y button allows you to change the action display.
0843 Omochao I almost forgot. X and B buttons are the same. Use either one you like!
0844 Omochao Use L/R triggers to change the camera angle.
0845 Omochao Let's not forget Start button!
0846 Omochao Press this button to pause your game.
0847 Omochao From the pause menu, you'll be able to either exit the game or restart the stage.
0848 Omochao Did you get all of that?
0849 Omochao That's all!
0850 Omochao Knuckles and Rouge's games are treasure hunting games.
0851 Omochao You have to find the three pieces of the Master Emerald in each stage.
0852 Omochao Use the radar and hints to find them.
0853 Omochao The radar is at the bottom of the screen. When you get close to the emerald, the color of the light becomes red.
0854 Omochao Hints are also useful in finding emeralds.
0855 Omochao Touchscreen monitors will give you up to three hints for each emerald.
0856 Omochao If you forget the hint, just pause the game and they will be displayed.
0857 Omochao The number of hints you use is key.
0858 Omochao Fewer hints you use in finding the emeralds, the higher the score you'll get.
0859 Omochao Quickly find the emeralds without the hints to earn rank-up points.
0860 Omochao Hi! I'm Omochao. Let me be your guide. Select the category that you would like to explore. Unused
0861 Omochao Select!
0862 Omochao Press A button to confirm your selection.
0863 Omochao Press B button to go back to the previous screen.
0864 Omochao What happened?
0865 Omochao Let me tell you about Sonic and Shadow's game.
0866 Omochao Let me tell you about Sonic and Shadow's game. Alternate take of 0865, no voice filter
0867 Omochao Let me tell you about Eggman and Tails' game.
0868 Omochao Let me tell you about Eggman and Tails' game Alternate take of 0867, no voice filter
0869 Omochao Let me tell you about Knuckles and Rouge's game.
0870 Omochao Let me tell you about Knuckles and Rouge's game. Alternate take of 0869, no voice filter
0871 Omochao Let me tell you about Chao.
0872 Omochao Let me tell you about the basic controls used for all characters.
0873 Omochao Sonic and Shadow's games are high-speed 3D action games.
0874 Omochao The rules are simple: make your way to the center of the screen and the first to touch the Goal Ring clears the stage.
0875 Omochao After clearing the stage, a ranking screen will appear with time and score.
0876 Omochao Your score is based on enemies destroyed, rings collected, and tricks performed.
0877 Omochao Fast, and with a little style of your own. This is how you get rank-up points!
0878 Omochao Most important are the rings!
0879 Omochao Taking damage without having any rings will end your game, but you knew that already.
0880 Omochao Get as may rings as you can! Don't forget!
0881 Omochao Don't forget about the action link!
0882 Omochao In certain places, you can perform action combos to score technique points.
0883 Narrator Story Select.
0884 Narrator Scene select.
0885 Narrator Character select.
0886 Narrator Stage select.
0887 Narrator Type select.
0888 Narrator Records.
0889 Narrator Group select.
0890 Narrator Game select.
0891 N/A beep
0892 Narrator Options.
0893 Narrator Sound Test.
0894 Narrator Access to the world.
0895 Narrator File select.
0896 Narrator System alert.
0897 Narrator Congratulations.
0898 Narrator World Ranking.
0899 Narrator Emblem records.
0900 Narrator Kart Racing.
0901 Narrator Download events.
0902 Narrator Theme select.
0903 Narrator TV setting.
0904 Narrator Access to the database.
0905 Narrator Please wait.
0906 Amy Select a story!
0907 Omochao Select a story.
0908 N/A beep
0909 Eggman Select a story.
0910 Knuckles Select a story.
0911 Maria Select a story.
0912 Rouge Select a story.
0913 Shadow Select a story.
0914 Secretary Which story do you wish to try?
0915 Secretary Which story do you wish to try, Mr. President? Unused
0916 Sonic Select your story!
0917 Tails Select a story.
0918 Amy Select a scene.
0919 Omochao Select a scene.
0920 N/A beep
0921 Eggman Which scene do you want to start?
0922 Knuckles Select a scene.
0923 Maria Select a scene.
0924 Rouge Select a scene.
0925 Shadow Next, select a scene.
0926 Secretary Please choose a scene.
0927 Secretary Please choose a scene, Mr. President. Unused
0928 Sonic Which scene do you want to start from?
0929 Tails Where do you want to start from?
0930 Amy Select your character!
0931 Omochao Select a character.
0932 N/A beep
0933 Eggman Select me!
0934 Knuckles Select a character.
0935 Maria Select a character.
0936 Rouge Who are you going to be?
0937 Shadow Who will you be?
0938 Secretary Please choose a character.
0939 Secretary Please choose a character, Mr. President. Unused
0940 Sonic Who do you want to be?
0941 Tails Choose a character.
0942 Amy Select a fun stage!
0943 Omochao Select a stage.
0944 N/A beep
0945 Eggman Select a stage.
0946 Knuckles Select a stage.
0947 Maria Select a stage.
0948 Rouge Decide which stage to go to.
0949 Shadow Select a stage.
0950 Secretary Is this the stage you would like to go to?
0951 Secretary Is this the stage you would like to go to, Mr. President? Unused
0952 Sonic Select a stage.
0953 Tails What stage are we going to play?
0954 Amy Which one do you want?
0955 Omochao Which one would you like?
0956 N/A beep
0957 Eggman Which game? 2P Battle
0958 Knuckles Which game do you want to play?
0959 Maria Select one from here.
0960 Rouge Which story?
0961 Shadow Which one?
0962 Secretary Which story are you interested in?
0963 Secretary Which story are you interested in, Mr. President? Unused
0964 Sonic Choose one.
0965 Tails Choose something good!
0966 Amy Want to look at your results?
0967 Omochao Check on your results here.
0968 N/A beep
0969 Eggman I saved your results so far.
0970 Knuckles Check your results.
0971 Maria I will tell you how to save.
0972 Rouge This is the database.
0973 Shadow Remember to save this.
0974 Secretary Please take a look at your past results.
0975 Secretary Please take a look at your past results, Mr. President. Unused
0976 Sonic You can check your results if you want.
0977 Tails Let's peek at the results!
0978 Amy Good guy, or bad guy?
0979 Omochao Want to be the hero, or villain?
0980 N/A beep
0981 Eggman You better choose the dark side!
0982 Knuckles Are you a good guy or a bad guy?
0983 Maria Which do you like?
0984 Rouge Which side do you want?
0985 Shadow Hero? Villain? Which one?
0986 Secretary Consider which one you prefer.
0987 Secretary Consider which one you prefer, Mr. President. Unused
0988 Sonic So who's going to be the hero?
0989 Tails Good guy or bad guy?
0990 Amy Who are you playing with?
0991 Omochao Select your battle.
0992 N/A beep
0993 Eggman Heroes are wimpy! Character Select
0994 Knuckles Fight by these rules? 2P Battle
0995 Maria Select a game.
0996 Rouge Select one from here.
0997 Shadow Decide the rules of engagement. 2P Battle
0998 Secretary Which game would you like to play?
0999 Secretary Which game would you like to play, Mr. President? Unused

Part 2

This section contains voice entries from 1000-1999.

Click here to view entries 1000-1999.
# Character Dialogue Notes
1000 Sonic Better not let the dark side win! 2P Battle
1001 Tails Who are you going to be? Me?
1002 Amy Looks like you can change many things. Settings
1003 Omochao Looks like you can change things here. Settings
1004 N/A beep
1005 Eggman Looks like you can change settings. Settings
1006 Knuckles You can choose various settings. Settings
1007 Maria Looks like you can change many things. Settings
1008 Rouge Looks like you can change many things. Settings
1009 Secretary You can change things to your liking here, Mr. President. Unused
1010 Shadow Set options. Settings
1011 Secretary You can change things to your liking here. Settings
1012 N/A beep
1013 Sonic Want to change the settings? Settings
1014 Tails Customize your settings here. Settings
1015 Amy Listen to some cool songs! Sound Test
1016 Omochao You can listen to songs here. Sound Test
1017 N/A beep
1018 Eggman There's no time to be listening to music! Sound Test
1019 Knuckles Listen to various sounds in the game. Sound Test
1020 Maria You can listen to songs here. Sound Test
1021 Rouge Select a song, if you like. Sound Test
1022 Shadow I'm not interested. Sound Test
1023 Secretary Which music would you like to listen to? Sound Test
1024 Secretary Which music would you like to listen to, Mr. President? Unused
1025 Sonic Want to hear something? Sound Test
1026 Tails Listen to music, if you want. Sound Test
1027 Amy Enter your ID and password.
1028 Omochao Enter your ID and password.
1029 N/A beep
1030 Eggman Enter your ID and password.
1031 Knuckles Enter your ID and password.
1032 Maria Tell me your ID and password.
1033 Rouge Enter your ID and password.
1034 Shadow Enter your ID and password.
1035 Secretary Please enter your ID and password.
1036 Secretary Please enter your ID and password, Mr. President Unused
1037 Sonic Enter your ID and password.
1038 Tails Enter your ID and password.
1039 Amy Which file?
1040 Omochao Which file?
1041 N/A beep
1042 Eggman Where is the file?
1043 Knuckles Choose a file.
1044 Maria Select a file.
1045 Rouge Where is your file?
1046 Shadow Find your file.
1047 Secretary Please choose a file.
1048 Secretary Please choose a file, Mr. President. Unused
1049 Sonic Select a file.
1050 Tails Which file do you want?
1051 Amy You should check if you have a memory card or not.
1052 Omochao Is there no memory card in your controller?
1053 N/A beep
1054 Eggman There is no memory card in your controller.
1055 Knuckles Please check if there is a memory card in your controller.
1056 Maria Check your memory card.
1057 Rouge Where's your memory card?
1058 Shadow There is no memory card in your controller.
1059 Secretary Is there a memory card in your controller?
1060 Secretary Is there a memory card in your controller, Mr. President? Unused
1061 Sonic Did you insert a memory card?
1062 Tails Check if you have a memory card or not.
1063 Amy You don't have enough space.
1064 Omochao Not enough free space to save.
1065 N/A beep
1066 Eggman Not enough free space to save.
1067 Knuckles Not enough free space to save.
1068 Maria There is not enough free space to save.
1069 Rouge Hey, there's not enough free space to save!
1070 Shadow Looks like there's not enough free space to save.
1071 Secretary There's just not enough memory to save your game.
1072 Secretary There's just not enough memory to save your game, Mr. President.
1073 Sonic Need more memory, bud.
1074 Tails You don't have enough space.
1075 Amy Awesome!
1076 Omochao Great!
1077 N/A beep
1078 Eggman Genius!
1079 Knuckles Great job!
1080 Maria You've done well!
1081 Rouge Not bad!
1082 Shadow That will do.
1083 Secretary Well done.
1084 Secretary Well done, Mr. President. Unused
1085 Sonic Congratulations!
1086 Tails Way to go!
1087 Secretary Is this okay with you, Mr. President? Unused
1088 Amy How's this?
1089 Omochao How's this?
1090 N/A beep
1091 Eggman Are you sure about this?
1092 Knuckles How's this?
1093 Maria How's this?
1094 Rouge How's this?
1095 Shadow How's this?
1096 Secretary Is this okay with you?
1097 N/A beep
1098 Sonic Is this okay?
1099 Tails Is this okay?
1100 Amy Sonic Team!
1101 Omochao Sonic Team!
1102 N/A beep
1103 Eggman Sonic Team!
1104 Knuckles Sonic Team!
1105 Maria Sonic Team!
1106 Rouge Sonic Team!
1107 Shadow Sonic Team.
1108 Secretary Sonic Team.
1109 Sonic Sonic Team!
1110 Tails Sonic Team!
1111 Amy See how you rank with your friends around the world!
1112 Omochao You can compete with people around the world.
1113 Eggman World conquest is your goal!
1114 Knuckles Find out how you rank with those around the world.
1115 Maria You can see the rankings of people around the world.
1116 Rouge There's only one #1!
1117 Shadow World Rankings.
1118 Secretary Check how others rank in the world.
1119 Secretary Check how others rank in the world, Mr. President. Unused
1120 Sonic Check out World Rankings.
1121 Tails Compete with people around the world!
1122 Amy You've got just about all of the Emblems, haven't you?
1123 Omochao You can see all Emblems that you have collected.
1124 Eggman Haven't you got all the Emblems yet?
1125 Knuckles So how many Emblems do you have so far?
1126 Maria You can see all the Emblems that you have collected.
1127 Rouge Why haven't you collected them all yet?
1128 Shadow Emblem list.
1129 Secretary This is the result of the Emblems collected so far.
1130 Secretary This is the result of the Emblems collected so far, Mr. President. Unused
1131 Sonic Check out how many Emblems you have.
1132 Tails How many Emblems do you have?
1133 Amy This is the Kart driving game.
1134 Omochao Kart Racing!
1135 Eggman I hate driving!
1136 Knuckles This is a racing game.
1137 Maria This is a racing game, you know?
1138 Rouge Try and catch me!
1139 Shadow Kart Racing.
1140 Secretary This is the Kart driving game.
1141 Secretary This is the Kart driving game, Mr. President. Unused
1142 Sonic Check out Kart Racing.
1143 Tails Kart Racing. My favorite!
1144 Amy Hurry and choose an event to download!
1145 Omochao Choose an event you have downloaded.
1146 Eggman Choose your download file.
1147 Knuckles Choose an event to download.
1148 Maria Choose an event you have downloaded.
1149 Rouge You can choose a file you have downloaded.
1150 Shadow Choose an event file you have downloaded.
1151 Secretary Here are the events downloaded so far.
1152 Secretary Here are the events downloaded so far, Mr. President. Unused
1153 Sonic Select Download Events.
1154 Tails Choose an event to download.
1155 Amy Select a theme for your menu screen.
1156 Omochao You can change the theme on your menu screen.
1157 Eggman What? You don't like me?
1158 Knuckles You can change various items on your menu screen.
1159 Maria You can change the menu screen.
1160 Rouge What? I'm not good enough for you?
1161 Shadow Customize your menu screen.
1162 Secretary Would you like to customize the main menu?
1163 Secretary Would you like to customize the main menu, Mr. President? Unused
1164 Sonic Customize your menu screen.
1165 Tails Menu screen customization. Yeah!
1166 Amy What kind of TV do you have?
1167 Omochao Do you know what type of TV you are using?
1168 Eggman You don't know what kind of TV you have?
1169 Knuckles What kind of TV do you have?
1170 Maria What kind of TV do you have?
1171 Rouge What kind of TV do you have?
1172 Shadow Select TV type.
1173 Secretary Please make your selection carefully.
1174 Secretary Please make your selection carefully, Mr. President. Unused
1175 Sonic Set your TV.
1176 Tails Set your TV.
1177 Amy Updating the database!
1178 Omochao Updating the database.
1179 Eggman Updating the database.
1180 Knuckles Connecting to the database.
1181 Maria Updating the database.
1182 Rouge Accessing the server.
1183 Shadow Update the database.
1184 Secretary Accessing the central computer.
1185 Secretary Accessing the central computer, Mr. President. Unused
1186 Sonic Updating database.
1187 Tails Connecting to the Internet.
1188 Amy Just wait a minute!
1189 Omochao Just one moment.
1190 Eggman Wait.
1191 Knuckles Please wait.
1192 Maria Please wait a moment.
1193 Rouge Please wait.
1194 Shadow Better wait for me.
1195 Secretary Please wait a moment.
1196 Secretary Please wait a moment, Mr. President. Unused
1197 Sonic Hold on.
1198 Tails Wait a second.
1199 Omochao Tails and Eggman's games are 3D lock-on shooting games.
1200 Omochao The rules are simple: shoot and destroy as many enemies as possible, then find the Goal Ring to clear the stage.
1201 Omochao Locking on is the key to leveling up.
1202 Omochao Get more technique points by locking onto multiple enemies at the same time.
1203 Omochao The other key is maintaining health.
1204 Omochao When the health gauge at the bottom of the screen becomes zero, you die!
1205 Omochao By collecting rings, your health will slowly recover. Get rings!
1206 Omochao When the health gauge at the top of the screen becomes zero, you die! Unused
1207 Omochao Press A button while in midair to glide, but you already knew that.
1208 Omochao When scaling the walls, use B button to dig into the side of the wall.
1209 Omochao Did you get the Shovel Claw? In mid-jump, press B button to dig into the ground.
1210 Omochao When gliding, press B button to dive into the ground below.
1211 Omochao Try the Spiral Upper technique: full circle on the analogue thumbpad plus B button.
1212 Omochao To dive underwater, press B button, but remember, you have to come up for a breath sometime.
1213 Omochao There are three Master Emeralds hidden in this stage. Use your radar and hints to find them all.
1214 Omochao This machine will give you three hints for each hidden emerald.
1215 Omochao Did you know that if you find the emeralds without hints, you get more points?
1216 Omochao If you forget your hints, just press the Start button.
1217 Omochao When the radar flashes red, that means you're close.
1218 Omochao Select "Sunglasses" with Y button, then put them on using B button. Now you can see hidden items!
1219 Omochao There may be some treasure here.
1220 Omochao Get the Hammer Gloves and use them to break open the steel containers.
1221 Omochao Some places are too tough to dig.
1222 Omochao Use your punch to break it.
1223 Omochao Got the Pick Nails yet? While in mid-jump, press B button to dig into the ground below.
1224 Omochao Try the Screw Kick technique: full circle on the analogue thumbpad plus B button.
1225 Omochao Select the Treasure Scope using Y button, then press B button to see items that are hidden.
1226 Omochao Get the Iron Boots and use them to kick open the steel containers.
1227 Omochao Use your kick to break it.
1228 Knuckles grunt
1229 Rouge grunt
1230 Knuckles grunt Jump
1231 Rouge grunt Jump
1232 Knuckles Oops.
1233 Rouge Oops.
1234 Knuckles grunt
1235 Rouge grunt
1236 Knuckles pick up
1237 Rouge Yusho pick up
1238 Knuckles grunt
1239 Rouge grunt
1240 Knuckles grunt
1241 Rouge grunt
1242 Knuckles Now there. Petting Chao
1243 Rouge So cute. Petting Chao
1244 Knuckles No time for games! 2P Ability Charge-up
1245 Rouge Here I come! 2P Ability Charge-up
1246 Knuckles Get down! Hammer Punch
1247 Rouge Hip Drop! Hip Drop
1248 Knuckles Take this! Thunder Arrow
1249 Rouge Black Wave! 2P Black Wave Ability
1250 Knuckles Take that!
1251 Rouge Charm Ray!
1252 Knuckles I am one with the Master Emerald. 2P Intro
1253 Rouge I won't lose to the likes of you! 2P Intro
1254 Knuckles Hm, not as strong as you thought you were! 2P Victory
1255 Rouge All the world's jewels will be mine! 2P Victory
1256 Knuckles You need more practice. 2P Victory (Best of 3)
1257 Rouge Haha, I'm better than you are! 2P Victory (Best of 3)
1258 Knuckles You have no chance against me! 2P Intro (Winning)
1259 Rouge I won't give you a chance! 2P Intro (Winning)
1260 Knuckles You won't be so lucky this time. 2P Intro (Losing)
1261 Rouge This time, I'm serious! 2P Intro (Losing)
1262 Knuckles My emerald, my destiny. 2P Get 1st Emerald
1263 Rouge Looks like I'm winning, as usual. 2P Get 1st Emerald
1264 Knuckles We're tied now. 2P tied
1265 Rouge I'll get the last piece, too! 2P tied
1266 Knuckles Two more left.
1267 Rouge Only two more!
1268 Knuckles One more left!
1269 Rouge Only one more left.
1270 Knuckles ORAORAORA digging
1271 Rouge Egh digging
1272 Knuckles I can't! Can't dig
1273 Rouge I can't. Can't dig
1274 Knuckles Rats. Get nothing when digging
1275 Rouge Shoot! Get nothing when digging
1276 Knuckles Hm!
1277 Rouge All right.
1278 Knuckles All right.
1279 Rouge Lucky!
1280 Knuckles ORA
1281 Rouge third kick
1282 Knuckles grunt Spiral Upper
1283 Rouge grunt Screw Kick
1284 Knuckles gasp Coming up for air
1285 Rouge gasp Coming up for air
1286 Knuckles It's closer!
1287 Rouge It's got to be close!
1288 Knuckles Here I come. Speed Shoes/Invincibility
1289 Rouge Here I come! Speed Shoes/Invincibility
1290 Knuckles Ooo Taking damage
1291 Rouge Ow! Taking damage
1292 Knuckles Oof Unused scared clip?
1293 Rouge Aaaah Unused scared clip?
1294 Knuckles Shoot! Knocked down
1295 Rouge Ouch! Knocked down
1296 Knuckles ...drats! Captured/stunned from 2P Level 1 Special Attack
1297 Rouge Quit it! Captured/stunned from 2P Level 1 Special Attack
1298 Knuckles Hey, get off me! Unused
1299 Rouge Hands off me! Unused
1300 Knuckles It's over... Death Quote
1301 Rouge I thought I could do it... Death Quote
1302 Knuckles muffled Drowning
1303 Rouge muffled Drowning
1304 Knuckles Ugh! Falling off stage
1305 Rouge yell Falling off stage
1306 Knuckles gasp Scared
1307 Rouge AAAH Scared
1308 Knuckles Hey!
1309 Rouge Yeah!
1310 Knuckles Here we go! Kart Race Boost/2P Alternate Costume Intro
1311 Rouge Let's go! Kart Race Boost
1312 Knuckles Yeah!
1313 Rouge Go!
1314 Knuckles See you later! Reaching 1st in Kart Race
1315 Rouge Bye-bye! Reaching 1st in Kart Race
1316 Knuckles Hey! Overtaken to last in Kart Race
1317 Rouge Wait a minute! Overtaken to last in Kart Race
1318 Knuckles What are you doing?
1319 Rouge What are you doing?
1320 Knuckles Ah, shoot! Spinning out on Kart
1321 Rouge Oww! Spinning out on Kart
1322 Knuckles I will protect the Master Emerald! 2P Select
1323 Rouge I've never failed my mission! 2P Select
1324 Knuckles Now it's time to get serious.
1325 Rouge This time for sure. Leave it to me!
1326 Knuckles There's not much time left.
1327 Rouge No! Almost no time left!
1328 Knuckles There's only a few left. Unused
1329 Rouge Where are the rest of those rings? Unused
1330 Knuckles I found them! Clear Stage
1331 Rouge I've got it! Clear Stage
1332 Knuckles Yeah, this is perfect! Rank A
1333 Rouge How was that? Perfect, like me? Rank A
1334 Knuckles Yeah, I feel good! Rank B
1335 Rouge It's all too easy for me! Rank B
1336 Knuckles Not too bad. Rank C
1337 Rouge Not too bad, I guess. Rank C
1338 Knuckles Phew! That was tough. Rank D
1339 Rouge I guess I took a little too much time. Rank D
1340 Knuckles I have to try harder. Rank E
1341 Rouge I'm ashamed to call myself a hunter! Rank E
1342 Knuckles Huh. What a hassle! Defeat King Boom Boo
1343 Rouge Not bad, huh? I'm pretty strong, all right! Defeat Flying Dog
1344 Knuckles Get away from my emerald! Defeat Rouge
1345 Rouge Now give me back those jewels! Defeat Knuckles
1346 Knuckles Here I come!
1347 Rouge Get ready for this!
1348 Rouge This is it!
1349 Omochao Ouch!
1350 Omochao Oh!
1351 Omochao Hey!
1352 Omochao Ugh!
1353 Omochao Ouch! Why are you being such a bully? I didn't do anything wrong. I'm leaving!
1354 Omochao Ow! That hurts! I'm mad at you. I'm not going to help you anymore. Hm!
1355 Omochao Owie! I can't believe you did that to me! Why would you do something like that?
1356 Omochao W-what? What happened? Who am I? Where am I?
1357 Omochao Agh! Stop it! Let me go!
1358 Omochao Hey, stop it!
1359 Omochao Please, let go of me.
1360 Omochao What are you doing? Why don't you get yourself a teddy bear?
1361 Omochao Ah, ah! Help me!
1362 Omochao Hey, I'm on your side, you know. I can give you hints to help you!
1363 Omochao I'm sorry. I understand. I will eat all my carrots.
1364 Omochao I'm not a weapon to throw at enemies, you know!
1365 Omochao Somebody help me! It's getting worse!
1366 Omochao If you don't stop it, I'll get mad. I'm going to tell my mom on you!
1367 Omochao Thanks for saving me. I was scared!
1368 Omochao Stop it! What are you doing? You're making me mad!
1369 Omochao sigh I was so scared... what hint?
1370 Omochao Thank you for holding me, but you were kind of rough.
1371 Omochao Stop it!
1372 Omochao WAAA
1373 Omochao Help me!
1374 Omochao Bye-bye!
1375 Sonic Looks like some old ruins... Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1376 Tails There may be a secret spot around here... Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1377 Knuckles This place looks familiar... Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1378 Eggman It's just a piece of junk! Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1379 Shadow Heh, no thanks! Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1380 Rouge It looks like there's no treasure here... Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine without the upgrade
1381 Sonic Nothing's happening. Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1382 Tails There's nothing more to do here. Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1383 Knuckles I think it's finished. Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1384 Eggman It may be finished. Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1385 Shadow I think it's a waste of time! Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1386 Rouge What? Is that all? Attempting to activate a Mystic Melody shrine again after it has been activated
1387 Omochao Hey there... what are you doing?
1388 Omochao I'm not bad. You got the wrong idea!
1389 Omochao It's too high here. I'm scared of heights!
1390 Omochao shudder I was a little scared.
1391 Omochao Wow! I'm flying!
1392 Omochao Woohoo! It's like a trampoline!
1393 Omochao Hey you! Where are you taking me?
1394 Omochao Shoot. Where am I?
1395 Omochao I want to go home...
1396 Omochao I can't believe you cleared the stage holding me.
1397 Omochao Ow! Hey, that hurts!
1398 Omochao Owie! Why do I have to go through this?
1399 Omochao They're not after me, are they? You're terrible!
1400 Omochao Ouch! Chao Doctor, help me!
1401 Omochao Phew! That big truck scared me. Clear City Escape while holding Omochao
1402 Omochao What are you thinking, trying to finish this stage with me? Clear Wild Canyon while holding Omochao
1403 Omochao All I can see is water. Where is my home? Clear Metal Harbor while holding Omochao
1404 Omochao I got to get out of here, before the island blows up! Clear Green Forest while holding Omochao
1405 Omochao A pumpkin ghost! I'm afraid... Clear Pumpkin Hill while holding Omochao
1406 Omochao Maybe it rusted because of the water. Clear Aquatic Mine while holding Omochao
1407 Omochao Wow, that was scary! I'm going home to watch TV. Clear Pyramid Cave while holding Omochao
1408 Omochao Where am I? Somebody help me! Clear Death Chamber while holding Omochao
1409 Omochao How'd I get into outer space? Oh well! Clear Meteor Herd while holding Omochao
1410 Omochao Hm, this looks like a game I've seen before. Clear Crazy Gadget while holding Omochao
1411 Omochao I'll find my own way home. Bye-bye! Clear Final Rush while holding Omochao
1412 Omochao I'm going to play with the turtle now. Clear Dry Lagoon while holding Omochao
1413 Omochao I feel dizzy. Clear Radical Highway while holding Omochao
1414 Omochao I'm out of here before the robot gets me! Clear Egg Quarters while holding Omochao
1415 Omochao Let me out of this safe! Clear Security Hall while holding Omochao
1416 Omochao This fog reminds me of San Francisco. Clear White Jungle while holding Omochao
1417 Omochao Wow, it's getting late. I got to go to kindergarten. Clear Sky Rail while holding Omochao
1418 Omochao You should always tell the truth. Clear Mad Space while holding Omochao
1419 Omochao I'll use my propeller to fly in space. Why is that? Clear Final Chase while holding Omochao
1420 Omochao I've never been here before. I'm going sightseeing! Clear Cannon's Core while holding Omochao
1421 Omochao I'm almost out of energy. I need to be wound back up.
1422 Omochao All right. Whatever!
1423 Omochao If you don't stop that, I will tell the principal on you!
1424 Omochao If you let me go, I'll tell you how many Omochao there are!
1425 N/A beep
1426 Omochao Break it with a missile! There should be a missile around here.
1427 Omochao Bombs also work for breaking things. Get a bomb from the enemy!
1428 Omochao This is a missile. Use it to break items.
1429 Omochao Find the switch to fire the rocket. Find the switch!
1430 Omochao There is a trap above! Don't land on the shadow!
1431 Omochao There is a trap above! Be careful!
1432 Omochao There is a trap above. Find a switch to deactivate it.
1433 Omochao You can pick this up.
1434 Omochao You can push this.
1435 Omochao You can pull this.
1436 Omochao There is an animal in the pipe. Try whistling!
1437 Omochao Try using lock-on to break it!
1438 Omochao Use B button to grab it, then use the analogue thumbpad to swing.
1439 Omochao Bring the animals into Chao Garden, and all Chao will be happy!
1440 Omochao Try whistling here. There must be someone here!
1441 Omochao The Chao Key is in this container. If you keep it, you can go to the Chao Garden when you finish the stage!
1442 Omochao There are three Chao Containers per stage. You should open all three containers to find out what's inside!
1443 Omochao Use L and R triggers to look around, but you knew this already.
1444 Omochao Use Y button to change your action.
1445 Omochao As long as you have one ring, you'll be okay. You knew that, right?
1446 Omochao Use B button to grab it, then use the analogue thumbpad to swing. Alternate take of 1438
1447 Omochao After picking up an item, hold B button to shake it.
1448 Omochao Have you tried whistling? Use Y button to select "Whistle".
1449 Omochao Have you pet your Chao today? Use Y button to select "Pet" and make your Chao happy!
1450 Omochao Collect 20 rings to get the special attack. Collect 40 or 60 rings to upgrade the special attack.
1451 Omochao You can use parts that come from the robots to raise Chao!
1452 Omochao Did you find all of the animals? Did you know that there are 20 animals hidden in this stage?
1453 N/A beep
1454 Omochao Did you know that there are 15 animals hidden in this stage?
1455 N/A beep
1456 Omochao Did you know that there are 10 animals hidden in this stage?
1457 N/A beep
1458 Eggman grumble How irritating. Nothing but wimps! Neutral Idle Quote 1
1459 Knuckles Hu, hu, hu! (Punching in place) Neutral Idle Quote 1
1460 Rouge sigh Shall we get going? Neutral Idle Quote 1
1461 Shadow So who's next? Neutral Idle Quote 1/2P Alternate Costume Intro
1462 Sonic Well, better get going. Neutral Idle Quote 1
1463 Tails Hm, which way should I go? Neutral Idle Quote 1
1464 Eggman sigh I'm really getting tired of operating this machine. Neutral Idle Quote 2
1465 Knuckles All right, let's find the next emerald! Neutral Idle Quote 2
1466 Rouge Where can my emerald be? Neutral Idle Quote 2
1467 Shadow I feel danger all around me. Neutral Idle Quote 2
1468 Sonic Anytime now. Neutral Idle Quote 2
1469 Tails sleeping Neutral Idle Quote 2
1470 Omochao If you throw the switch, the water level might change. Try it!
1471 Omochao Remember, wood floats on water. Use the water levels wisely!
1472 Omochao Punch to break the overturned minecarts!
1473 Omochao Different areas are accessible depending on the water levels.
1474 Omochao Water-powered lift is located in the middle. Its vertical position varies on the water level.
1475 Omochao This is the Lantern Room. Aren't the blue flames pretty?
1476 Omochao Through the tunnel below, there is the Brick Shaft.
1477 Omochao This is the Ghost Room. There are a lot of spirits here!
1478 N/A beep
1479 Omochao The Bottomless Shaft is over there. It's deep and there's no air in there!
1480 Knuckles What is a piece of the Master Emerald doing here?
1481 Knuckles I'll use the water level to my advantage!
1482 Omochao Have you tried using the Light Dash to collect all the rings suspended in the air?
1483 Omochao Hold B button down when you approach the rings to collect them.
1484 Omochao Press B button to do a Somersault. This comes in handy when you want to break the wooden containers.
1485 Omochao Press B button to do a Somersault. Somersaults are important to get you through those tight spaces.
1486 Omochao Try using Somersaults to get through tight spaces!
1487 Omochao Enemies can also be destroyed using your Somersaults!
1488 Omochao Perform the Fire Somersault to break the steel containers.
1489 Omochao Using the Light Attack allows you to destroy multiple enemies.
1490 Omochao Simultaneously destroy multiple enemies using the Light Attack. Just hold down B button until fully charged, then release.
1491 Omochao Using the Light Attack allows you to destroy electrified enemies.
1492 Omochao To use Bounce Attack, jump and then press B button. Try it! You can use it to defeat enemies as well as getting to high places.
1493 Omochao Use the Bounce Attack to break containers that are below you.
1494 Omochao In the middle of a jump, press A button to perform the Homing Attack. Remember to aim toward the enemy!
1495 Omochao In the middle of a jump, press A button to perform the Homing Attack. You can use it to get over there!
1496 Omochao Jump on the rail and get ready to grind your way down!
1497 Omochao Remember, balance is important to maintain your speed while grinding.
1498 Omochao To bust a trick on the rail, press A button at the right time to perform cool tricks!
1499 Omochao Try the Magic Hand technique. It turns enemies into balls! Use these balls to defeat other enemies.
1500 Omochao Remember to use Y button to access the Magic Hand technique.
1501 Omochao Jump on the rail and you'll be grinding your way down!
1502 Shadow grunt Somersault
1503 Sonic grunt Somersault
1504 Shadow grunt
1505 Sonic grunt
1506 Shadow Oops.
1507 Sonic Oops.
1508 Shadow grunt
1509 Sonic grunt
1510 Shadow grunt Picking up item
1511 Sonic grunt Picking up item
1512 Shadow grunt Throwing item
1513 Sonic grunt Throwing item
1514 Shadow grunt
1515 Sonic grunt
1516 Shadow Hm. Petting Chao
1517 Sonic Don't worry, buddy. Petting Chao
1518 Shadow Playtime is over! 2P Powerup Charged
1519 Sonic Here I go! 2P Powerup Charged
1520 Shadow Here I come! 2P Use Speedup Powerup
1521 Sonic Speed Up! 2P Use Speedup Powerup
1522 Shadow Disappear! Use Chaos Spear
1523 Sonic Sonic Wind! 2P Use Sonic Wind
1524 Shadow Chaos Control! 2P Freeze Time
1525 Sonic Time Stop! 2P Freeze Time
1526 Shadow Let me show you my real power! 2P Intro 1
1527 Sonic Let's do this! 2P Intro 1
1528 Shadow Hm. Faker! No chance to win against me! 2P Win Against Sonic
1529 Sonic Hey guy, let's play again! 2P Win
1530 Shadow Hm. You disappoint me. 2P Win (Best of 3)
1531 Sonic What's up, faker? Give up? 2P Win Against Shadow (Best of 3)
1532 Shadow No matter what, you'll still lose. 2P Intro Round 2 (Winning)
1533 Sonic Okay, c'mon! 2P Intro Round 2 (Winning)
1534 Shadow Soon enough, I'll show you my true power. 2P Intro Round 2 (Losing)
1535 Sonic This time, I won't lose! 2P Intro Round 2 (Losing)
1536 Shadow There's no time to play games! Lightdash Chargeup
1537 Sonic Ready! Lightdash Chargeup
1538 Shadow Vanish! Lightdash Use
1539 Sonic Go! Lightdash Use
1540 Shadow grunt Nice! trick
1541 Sonic Yes! Nice! trick
1542 Shadow grunt Cool! trick
1543 Sonic Yeah! Cool! trick
1544 Shadow grunt Awesome! trick
1545 Sonic Yahoo! Awesome! trick
1546 Shadow grunt
1547 Sonic grunt
1548 Shadow grunt Somersault combo finisher
1549 Sonic Ha! Somersault combo finisher
1550 Shadow Hm.
1551 Sonic C'mon!
1552 Shadow Here we go! Round Clear, Speed Shoes & Invincible
1553 Sonic Yes! Round Clear
1554 Shadow Oh! Taking damage
1555 Sonic Here we go! Speed Shoes/Invincibility
1556 Shadow Ooo
1557 Sonic Ouch! Taking damage
1558 Shadow Tch! Slamming into wall
1559 Sonic grunt
1560 Shadow You think you can hold me?! Captured by ghost/slime
1561 Sonic Oops! Slamming into wall
1562 Shadow Get off me!
1563 Sonic struggle Captured by ghost/slime
1564 Shadow grunt Maria...
1565 Sonic grunt
1566 Shadow Not like this...! Drowning
1567 Sonic No...! Death Quote
1568 Shadow Ugh! Falling off stage
1569 Sonic gasp Drowning
1570 Shadow What? Scared
1571 Sonic yell Falling off stage
1572 Shadow Just a rookie! Reaching 1st in Kart Race
1573 Sonic Whoa! Scared
1574 Shadow That's it!
1575 Sonic Yeah!
1576 Shadow I promise you... revenge! 2P Select
1577 Sonic Let's go!
1578 Shadow Wait for me, Maria!
1579 Sonic Later! Reaching 1st in Kart Race
1580 Shadow I'm out of time!
1581 Sonic Oops.
1582 Shadow Just a few more!
1583 Sonic What do you think you're doing?
1584 Shadow Ultimate victory! Rank A
1585 Sonic Let's rock! 2P Select
1586 Shadow Hm. Too easy for me! Rank B
1587 Sonic Bring it on! 2P Alternate Costume Intro
1588 Shadow That wasn't so hard. Rank C
1589 Sonic I don't have much time!
1590 Shadow Maybe I didn't try hard enough. Rank D
1591 Sonic Just a few more!
1592 Shadow I guess I'm not at full power here... Rank E
1593 Sonic Yes! Stage clear
1594 Shadow Hm. Pathetic humans! Defeat Hot Shot
1595 Sonic whistle That was cool! Rank A
1596 Shadow No time to hang out with the likes of you! Defeat Sonic 1
1597 Sonic Too easy! Piece of cake! Rank B
1598 Shadow I told you, I'm the ultimate! Defeat Sonic 2
1599 Sonic Just made it. Rank C
1600 Shadow Get out, you ugly prototype! Defeat Biolizard
1601 Sonic Huh. No problem. Rank D
1602 Shadow I must destroy all the evil the professor has created! Defeat FinalHazard
1603 Sonic Barely made it. Rank E
1604 Shadow You're not as strong as I thought. 2P Win (Default)
1605 Sonic Hey guy, take care! Defeat Big Foot
1606 Sonic Do you know who I am? Defeat Shadow (1)
1607 Sonic Nice try, rocky! Defeat the Egg Golem
1608 Sonic Game over, Shadow! Defeat Shadow (2)
1609 N/A beep
1610 Sonic Did you really think you had a chance? Defeat FinalHazard
1611 N/A beep
1612 Sonic How's this?
1613 Sonic Nobody's faster than me!
1614 Omochao Hold B button down to lock-on. Release it to fire a homing missile.
1615 Omochao More enemies that are locked on at one time means more bonus points!
1616 Omochao Keep your health meter above zero. Collecting rings will slowly help you recover health.
1617 Omochao Enemies are defeated by lock-on. Use the Vulcan Cannon to destroy containers.
1618 Omochao Use the Vulcan Cannon to destroy wooden containers.
1619 Omochao Use the Large Cannon to destroy steel containers.
1620 Omochao It's too far to jump across. Did you find the Jet Engine yet? Without it, you're stuck!
1621 Omochao Hold A button down to hover. Use it to fly distances.
1622 Omochao Have you tried slow descents using hovering?
1623 Omochao Collecting rings will slowly help you recover health.
1624 Omochao Use the Large Bazooka to destroy steel containers.
1625 Omochao It's too far to jump across. Did you find the Booster yet?
1626 Eggman Yo! Jump
1627 Tails Hu! Jump
1628 Eggman Ho! Jump
1629 Tails Hu. Jump
1630 Eggman gasp That was a close one! Balancing on edge
1631 Tails Oops. Balancing on edge
1632 Eggman On guard, Tails! 2P Special Attack ready, Tails is the opponent
1633 Tails Recharged! 2P Special Attack ready
1634 Eggman Take this! 2P Fire Laser Missle
1635 Tails Fire laser!
1636 Eggman How's this?! 2P Fire Rocket Missles
1637 Tails Fire Rocket Launcher!
1638 Eggman You're no match for me!
1639 Tails Fire Power Laser!
1640 Eggman Do you think you can beat me? 2P Intro
1641 Tails I'll beat you! 2P Intro
1642 Eggman Better luck next time, fox boy! 2P Win against Tails/Clear Tails vs. Eggman 1
1643 Tails Yeah! I won! 2P Win
1644 Eggman Hahaha! How's that? 2P Win
1645 Tails Eggman, you're no challenge! 2P Win against Eggman
1646 Eggman At least make it challenging! 2P Intro (Best of 3, winning)
1647 Tails Let's do it one more time! 2P Intro (Best of 3, winning)
1648 Eggman This time, I will show you my power! 2P Intro (Best of 3, losing)
1649 Tails I'll win this time! 2P Intro (Best of 3, losing)
1650 Eggman Yosh! Good!-Jammin'! combo
1651 Tails Okay! Good!-Jammin'! combo
1652 Eggman chuckle Cool!-Awesome! combo
1653 Tails Yeah! Cool!-Awesome! combo
1654 Eggman Now you know my real power! Extreme!/Perfect! combo
1655 Tails All right! Extreme!/Perfect! combo
1656 Eggman Hurehurehure!
1657 Tails Go go!
1658 Eggman HORAY Boxing Glove
1659 Tails Go! Propeller Punch
1660 Eggman You! I'll make you pay for this! Major damage
1661 Tails My power's failing! Major damage
1662 Eggman Oh no! My power is going down! Critical damage
1663 Tails My machine has reached its limit...! Critical damage
1664 Eggman I got it! Acquired shield
1665 Tails I did it! Acquired shield
1666 Eggman Power-up! Acquired Speed Shoes/Invincibility
1667 Tails Here I come! Acquired Speed Shoes/Invincibility
1668 Eggman Full power!
1669 Tails Lucky me!
1670 Eggman Ouch! Taking damage
1671 Tails Ow! Taking damage
1672 Eggman Whoa!
1673 Tails Whoa!
1674 Eggman You're better than I expected.
1675 Tails Ouch.
1676 Eggman Is this it...? Death by enemy
1677 Tails Sonic... Death by enemy
1678 Eggman No...! Falling off stage
1679 Tails Sonic...! Falling off stage
1680 Eggman What? Scared
1681 Tails Ah! Scared
1682 Eggman Go!
1683 Tails Yahoo!
1684 Eggman Hohohoho! Win Kart Race
1685 Tails Power boost!
1686 Eggman Farewell! 1st place in Kart Racing
1687 Tails You can't catch me! 1st Place in Kart Racing
1688 Eggman Hey! Last place in Kart Racing
1689 Tails Wait up! Last place in Kart Racing
1690 Eggman Doh!
1691 Tails Not fair!
1692 Eggman The world is mine! 2P Battle screen selection
1693 Tails Oh no!
1694 Eggman This time, I'll make you pay for this!
1695 Tails Cyclone engage! 2P Battle screen selection
1696 Eggman I got to go!
1697 Tails Here we go again!
1698 Eggman Where are the rest of the rings?
1699 Tails I've got to hurry up!
1700 Eggman Yosh! Stage clear
1701 Tails I'm almost there!
1702 Eggman Now you know why I am the best! A Rank
1703 Tails I did it! Stage Clear
1704 Eggman Hahaha! Piece of cake. B Rank
1705 Tails I did it, Sonic! A Rank
1706 Eggman Hmm, that wasn't so difficult. C Rank
1707 Tails Very good! B Rank
1708 Eggman I should have tried a little harder. D Rank
1709 Tails That was easy! C Rank
1710 Eggman That was too close. E Rank
1711 Tails That was a little tough. D Rank
1712 Eggman Now no one stands in my way!
1713 Tails I got to do better next time. E Rank
1714 Eggman Anytime you're ready to battle!
1715 Tails Hey, how's that?! Clear Tails vs. Eggman 1
1716 Eggman Oto! Ledge grab, which is normally impossible
1717 Tails Like Sonic, I won't give up!
1718 Eggman YUSHO Pick up item
1719 Tails Yo. Ledge grab
1720 Eggman Horey. Putting object down
1721 Tails Isho Picking up object
1722 Eggman Horey. Throwing object in midair
1723 Tails Here. Putting object down
1724 Eggman grunt
1725 Tails grunt Throwing object in midair
1726 Eggman Yosh... Petting Chao
1727 Tails grunt
1728 Eggman Horeyhorey Shaking object
1729 Tails Everything will be okay. Petting Chao
1730 Eggman YU Slap/kick
1731 Tails Yusho. Shaking object
1732 Eggman Yes! Recharged! 2P Special Attack ready
1733 Tails grunt Tail attack
1734 Tails Go!
1735 Eggman Hahaha! Sonic! Come here if you want to save her life! Crazy Gadget intro (Story Mode)
1736 Eggman What are you doing?! Sonic! There's no time for games! Plays 2 minutes into Crazy Gadget if the player hasn't reached the gravity maze (Story Mode)
1737 Eggman You're too slow! Sonic, if you don't come here, she will die! Plays 4 minutes into Crazy Gadget and every 2 minutes afterwards until the player reaches the gravity maze (Story Mode)
1738 Announcer Emergency! Emergency! Reaching the hallway before the gravity maze in Crazy Gadget (Story Mode)
1739 Eggman Well done, Sonic, but you'll never leave this room alive! Haha! Entering the gravity maze in Crazy Gadget (Story Mode)
1740 Omochao Tails and Amy are in danger! Hurry, Sonic!
1741 Omochao The gravity control switch has messed up the forces of gravity! Use the switch to get out.
1742 Omochao You can change the gravitational force using the gravity control switch.
1743 Omochao When stuck, use the switch to reverse the force of gravity.
1744 Omochao Use the Homing Attack when the electrical shield is off.
1745 Omochao This is the high-speed warp tube. Break the glass and jump in!
1746 Omochao Grinding is easier using Light Dash.
1747 Omochao Use the Homing Attack to get to the next block.
1748 Omochao See the item box over there? Jump and get it. Be careful!
1749 Omochao Remember to throw the switch to activate the missile. If the missile is not there, you have to go back using the spring.
1750 Sonic Amy, Tails, I'm on my way! Crazy Gadget Idle Quote 1
1751 Sonic This place is a real pain in the butt. Crazy Gadget Idle Quote 2
1752 Eggman All right, Tails! Now, destroy the security door leading to the Cannon's Core! Cannon's Core Coms
1753 Eggman All right! Now it's my turn!
1754 Eggman Rouge! There should be an emergency switch in the dome to drain the liquid out of the core. See if you can find it! Cannon's Core Coms
1755 Eggman Knuckles, can you hear me? The last security door to the core should be in front of you. Find the switch that opens the door. Cannon's Core Coms
1756 Eggman Sonic! Get past the energy field to get to the core! You're our last chance. We're depending on you! Cannon's Core Coms
1757 Announcer System alert. System alert. The intruder has breached the system area. Initiate debug program. Cannon's Core (Tails) intro
1758 Announcer System alert. System alert. Energy core safe program terminated. Self-repair program initializing. Pressing the emergency switch in Cannon's Core (Rouge)
1759 Announcer System alert. System alert. Primary security lock system terminated. Initiate final defense systems. Opening the main security door in Cannon's Core (Knuckles)
1760 Eggman Okay, Tails. There should be a security door somewhere in the room. You need to destroy it! Cannon's Core Coms
1761 Tails Great, Eggman! There should be a security door somewhere in this room. Cannon's Core Coms
1762 Eggman Good job, Rouge! Hurry! Throw the switch and drain the liquid! Cannon's Core Coms
1763 Eggman Knuckles, I found the switch on radar. The security door control switch is accessible from the waterway... over there! Cannon's Core Coms
1764 Eggman Sonic! You should have cleared the electrical disturbance. It's all up to you now! Approaching the fluid slide in Cannon's Core (Sonic)
1765 Omochao This machine suspends time. Use the switch to stop time for a while.
1766 Omochao You should be able to stop the laser using that switch.
1767 Omochao Activate the time control switch by using the lock-on.
1768 Omochao Break through the floor here!
1769 Omochao There must be a secret passage somewhere in this room.
1770 Omochao You're running out of air! Did you find the Air Necklace yet?
1771 Omochao If those blocks were not there, you could get through.
1772 Omochao Stopping time might stop the water flow.
1773 Omochao The switch to the security lock is located somewhere down there.
1774 Omochao You can't get through because of the rushing water.
1775 Omochao This switch suspends time. You will be able to stop time for a while.
1776 Omochao You can get to the other side if you use the blocks wisely.
1777 Omochao Watch out for the laser as you go through here.
1778 Omochao This must be the switch to drain the water, but first, you have to open this capsule.
1779 Omochao The walls in the storage area are too slippery to scale.
1780 Omochao Find the Sunglasses and use them to find hidden items.
1781 Omochao The area below the enemies has no floor. Be careful not to fall!
1782 Eggman Once you get out of here, it will be up to them! Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1783 Knuckles There's no way I can leave without that emerald over there... Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1784 Rouge Are we cutting it kind of close? No time! Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1785 Sonic I'm unstoppable now! Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1786 Tails I'll give it my best shot! Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1787 Eggman The central dome must be over there. Cannon's Core Idle Quote 1
1788 Knuckles Where is that switch Eggman was talking about? Cannon's Core Idle Quote 2
1789 Rouge Where is that switch? Cannon's Core Idle Quote 2
1790 Sonic The Cannon's Core is over there. Cannon's Core Idle Quote 2
1791 Tails I should get over there, now! Cannon's Core Idle Quote 2
1792 Tails The President must be over there! Let's go! Route 101 intro
1793 Tails Yeah, I found the President! Clear Route 101
1794 Tails I'm getting closer! Route 101 Checkpoint 1
1795 Sonic Tails! Did you find the President? Route 101 half-way
1796 Tails Almost, Sonic! Just a few more minutes. Route 101 half-way
1797 Tails Something's on the radar. We are very close! Route 101 (unused)
1798 Tails Oh no! I lost him! Route 101 failure by time out
1799 Rouge I'm picking up the signal from the emerald. Fox boy, wait for me! Route 280 intro
1800 Rouge I found it, fox boy! Clear Route 280
1801 Rouge I must be getting closer! Route 280 first checkpoint
1802 Eggman Rouge! Did you find Tails? Route 280 second checkpoint
1803 Rouge Wait a minute. Be quiet! Just leave it to me! Route 280 second checkpoint
1804 Rouge The signal is strong; the emerald's close. Yes, I've got it!
1805 Rouge What a time to run out of gas... Route 280 failure by time out
1806 Radio Attention all units! Suspect seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture the suspect. City Escape intro
1807 Omochao Hi! I'm Omochao! I'm here to help you! City Escape Hint
1808 Omochao There are a lot of military robots around here. Be careful! City Escape Hint
1809 Omochao Press A button on the ramp and you'll be able to do a trick! City Escape Hint
1810 Sonic What did I do? City Escape Idle Quote 1
1811 Sonic This city sure has some steep hills. City Escape Idle Quote 2
1812 Omochao Find the three pieces of the Master Emerald hidden somewhere around here. Use the radar at the bottom of the screen and hints to help you find them all.
1813 Omochao There may be something useful in that box the statue is holding. Find the digging tool in another stage, and then come back.
1814 Omochao This car is very tough! You can't destroy it, but you can move it with a punch attack.
1815 Omochao Press and hold A button while jumping and you'll be able to fly short distances. This is called gliding, but you knew that already, right?
1816 Omochao Super strong wind! Riding the wind is the easiest way to get to high places.
1817 Omochao This is the Lonely Statue area. He looks lonely!
1818 Omochao The Sphynx Head is buried here.
1819 Omochao This is Stone Dance Hall. The wind is very strong in here!
1820 Omochao This is Chamber of Wind. Do you see the Wind Altar?
1821 Omochao Use this passage to get to the Chamber of Wind.
1822 Knuckles If I don't hurry it up, that bat girl will find it first! Wild Canyon Idle Quote 1
1823 Knuckles That's some serious wind. Wild Canyon Idle Quote 2
1824 Omochao This is the Oasis Prison. There are no air pockets!
1825 Omochao Welcome to the desert. It's hot! I saw something in the oasis. Do you want to go there?
1826 Omochao Three pieces of the emerald are hidden somewhere around here. Watch the radar at the bottom of the screen and use hints. It's the best way to find them all!
1827 Omochao Press A button while jumping to fly, or should I say glide! Isn't this cool?
1828 Omochao Stand on the floating turtle to travel from this oasis to the other.
1829 Omochao Hold onto the swimming turtle to travel through the underwater passage.
1830 Omochao This is the Huge Oasis.
1831 Omochao This is the Small Oasis.
1832 Omochao This is the Three Head Wall.
1833 Omochao This is the Statue's Pool.
1834 Rouge Even if I collect all the pieces, can he really put it back together? Dry Lagoon Idle Quote
1835 Rouge I hate places like this!
1836 Omochao Can't break the steel containers? Find a special pair of gloves, then you can break them and get on your way. Death Chamber Hint
1837 Omochao Try digging through parts of walls to get to the other side. Try it on odd-looking walls. Death Chamber Hint
1838 Omochao This is the Red Room. Death Chamber Hint
1839 Omochao This is the Blue Room. Death Chamber Hint
1840 Omochao This is the Green Room. Death Chamber Hint
1841 Omochao This is the Pyramid Core. A huge, complex machine is working! Death Chamber Hint
1842 Omochao Find the hourglass to open the door. There must be one somewhere. Death Chamber Hint
1843 Knuckles Where is the key hidden? Think! Death Chamber Idle Quote 1
1844 Knuckles Sheesh! It's like a maze. Death Chamber Idle Quote 2
1845 Omochao The key may be buried. Did you find a digging tool? Egg Quarters Hint
1846 Omochao Try digging into walls that look odd. You might find a secret passageway! Egg Quarters Hint
1847 Omochao Beware of the beetle robots! Take cover in the shadows, or else it will shoot a laser at you! Egg Quarters Hint
1848 Omochao Watch the enemy detector which is next to the emerald radar. If the detector lights up, be careful. Unused
1849 Omochao This is the Egg Scorpion Chamber. Egg Quarters Hint
1850 Omochao This is the Egg Fish Chamber. Egg Quarters Hint
1851 Omochao This is the Egg Snake Chamber. Egg Quarters Hint
1852 Omochao This is the Snake Altar. Egg Quarters Hint
1853 Rouge The key's got to be somewhere around here. Egg Quarters Idle Quote 1
1854 Rouge There sure are a lot of weird robots around here. Egg Quarters Idle Quote 2
1855 N/A beep
1856 N/A beep
1857 N/A beep
1858 N/A beep
1859 N/A beep
1860 Omochao There are a lot of Eggman's robots around here! Be careful!
1861 Omochao Beware of electric shields. They hurt! Attack once the shield is down.
1862 Omochao Use enemies to get to higher places.
1863 Omochao Move the analogue thumbpad back and forth to escape the enemy ball trap.
1864 Omochao Use your punch attack to defeat the spiked cars.
1865 Omochao Use your kick attack to defeat the spiked cars.
1866 Omochao Use the Somersault to defeat the spiked cars.
1867 Omochao Square cars are invincible! Knock them off their tracks.
1868 Omochao To defeat the shield robots, attack their feet.
1869 Omochao To defeat the shield robots, use your punch attack.
1870 Omochao Try using your kick attack to defeat the shield robots.
1871 Omochao Homing Attacks are useless against the shield robots. Try punching them when they get close.
1872 Omochao Beware of the homing bullets from the robots. They will follow you!
1873 Omochao To defeat the bomb robots, try locking on to the bombs and robots.
1874 Omochao These ghosts sure like teasing you! Kind of scary, though.
1875 Omochao If a ghost grabs you, move the analogue thumbpad back and forth to escape.
1876 Omochao Attack the big ghost and make him shrink.
1877 Omochao There are some robots that look like research projects.
1878 Omochao Be careful of the Artificial Chaos' sting! It hurts!
1879 Omochao Aim for its head! That's its weak point.
1880 Omochao Did you know that you can pick up the bombs and throw them?
1881 Omochao Beware of the Vulcan Fighter! Its cannon is very powerful. If you see it, run!
1882 Omochao I'm scared of high places! Use hovering to slow down.
1883 Omochao If the dynamite packs explode, the colony will be damaged. You will be sucked out into space! Remember, explosives are very bad!
1884 Omochao Lots of dynamite packs around here! Be very careful!
1885 Omochao Dynamite packs on the floor, too! Be careful!
1886 Omochao Remember, to release the lock-on, hold B button down.
1887 Omochao That's the colony's power generator. You have to destroy it!
1888 Omochao The landing area is down there. Try landing over there! Are you okay?
1889 Omochao This door is locked! The switch to unlock the door should be around here somewhere.
1890 Omochao To break the steel container, you need a stronger weapon.
1891 Omochao Over there is the main tower where the power generator is located. Let's go! Don't be afraid.
1892 Tails I've got to find the power supply and destroy it! Eternal Engine Idle 1
1893 Tails It's getting hard to breathe in here. Eternal Engine Idle 2
1894 Omochao Be careful not to fall!
1895 Omochao Remember, there is no air from this point on. Careful!
1896 Omochao Go up!
1897 Omochao Stay away from the spinning drum or you will be sucked in. Try running!
1898 Shadow I don't know who you are, but I will destroy you. Final Chase Idle 1
1899 Shadow This place hasn't changed a bit. Final Chase Idle 2
1900 Sonic There's not much time left. This island is about to explode! Green Forest Idle Quote 1
1901 Sonic There are even military robots here, too. Green Forest Idle Quote 2
1902 Omochao Beware of Artificial Chaos! They are different than the ones you've seen before.
1903 Omochao Try jumping on the rail. Try grinding from here!
1904 Omochao Get more speed using Jump Dash! Try grinding up the steep incline. It's fun!
1905 Omochao The pipes are like a maze! Use the light-colored pipes to find your way out.
1906 Sonic There's no time to waste. It's about to fire! Final Rush Idle Quote 1
1907 N/A beep
1908 Sonic There's nothing that can stop me, even when I'm in outer space. Final Rush Idle Quote 2
1909 Announcer Intruder alert! Assume Level 1 defense formation. Iron Gate intro
1910 Announcer Level 1 security door breach. Emergency formation. Intercept intruder! Destroying the first security door in Iron Gate
1911 Announcer Level 2 security door breach! Level 2 security door breach! Destroying the first Level 2 security door in Iron Gate
1912 Announcer Level 3 security door breach! Intruder has breached section 3-8. Get him! Destroying the first Level 3 security door in Iron Gate
1913 Announcer Level 4 security door breach! Destroying the first Level 4 security door in Iron Gate
1914 Announcer Level 5 security door breach! Switch to emergency defense mode! Lock down final security door! Destroying the first Level 5 security door in Iron Gate
1915 Omochao Use Eggman's weapon the destroy the security door.
1916 Omochao The door is locked in four places! Lock-on to all four to destroy it.
1917 Omochao This security door cannot be destroyed with your weapon. Look for the missile!
1918 Eggman No matter what you do, it's mine! Iron Gate Idle 1
1919 Eggman Do you think that pile of junk is going to stop me? Iron Gate Idle 2
1920 Announcer Missile launch in 15 seconds. Metal Harbour Missile Section
1921 Announcer 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Metal Harbour Missile Section
1922 Announcer Fire. Metal Harbour Missile Section
1923 Omochao The missile is about to be fired! Grab hold of the handle and you should be able to make it. Hurry! There's no time left! Metal Harbour Hint
1924 Omochao Press B button to use the Light Shoes. Use them when you get near a path of rings. Metal Harbour Hint
1925 Omochao Don't let go of the analogue thumbpad while doing the loop-de-loop!
1926 Sonic I'm out of here! Metal Harbour Idle Quote 1
1927 Sonic I'm impressed. Metal Harbour Idle Quote 2
1928 Omochao That's quicksand and very dangerous! Avoid falling into the sand.
1929 Omochao Try shooting strange-looking walls. You can find your way out.
1930 Omochao Blow up the dynamite packs on the pillars and the platforms will collapse.
1931 Tails There must be a way to get in there. Hidden Base Idle 1
1932 Tails Can I break this? Hidden Base Idle 2
1933 Omochao Slide across the suspension cable on the bridge.
1934 Omochao Slide across the suspension cable on the bridge. Press A button at the end and jump even farther!
1935 Omochao Press A button at the right time when swinging on the bar and see what happens!
1936 Shadow Let's ditch these guys and blow this city. Radical Highway Idle Quote 1
1937 Shadow Foolish humans... Radical Highway Idle Quote 2
1938 Omochao Lots of vines around here. Grab on and take it for a ride! If you find one, give it a try!
1939 Omochao Try Somersaulting to get through really tight spaces!
1940 Shadow There's no time to waste. It's about to explode! White Jungle Idle Quote 1
1941 Shadow Fog... it doesn't bother me. White Jungle Idle Quote 2
1942 Omochao The colony was shut down 50 years ago. The only thing left are the guard robots!
1943 Omochao Enemies may be hiding in the dark, so be careful as you proceed.
1944 Omochao There are many holes in the floor. Be careful not to fall in!
1945 Omochao If you fall into the hole, that's the end. Try hovering over them.
1946 Omochao Defeating the enemies brightens the room, so you can see better.
1947 Omochao It's useless to run around in circles! Find a way out of the maze.
1948 Omochao Are you stuck? Try going up and down. I know you will find a way out!
1949 Omochao Try hovering to fly over it.
1950 Omochao Can you see the step below you? Try hovering to get there.
1951 Eggman I thought the central control room was this way! Lost Colony Idle Quote 1
1952 Eggman Could this be the place my grandfather wrote of? Lost Colony Idle Quote 2
1953 Omochao It feels good floating! Bet jumping higher would be a breeze here. Mad Space Hint
1954 Omochao I sense an electrical disturbance here. The detector is not working right! Mad Space Hint
1955 Omochao The electrical disturbance is affecting all the machines! Don't trust them. Don't be fooled by the hints from them! Mad Space Hint
1956 Omochao Detector readings are reversed! Be very careful. Mad Space Hint
1957 Omochao There are planets here that affect the gravity. Mad Space Hint
1958 Omochao Try finding something that will get you to the other planets. Mad Space Hint
1959 Omochao This is the Bumpy Planet. Mad Space Hint
1960 N/A beep
1961 Omochao This is the Capsule Planet. Mad Space Hint
1962 N/A beep
1963 Omochao This is the Holy Planet. Mad Space Hint
1964 N/A beep
1965 Omochao This is the Spherical Planet. Mad Space Hint
1966 N/A beep
1967 Rouge Looks like we'll have all the pieces shortly. Mad Space Idle Quote 1
1968 Rouge Hmm... these hints make no sense. Mad Space Idle Quote 2
1969 Omochao There's nowhere to land in space. Don't go too far away, and be careful! Mad Space Hint
1970 Omochao Gravity is very weak here. You can jump higher and move huge boulders with ease. Mad Space Hint
1971 Omochao Meteorites can be broken and you may find items buried deep inside! Meteor Herd Hint
1972 Omochao Be careful! Falling meteorites! If you get hit, it'll hurt! Meteor Herd Hint
1973 Omochao This is the Dimpled Meteorite. Looks like you can't go up! Meteor Herd Hint
1974 Omochao This is the Huge Meteorite. Beware of falling meteorites! Meteor Herd Hint
1975 Omochao This is the Small Meteorite. Watch for dangerous traps! Meteor Herd Hint
1976 Omochao This is the Holy Meteorite. If you fall in, you die! Meteor Herd Hint
1977 Omochao This is the Cracked Meteorite. Meteor Herd Hint
1978 Omochao This is the Huge Meteorite. Beware of falling meteorites! Meteor Herd Hint
1979 Omochao This is the meteorite with a huge wall. Meteor Herd Hint
1980 Omochao This is the Tunnel Meteorite. Meteor Herd Hint
1981 Knuckles This just doesn't make any sense. What are the emeralds doing in space? Meteor Herd Idle Quote 1
1982 Knuckles Something's affecting the gravity here. Meteor Herd Idle Quote 2
1983 Knuckles copy of 1982
1984 Omochao The earth shakes a lot here. Be careful! Meteor Herd Hint
1985 Omochao Earthquake! Earthquake! Hurry and run! Meteor Herd Hint
1986 Omochao Beware of falling objects! Be very careful! Meteor Herd Hint
1987 Omochao When a robot is hiding behind something, it's easier to aim from far away, and then lock-on.
1988 Omochao Lock-on to as many dynamite packs as possible. It's a chance to get more points!
1989 Tails I've got to lose 'em. There must be a place to hide! Mission Street Idle 1
1990 Tails I hate earthquakes! Mission Street Idle 2
1991 N/A beep
1992 Omochao Flip the hourglass to open the door. Watch the hourglass; doors close when time is up. Pyramid Cave Hint
1993 Omochao Can't get through the door before it closes? Try a Somersault! Pyramid Cave Hint
1994 Omochao Throw the switch. There might be a surprise waiting! Pyramid Cave Hint
1995 Omochao This door looks different from others. It may open if you put something here. Pyramid Cave Hint
1996 Omochao I found the key to the door at the dead-end over there. Bring it here to open the door. Pyramid Cave Hint
1997 Sonic There's got to be a way I can get out of this place. Pyramid Cave Idle Quote 1
1998 Sonic So this is what the inside of a pyramid looks like. Pyramid Cave Idle Quote 2
1999 Omochao This is the ghost train turntable. Look for a switch that changes the train's direction. Pumpkin Hill Hint

Part 3

This section contains voice entries from 2000-2726.

Click here to view entries 2000-2726.
# Character Dialogue Notes
2000 Omochao The emerald may be buried underground. Did you find a digging tool? Pumpkin Hill Hint
2001 Omochao This rocket will take you to Ghost Train Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2002 Omochao This rocket will take you to Church Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2003 Omochao This rocket will take you to Pumpkin Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2004 Omochao This is Ghost Train Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2005 Omochao This is Church Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2006 Omochao This is Pumpkin Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2007 Omochao This is Pumpkin Field. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2008 Omochao This is the ghost train turntable. Move the switch in the direction you want the train to go. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2009 Omochao Use this rocket to get to the top of the mountain fast. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2010 Omochao Using this rocket makes scaling mountains a breeze! Pumpkin Hill Hint
2011 Knuckles I can sense a piece of the emerald is nearby. Pumpkin Hill Idle Quote 1
2012 Knuckles What a weird place. Pumpkin Hill Idle Quote 2
2013 N/A beep
2014 Omochao If the prison doors are shut, don't worry. Defeat all enemies around here and the doors open automatically. Prison Lane Hint
2015 Omochao This is the mini-lift. Jump on it to go up. Prison Lane Hint
2016 Omochao The prison door is shut because there are some enemies to defeat. Find them all! Prison Lane Hint
2017 Tails I've got to find Sonic. He's in jail! Prison Lane Idle Quote 1
2018 Tails This place is huge. Prison Lane Idle Quote 2
2019 Eggman Rouge! Get the Chaos Emeralds before the military finds you! Security Hall intro (Mission 1)
2020 Eggman Hurry up, Rouge! The island is set to blow up! One minute into Security Hall (Mission 1)
2021 Eggman What are you doing? Get going! Bring me the Chaos Emeralds NOW. Two minutes into Security Hall (Mission 1)
2022 Eggman What in the world are you doing? You took longer than you were supposed to! Three minutes into Security Hall (Mission 1)
2023 Eggman Rouge! It's going to explode! Hurry up! Get going! Four minutes into Security Hall (Mission 1)
2024 Eggman No! That's no good! You've spoiled my plans! Five seconds from failing Security Hall (Mission 1)
2025 Omochao Look out for the red laser! It's really hot, so don't touch it! Security Hall Hint
2026 Omochao To open the safe, grab hold of the wall and dig into the center. Security Hall Hint
2027 Omochao All safes are locked! There may be a switch to unlock them in the room upstairs. Security Hall Hint
2028 Omochao Check every floor to unlock each safe. Each floor has a color-coded switch that matches the safe you want to unlock. Find them all! Security Hall Hint
2029 Omochao Do you remember which floor the safes are on that you want to open? Security Hall Hint
2030 Omochao First floor is red, second floor is yellow, and the third floor is blue. Security Hall Hint
2031 Omochao This is A Block. Security Hall Hint
2032 Omochao This is B Block. Security Hall Hint
2033 Omochao This is C Block. Security Hall Hint
2034 Omochao Get to the upstairs room from here. Security Hall Hint
2035 Omochao Watch the laser patterns. It's hot, so don't let it hit you! Security Hall Hint
2036 Omochao You can't dig through the floor or walls because they are too strong! Security Hall Hint
2037 Rouge I'll check on that data on Shadow later. Security Hall Idle Quote 1
2038 Rouge You must be kidding. The security here is a joke! Security Hall Idle Quote 2
2039 Omochao The more you jump on this gizmo, the higher it will take you. Keep jumping until you reach the top! Sky Rail Hint
2040 Omochao Press A button and use the analogue thumbpad while grinding to jump from rail to rail. Sky Rail Hint
2041 Shadow The last Chaos Emerald will be within my reach soon. Sky Rail Idle Quote 1
2042 Shadow That rail sure came in handy. Sky Rail Idle Quote 2
2043 Omochao Watch out for the quicksand below! If you fall in, there's no way out! Hidden Base Hint
2044 Omochao You can knock over the pillar by using the dynamite packs below. Be careful not to get squashed! Hidden Base Hint
2045 Eggman Now I've got to start over from the base! Sand Ocean Idle Quote 1
2046 Eggman My machines hate the sand! I've got to get out of here. Sand Ocean Idle Quote 2
2047 Omochao The weak point is the head. Find a way to the top!
2048 Omochao Try to stay behind it. That's the way to get on top!
2049 Omochao Try using your Bounce Attack. It's the easiest way up!
2050 Omochao His weak point is in his body! First, break the outside.
2051 Omochao Keep shooting the cannon! His weak point will appear.
2052 Omochao Attack his weak point. It's underneath his exterior!
2053 N/A beep
2054 N/A beep
2055 N/A beep
2056 N/A beep
2057 N/A beep
2058 N/A beep
2059 N/A beep
2060 N/A beep
2061 Omochao The gravity is very weak, so try to go up by hovering. Get to high places with ease!
2062 Eggman Sonic, this time I can't lose! Cosmic Wall Idle Quote 1
2063 Eggman Boy! This walker design is perfectly suited for space. Cosmic Wall Idle Quote 2
2064 Omochao Did you find the cannon? Use it on the steel containers.
2065 Eggman Let's see if I can have some fun now! Weapons Bed Idle Quote 1
2066 Eggman Those fools are no match for me! Weapons Bed Idle Quote 2/2P Alternate Costume Intro
2067 Eggman Hahaha! You're just a kid! You couldn't beat me in a hundred years! Stupid little fox. vs Tails 1 Intro
2068 Eggman What? vs Tails 1 Hurt 1
2069 Eggman Ouch! That's it! I'm going to destroy you! vs Tails 1 Hurt 2
2070 Eggman Take this! vs Tails 1
2071 Eggman You won't escape me this time! vs Tails 1
2072 Eggman Whoa! Now you've made me mad. vs Tails 1
2073 Eggman Darn! I let my guard down... vs Tails 1 Defeated
2074 Eggman Hahaha! What's wrong? Ready to surrender? vs Tails 1
2075 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's Vulcan Cannon. Lock-on to defeat him!
2076 Omochao Lock-on to Eggman when you get next to him or behind him.
2077 Omochao You will slowly recover your health by collecting rings.
2078 Omochao Don't just run around! Stay alert and keep shooting.
2079 Eggman You're no match for me, you weak little fox!
2080 Eggman Ah! Don't think you've won yet!
2081 Eggman Whoa! Now you've done it, Tails!
2082 Eggman No! I can't lose to Tails...!
2083 Eggman All right! No more games, Tails!
2084 Eggman Take this!
2085 Eggman Hahaha! Now, give me the emerald.
2086 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! Take cover behind the wall or use lock-on to destroy it.
2087 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's special attack! It's strong and inflicts lots of damage. Learn his moves, then dodge him!
2088 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! Hide behind the wall to avoid damage.
2089 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! When it gets close, use something to smash it.
2090 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's special attack! It's very painful. Move quickly to avoid it!
2091 Soldier Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to headquarters. Intruder has been located. City Escape Boss 1
2092 Radio Copy that. City Escape Boss 1 Responder
2093 Soldier This is Spider Troop Big Foot. Big Foot to headquarters, over! We've engaged the enemy and request backup! City Escape Boss 2
2094 Soldier What?! For just one hedgehog?! City Escape Boss 3
2095 Omochao Aim for the cockpit! That's its weak point.
2096 Omochao You won't be able to attack it while it's airborne. Wait until it lands, then attack the fighter's cockpit.
2097 Omochao Use your rings wisely. Pick up one at a time as needed.
2098 Soldier This is Flying Dog to headquarters. Intruder found entering Security Hall. Preparing to attack. Security Hall Boss 1
2099 Soldier This is Flying Dog to headquarters. We're taking heavy damage! Close the Security Hall. Security Hall Boss 2
2100 Soldier It's just not possible! This Flying Dog can't be destroyed...! Security Hall Boss 3
2101 Omochao This fighter never lands! Climb to the top and then use your glide attack.
2102 Omochao Attack when it stops! You can also attack it when it's charging up or firing a missile.
2103 Soldier This is Scorpion Troop's Hot Shot. Enemy movement has been detected. En route to intercept and destroy. Iron Gate Shadow Boss 1
2104 Soldier This is Scorpion Troop's Hot Shot. The enemy is stronger than expected. Request additional support! Iron Gate Shadow Boss 2
2105 Soldier He is too strong! Iron Gate Shadow Boss 3
2106 Omochao Try to attack using a wooden container while flying.
2107 Knuckles Hand over those Master Emeralds. Give them to me!
2108 Knuckles Oo
2109 Knuckles grunt I have no choice but to fight now!
2110 Knuckles grunt You're no ordinary thief.
2111 Knuckles I must... protect... the Master Emerald...
2112 Knuckles Don't make me do this!
2113 Knuckles Now witness my powers!
2114 Knuckles grunt
2115 Knuckles Wha?
2116 Knuckles Ow!
2117 Knuckles Hand 'em over now!
2118 Omochao Knock Knuckles off by hitting the pillar. When he's on the ground, attack!
2119 Omochao Beware of Knuckles' special attack! Make sure you're in midair when he lands after throwing the Hammer Punch.
2120 Omochao Beware of Knuckles' special attack! Be sure to get out of the way when he uses his Thunder Arrow attack.
2121 Omochao Memorize Knuckles' patterns. When he stops, that's the time to attack.
2122 Shadow I'll show you the power of the real Ultimate Life Form!
2123 Omochao The surfaces are designed to absorb attacks. It's invincible! As long as he's equipped with that red life-support system, he's invincible!
2124 Omochao Chain Homing Attack. Use his attack to ascend!
2125 Omochao You may be able to grind on that pipe coming out of his mouth.
2126 Omochao To avoid his energy attack, use the Somersault or jump.
2127 Omochao Remember to use the Jump Dash when approaching the pipe coming out of his mouth.
2128 Omochao Did you see the egg-like attack? You might want to ascend!
2129 Omochao You can't attack when you get blown upwards. Attack when you land.
2130 Shadow He's still very powerful. What kind of monster is this? How are you doing, Sonic? 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2131 Sonic Where does he get all that power? Is this the power of the Chaos Emeralds? Shadow, are you okay? 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2132 Shadow The red swelling may be a weak spot. Sonic, aim for it! 1 minute 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2133 Sonic Shadow, how's your ring energy? Before you're depleted, make sure to change places with me to collect more rings! 1 minute 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2134 Rouge Can you hear me? Sonic, Shadow? Everyone here is rooting for you. Good luck, and give him trouble! Two minutes into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2135 N/A beep
2136 Amy Can you both hear me? The ARK is close to the Earth! Please hurry up! Two minutes into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2137 Shadow grunt I don't have enough energy to change into my super form! 2 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2138 Sonic Shadow, your power is getting weaker! Hey, are you okay? 2 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2139 Shadow Maria, watch me! I will fulfill your wish! Three minutes into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2140 Sonic Shadow, at this rate, your super form won't last! Get back to the colony! Three minutes into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2141 Knuckles Sonic, we're in danger! The colony will enter the atmosphere in about 4 minutes! One minute into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2142 Eggman Can both of you hear me? Atmosphere entry in about 4 minutes! Hurry! One minute into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2143 Shadow panting Sonic... I can't keep this up... hurry! 3 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2144 Sonic Shadow! Continuous use of your super form will cause you to disappear. Get back to the colony! 3 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2145 Shadow panting Sonic, I think I've discovered what the Ultimate Life Form is. It might be you! Four minutes into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2146 Sonic Shadow, I understand. You're unstoppable! Let's destroy this creature now! Everyone is waiting for us back on Earth! Four minutes into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2147 Tails Sonic, watch out! The colony is entering the atmosphere! Get out of there!! 4 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2148 Amy There's no way to stop it now! You're out of time! Get out of there!! 4 minutes 30 seconds into FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2149 Amy You're out of time! Get out of there! 10 seconds from failing FinalHazard (Sonic active)
2150 Rouge There's no time left! Get out! 10 seconds from failing FinalHazard (Shadow active)
2151 Sonic Shadow, switch places with me. You're out of rings! 15 rings left
2152 Sonic Shadow, you're almost out of rings! You'll lose your super form! 4 Rings left
2153 Shadow Sonic, what are you doing? You're almost out of rings. Switch places with me! 15 Rings left
2154 Shadow Sonic, you're out of rings! You will lose your super form! 4 Rings left
2155 Sonic Shadow, let me collect rings. Keep him busy for a while! Switching to Shadow for the first time
2156 Sonic It's up to you, Shadow. Manually switching to Shadow, plays if the player has previously switched to Shadow
2157 Sonic Yeah, take that, you creep! Shadow, are you okay? Switching to Shadow after damaging FinalHazard, plays if the player previously switched to Shadow in any way
2158 Shadow I'll collect the rings. Now it's up to you, Sonic! Switching to Sonic for the first time
2159 Shadow It's up to you, Sonic. Manually switching to Sonic, plays if the player has previously switched to Sonic
2160 Shadow All right. This is working! Sonic, how are you doing? Switching to Sonic after damaging FinalHazard, plays if the player previously switched to Sonic in any way
2161 Sonic Shadow, you need rest. Let me give it a try! Super Sonic intro, player switches to Sonic for the first time
2162 Sonic We've almost got him! Super Sonic intro, all subsequent instances
2163 Shadow Sonic, leave it to me. I'll destroy him! Super Shadow intro, player switches to Shadow for the first time
2164 Shadow Here I come, you creep! Super Shadow intro, all subsequent instances
2165 Eggman Can you hear me, Sonic? Shadow? He's very weak without his life-support system. Aim for the red swelling area to damage him. You're our last hope! FinalHazard starting hint
2166 Amy Sonic, Shadow? Can you hear me? You need rings to stay supercharged. Before your rings are depleted, remember to change places with each other. FinalHazard starting hint (Second attempt)
2167 Tails When you change places, make sure to fly in front of him to get to the other side. Good luck to both of you!
2168 Knuckles Sonic, can you hear me? When you take a hit, you won't be able to move. When you don't have many rings left, make sure to change places with Shadow as soon as you can. FinalHazard starting hint (Third attempt)
2169 Rouge Hang in there, the both of you!
2170 Eggman Sonic, Shadow! You two are the only ones who can stop him now! FinalHazard start (Fourth+ attempt)
2171 Rouge Give it your best shot!
2172 Tails Sonic, Shadow!
2173 Knuckles You can do it!
2174 Amy Please!
2175 King Boom Boo roar Receding into the ground
2176 King Boom Boo grunt Throwing a fireball
2177 King Boom Boo roar
2178 King Boom Boo roar Emerging from the ground
2179 King Boom Boo roar Giving chase
2180 King Boom Boo roar Forced out of the shadow
2181 King Boom Boo roar Taking damage
2182 King Boom Boo roar Defeated
2183 King Boom Boo roar Turning around
2184 King Boom Boo roar, cackle Turning around
2185 King Boom Boo yell Turning around when hourglass is flipped
2186 King Boom Boo roar Giving chase after touch damage is dealt to Knuckles
2187 King Boom Boo cackle Touch damage is dealt to Knuckles
2188 King Boom Boo inhale Preparing flame breath
2189 King Boom Boo BWAAAAA Flame breath
2190 King Boom Boo roar Intro roar
2191 Omochao The ghosts hate the sunlight! There must be a way to get some sunlight in here.
2192 Omochao Look! It's an hourglass. You've got to use the hourglass that the baby ghost is holding.
2193 Omochao The ghost has become a shadow! Try digging to pull him out. Keep trying!
2194 Rouge Very well. If that's how you want to play, I will take it from you!
2195 Rouge Ack!
2196 Rouge grunt Now you've made me mad!
2197 Rouge yell Now I mean business!
2198 Rouge This can't be true... I never lose...
2199 Rouge Here I come! Just watch me!
2200 Rouge Here I come! Get ready!
2201 Rouge grunt
2202 Rouge WAH
2203 Rouge grunt
2204 Rouge Now it's my turn to take what's mine!
2205 Omochao Try knocking Rouge off the pillar. Once she's on the ground, attack.
2206 Omochao Beware of Rouge's special attack! Be ready to be in midair when she does her Hip Drop attack.
2207 N/A beep
2208 Omochao Beware of Rouge's special attack! Be sure to get out of the way when she does her Black Wing attack.
2209 N/A beep
2210 Omochao Memorize Rouge's attack patterns. When she stops, that's the time to attack.
2211 Omochao Use your rings wisely. Pick up one ring at a time or else!
2212 Shadow There's no time to play games. You won't even get the chance!
2213 Shadow What?
2214 Shadow grunt I'm the coolest!
2215 Shadow Oh. I see. So you're not just a hedgehog.
2216 Shadow Time to put this to rest!
2217 Shadow That's no good!
2218 Shadow Darn... not bad for an imposter...
2219 Shadow grunt Not even close!
2220 Omochao Jump to avoid Shadow's spin attack.
2221 Omochao You can't attack him from the front. Try maneuvering and attack from the rear.
2222 Omochao When Shadow stops, that's your chance to attack him!
2223 Omochao You won't be able to just attack him. Try something to lower his defenses!
2224 Shadow Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of Chaos Control!
2225 Shadow grunt Hm, that hurt.
2226 Shadow grunt You're better than I thought.
2227 Shadow Impossible... I am the Ultimate Life...
2228 Shadow Hm. Is that all you got?
2229 Sonic Ah, my emerald! Give it back!
2230 Shadow This is the ultimate power!
2231 Omochao When he tries to use Chaos Control, then attack!
2232 Omochao Be aware of your surroundings while trying to avoid him.
2233 Omochao Beware of Shadow's special attack! Use the Somersault to avoid the Chaos Spear.
2234 Omochao Attack Shadow when he reappears using Chaos Control.
2235 Omochao Repeatedly attack Shadow to drop his defenses, then attack.
2236 Sonic You can't get away this time! There's only one real Sonic! vs Sonic 1 Intro
2237 Sonic Oo
2238 Sonic Kh! Bring it on! Hurt 1
2239 Sonic groan Who are you? Hurt 2
2240 Sonic Let me see your true power!
2241 Sonic It's no use!
2242 Sonic groan That hurt... Defeat Sonic 1
2243 Sonic Heh. Is that all you got?
2244 Omochao Jump to avoid Sonic's spin attack.
2245 Omochao You can't attack Sonic from the front. Try attacking him from behind!
2246 Omochao When Sonic stops, that's your chance to attack him!
2247 Sonic All right, Shadow. Time for me to finish this!
2248 Sonic Kh! Well done, faker.
2249 Sonic Ugh! No time to waste... take this!
2250 Sonic I'm not done with you yet!
2251 Sonic Heh! Too bad!
2252 Sonic Shoot... I failed...
2253 Sonic What's up? Ready to surrender?
2254 Sonic I'll use your technique!
2255 Sonic Chaos Control!
2256 Omochao Beware of Sonic's special attack! To avoid the Sonic Wind, use the Somersault.
2257 Omochao Be careful of the traps that are around here!
2258 Omochao Attack Sonic when he is trapped and weakened.
2259 Tails Eggman! You won't get away with this! Tails vs. Eggman 1 intro
2260 Tails Ow.
2261 Tails Owie! Darn it, Eggman!
2262 Tails YA
2263 Tails Vulcan Cannon, fire!
2264 Tails Ow! I'm mad now!
2265 Tails Shoot! I was so close... Defeated (Tails vs. Eggman 1)
2266 Tails Take that, Eggman! You ready to give up!
2267 Omochao Beware of Tails' Vulcan Cannon. Use lock-on to defeat him!
2268 Omochao Get ready to lock-on when Tails comes close or when you're behind him.
2269 Omochao Collecting the rings will help you slowly recover health.
2270 Tails What have you done to Sonic? I'll never forgive you for this! Tails vs. Eggman 2 intro
2271 Tails Ow! Now I'm serious!
2272 Tails Oo! There's no way I'm going to lose!
2273 Tails Forgive me, Sonic... Defeated (Tails vs. Eggman 2)
2274 Tails I'll show you how powerful my Cyclone is! Preparing special attack (Tails vs. Eggman 2)/2P Alternate Costume Intro
2275 Tails Fire!
2276 Tails It's not over yet, Eggman!
2277 Omochao Tails' homing missile. It scatters when it explodes! Try attacking it from afar.
2278 Omochao Tails' special attack is very strong, so be very careful! Memorize his patterns to avoid him.
2279 Omochao Beware of Tails' homing missile! It scatters when it explodes, so stay as far away as possible.
2280 Omochao To avoid the missile, hide behind the wall!
2281 Omochao Watch how he moves and when he stops, then attack!
2282 Eggman You guys are funny-looking! Chao World Idle Quote
2283 Knuckles Aw, how cute. Chao World Idle Quote
2284 Rouge This isn't too bad. 2P Alternate Intro/Chao World Idle Quote
2285 Shadow Hah. Chao World Idle Quote
2286 Sonic Hey kids, what's up? Chao World Idle Quote
2287 Tails Hey, everyone! Chao World Idle Quote
2288 Omochao It's a nice day.
2289 Omochao Chao are so cute!
2290 Omochao Hey, that hurt.
2291 Omochao It's not easy to give you a hint!
2292 Omochao Don't play a TV-Game over 1 hour!
2293 Omochao Did you know the doctor's mustache is fake?
2294 Omochao I want to wind a spring.
2295 Omochao I wonder how Big is doing...
2296 Omochao Made in the USA for our fans!
2297 Omochao My allowance is all gone!
2298 Omochao I have a stomachache...
2299 Omochao Don't make fun of me!
2300 Omochao Chao, Chao, Cha!
2301 Omochao I want to go outside.
2302 Omochao yawn I'm tired.
2303 Omochao I lost my contact lenses.
2304 Omochao I'm late again.
2305 Omochao Am I annoying you?
2306 Omochao Omochao knows everything.
2307 Omochao Omochao wants to be Chao.
2308 Omochao I'm resting now.
2309 Omochao Hi! I'm Omochao.
2310 Omochao This is the Chao Garden.
2311 Omochao Chao are adorable creatures. Everyone loves them! Raise your own Chao here.
2312 Omochao To enter the Chao Garden, you have to find the Chao Key first. Come back when you find it!
2313 Omochao I'll give you the Chao Garden tour. Listen carefully!
2314 Omochao Ready for the Chao Garden tour?
2315 Omochao I'm ready to start the Chao Garden tour!
2316 Omochao Sure you don't want to learn about the garden?
2317 Omochao Okay!
2318 Omochao This is a Chao Egg. It will hatch over time, but it is wise to care for it until it hatches.
2319 Omochao How you take care of your Chao will affect its personality.
2320 Omochao What? You need advice on how to raise your newborn Chao?
2321 Omochao I guess I can tell you about it.
2322 Omochao Baby Chao love to eat nuts.
2323 Omochao This is their favorite snack! Feeding Chao these will make them strong and healthy.
2324 Omochao Nuts grow on trees. If you shake the trees, they will fall off!
2325 Omochao There are many kinds of nuts. Find out which is best for your Chao.
2326 Omochao Here's the next thing you need to know.
2327 Omochao This machine lets you to take your Chao out for a walk, using your memory card.
2328 Omochao More about that later.
2329 Omochao This way to the Chao Stadium! This is where the Chao Races are held. We love to race!
2330 Omochao Your Chao gets prizes for races they win.
2331 Omochao These are the small animals.
2332 Omochao And this is the Chaos Drive.
2333 Omochao Hand over either one to Chao and watch it change. Try using combinations.
2334 Omochao This is the end of the Chao Garden tutorial.
2335 Omochao Do you want to go through the tour one more time?
2336 Omochao Don't forget that you can use the Hint Boxes to get information.
2337 Omochao Be good to your Chao!
2338 Omochao Aren't Chao cute? You can visit the Chao Garden anytime.
2339 Omochao Bye-bye!
2340 Omochao Listen to me carefully.
2341 Omochao Here's how to get the nuts.
2342 Omochao Find a tree, press B button to grab it, then use the analogue thumbpad to shake it!
2343 Omochao Keep shaking it until the nuts fall!
2344 Omochao Here's how to use the Chao Transporter.
2345 Omochao Grab your Chao and step on the red button. Doing this will let you to take your Chao for a walk using your memory card.
2346 Omochao To remove Chao from the memory card, just stand on the red button. That's all you have to do!
2347 Omochao Now, let me tell you how to care for your Chao.
2348 Omochao Chao love to be held and petted all the time.
2349 Omochao Use Y button to select "Pet", then press B button for action.
2350 Omochao To hold your Chao, pick them up with B button and hold it down. They love to be snuggled!
2351 Omochao This is a tree seed. Plant it in the garden and watch it grow to bear nuts.
2352 Omochao The trees only live for a while, so collect as many seeds as you can.
2353 Omochao Chao hate crowded gardens. Try to limit 8 Chao to a garden. Some Chao may move to another garden on their own if it gets too crowded.
2354 N/A beep
2355 Omochao If flowers start to bloom around Chao, that means it's the mating season.
2356 Omochao When they mate, they may lay new eggs for you to raise.
2357 Omochao Look, look! Flowers are blooming around that Chao.
2358 Omochao Watch Chao closely and you may see them lay eggs.
2359 Omochao Congratulations! Your Chao has become a Hero Chao!
2360 Omochao Now you have access to the Hero Garden. Use the lobby to get there.
2361 Omochao Congratulations! Your Chao has become a Dark Chao!
2362 Omochao You now have access to the Dark Garden. Use the lobby to get there.
2363 Omochao Use the D-Pad to change the camera angle. This will let you watch your Chao from all angles!
2364 Omochao The Chao Kindergarten is fun! Take your favorite Chao there.
2365 Omochao Feeding your Chao nuts increases their energy to win races.
2366 Omochao Your Chao will transform depending on what animals and Chaos Drives you feed them. Try different combos.
2367 Omochao During the race, encourage your Chao based on how much stamina they have. Also, remember that encouragement works best if your Chao is specially bred for each type of race.
2368 Omochao Your Chao is hungry! Feed your Chao some seeds.
2369 Omochao There aren't many trees in this garden. Make sure you collect seeds on your walks.
2370 Omochao Your Chao may learn something if you encounter an adventure on your walk.
2371 Omochao If you neglect your Chao, it will become very lonely and might eventually run away!
2372 Omochao This is a letter from your Chao.
2373 Omochao Your Chao is very lonely!
2374 Omochao Chao!
2375 Omochao You can find either one in the Action Stage.
2376 Omochao They may be hiding in various spots. Try to find them!
2377 Omochao Your Chao will plant the seeds. If you find them, give them to your Chao.
2378 Omochao Let's go to the lobby.
2379 Omochao Uh oh! Your Chao has become a Dark Chao. I don't know what to do!
2380 Omochao Now you can access the Dark Garden using the lobby.
2381 Omochao It's scary, but you have to check the lobby.
2382 Omochao A new gate has opened.
2383 Omochao Do you have any questions?
2384 Omochao Do you have any other questions?
2385 Omochao What do you need?
2386 Omochao Did you understand that?
2387 Omochao Do you know about Chao?
2388 Omochao Chao are adorable creatures. Everyone in the world loves them!
2389 Omochao Chao live in the Chao Garden.
2390 Omochao You can raise your own Chao in the Chao Garden. They are so cute!
2391 Omochao There are a lot of things in the Chao Garden.
2392 Omochao Welcome to Chao World!
2393 Omochao Get to the Chao Garden from here.
2394 Omochao This is the Chao World exit.
2395 Omochao Go to the Hero Garden from here.
2396 Omochao Go to the Dark Garden from here.
2397 Omochao Go to the Chao Kindergarten from here.
2398 Omochao There are Chao from all over the world here in the Kindergarten.
2399 Omochao If you go to the Teacher's Room, you can get advice on how to raise your Chao.
2400 Omochao Get the health of Chao checked at the Doctor's Office.
2401 Omochao You can download a new scenario of Chao Adventure from the library.
2402 Omochao There is also the Black Market where you can download a lot of surprises.
2403 Omochao Visit the parks and classrooms where you might meet some new friends from around the world.
2404 Omochao To visit the Chao Kindergarten, you have to go online. Make sure to ask your parents first! The Chao Kindergarten is so much fun!
2405 Omochao The Chao Kindergarten is so much fun! Omochao wants to go to the Chao Kindergarten!
2406 Omochao Welcome to the Chao Kindergarten.
2407 Omochao You forgot your Chao! Kindergarten for Chao only, please!
2408 Omochao Bring your Chao here. It's a lot of fun!
2409 Omochao A message for the Chao Kindergarten: check the bulletin board!
2410 Omochao Visit the parks and classrooms to meet new friends from around the world.
2411 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2412 Sonic Some military troops suddenly showed up saying they were looking for me. Looks like they might be taking me for a ride somewhere.
2413 Sonic Hey, what's this? Handcuffs? Wait a minute, what are you talking about? I'm not a deserter from any military facility!
2414 Sonic I thought it may be some kind of joke, but this isn't funny!
2415 Sonic I've got to get out of here!
2416 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2417 Sonic What a persistent bunch of hardheads. Just who are they really after, anyway?
2418 Sonic Not only are they chasing me day and night, but now they brought in this huge robot to capture me.
2419 Sonic I guess they're really determined to get me this time.
2420 Sonic But do they really believe this is going to work? I'll show them some mad skills. Just give me three minutes to bring it on!
2421 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna, but you can call me Knuckles.
2422 Knuckles Once again, the Master Emerald was stolen from Angel Island.
2423 Knuckles The thief turns out to be this know-it-all bat girl, of all things.
2424 Knuckles When that bat girl was within my reach, who do you think shows up? Yup, that's right. Eggman. He came just in time to spoil my plan and even tried to take the Master Emerald!
2425 Knuckles I managed to break the Master Emerald into pieces before Eggman managed to escape. Now I have to find the pieces.
2426 Knuckles That bat girl is after the pieces as well. I have to collect them all and put the emerald back together quickly!
2427 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2428 Tails I was watching TV and just happened to catch the news. I was shocked to see Sonic on TV.
2429 Tails Sonic was arrested for something really terrible, which isn't like Sonic.
2430 Tails I couldn't believe it was true, so I hopped in my new Tornado and headed straight for Prison Island.
2431 Tails And guess who I ran into? Eggman! He's up to his evil ways again, chasing Amy. That can't be good!
2432 Tails Okay! Time to break out the new Tornado and save Amy.
2433 Tails Tornado transformation!
2434 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2435 Tails I was able to save Amy from Eggman, but she told me that Eggman is up to his evil ways again, planning something really big this time!
2436 Tails I need to keep an eye on Eggman, but first I have to save my bud, Sonic.
2437 Tails What's that? You want to come, too? Well, if you really want to, it's okay with me. Just don't get in my way.
2438 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2439 Sonic What in the world is Amy doing here?
2440 Sonic Never mind that! I need to focus on finding that black hedgehog who looks like my shadow. He's somewhere on this island, I know it!
2441 Sonic I'm wasting my time here! I'll trick the military guards and bust out of this joint!
2442 Sonic Does this mean that I'm a deserter now?
2443 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2444 Sonic Busting out of jail was no problem, and I found Shadow, too!
2445 Sonic He won't escape me this time!
2446 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2447 Sonic I almost had Shadow, but I ran out of time. Better get going, and fast!
2448 Sonic Eggman says he's wired this island to blow up in less than five minutes!
2449 Sonic I have to get off this island, and quick! Where's Amy and Tails?
2450 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2451 Knuckles Following a faint signal I was getting from the Master Emerald, I found myself in this rural canyon.
2452 Knuckles Sure feels creepy, but I'm not afraid of ghosts!
2453 Knuckles I have to find the pieces of the Master Emerald now.
2454 N/A beep
2455 N/A beep
2456 N/A beep
2457 N/A beep
2458 N/A beep
2459 N/A beep
2460 N/A beep
2461 N/A beep
2462 N/A beep
2463 N/A beep
2464 N/A beep
2465 N/A beep
2466 N/A beep
2467 N/A beep
2468 N/A beep
2469 N/A beep
2470 N/A beep
2471 N/A beep
2472 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2473 Eggman By accident, I found my grandfather's diary. In it, he described a mysterious top-secret weapon he was working on called Project Shadow.
2474 Eggman The diary looked like it was sealed inside the military research facility when it was shut down over 50 years ago!
2475 Eggman What a waste of good research!
2476 Eggman The legacy of the greatest scientific mind in the history of the world: Professor Gerald. That's my grandpa!
2477 Eggman I might as well get some use out of it.
2478 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2479 Shadow Awakened from a deep sleep that lasted over 50 years...
2480 Shadow Dr. Eggman, the grandson of my creator, Professor Gerald, has freed me.
2481 Shadow The Doctor awakened me, and for that, I have granted him a wish.
2482 Shadow First, let me show you the true power I possess. In ten seconds, I was able to destroy the military hardware like it was a toy.
2483 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2484 Rouge I just love jewels and cannot seem to get enough of them. I found this very valuable Master Emerald, but...
2485 Rouge This annoying echidna has been following me! He's so persistent!
2486 Rouge Moreover, this strange old man with a weird-looking mustache tried snatching it from me, but before that happened, it was shattered into pieces.
2487 Rouge Oh, look what you've done!
2488 Rouge Now I have to find and collect all of the pieces!
2489 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2490 Eggman I released Shadow from the military research facility, but now...
2491 Eggman Shadow told me to bring the Chaos Emerald and join him at the Space Colony ARK.
2492 Eggman There must be something going on. I should go back to the base and check it out!
2493 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2494 Shadow I took the Chaos Emerald from the National Reserve bank...
2495 Shadow And now the military and police are chasing me. I don't care if they know who I am because they'll never catch me. It's just a waste of time!
2496 Shadow There's no time for games. I have to get out of here, fast!
2497 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2498 Rouge I was able to put a transmitter on that old man's machine when he first appeared.
2499 Rouge I can't tell you why just yet.
2500 Rouge Then I tracked and followed him to this pyramid, but couldn't get in because the door was sealed.
2501 Rouge Hmm... maybe I need to find a key or something to get in!
2502 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2503 Eggman I went to the Space Colony ARK as Shadow told me to do.
2504 Eggman What's in the central control room of the ARK? I have to find out!
2505 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2506 Eggman The bat girl Rouge joined our forces and we came back to Prison Island.
2507 Eggman We came here to locate the Chaos Emerald that is stored somewhere in the military research facility.
2508 Eggman I will go in first to distract the troops! Hah! Then we will carry out our plan.
2509 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2510 Eggman When we reached the military research facility to get the Chaos Emerald, someone was there to stop us!
2511 Eggman Shadow, Rouge! Just go! I'll take care of him.
2512 Eggman Killing you will be my pleasure, fox boy!
2513 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2514 Tails Eggman just announced his evil plan to take over the world.
2515 Tails He just blew up half of the moon with this powerful weapon, and now he's threatening to take over the planet! I'll make sure that won't happen.
2516 Tails Eggman's tapping into the energy of the Chaos Emeralds to power that weapon.
2517 Tails It's up to me now. I'll find Eggman and the Chaos Emeralds!
2518 Tails First, I have to find a safe place to hide.
2519 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2520 Rouge I got inside the military research facility, just as the Doctor planned it.
2521 Rouge I need to find the three remaining Chaos Emeralds. This should be a piece of cake!
2522 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2523 Rouge A minor setback. sigh Just how could I have let this happen to me?
2524 Rouge After collecting the three Chaos Emeralds, something caught my eye. All of a sudden...
2525 Rouge The security alarm went off, and I was trapped inside the safe!
2526 Rouge From out of nowhere comes this strong-looking fighter. There's not much time left before the bomb that Shadow set goes off! This is just not my day.
2527 Rouge First, I've got to take care of business!
2528 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2529 Shadow Looks like bat girl has failed her end of the deal.
2530 Shadow I really could care less about her. It's the Chaos Emeralds I have to save.
2531 Shadow I have to hurry because there's not much time left before the bomb goes off.
2532 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2533 Shadow That other hedgehog appeared while I was on my way to rescue Rouge.
2534 Shadow He's starting to irritate me! It's time to show my true power.
2535 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2536 Rouge We announced our plans for world domination using the power of the Chaos Emeralds we stole from the military research facility.
2537 Rouge Charging the Eclipse Cannon is taking too long!
2538 Rouge So we've got to get the last Chaos Emerald and fast! Where is that fox boy?
2539 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2540 Shadow I receive a message from Rouge to follow that plane. The pilot is in possession of the last Chaos Emerald.
2541 Shadow There are so many creepy-looking mountains ahead of me... Never mind that! I won't let the plane get away.
2542 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2543 Eggman I was waiting for Sonic at my hidden base to show him my awesome robot created to put that creep in his place, but...
2544 Eggman That blue hedgehog eluded me again! Now he's on the attack, and is coming after me! Agh! Why does this always happen?
2545 Eggman Hey, get out of my way! Sonic's escaping!
2546 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2547 Rouge But that's not all I do!
2548 Rouge Finally, those guys appeared when I returned from my secret mission.
2549 Rouge That means they've collected the remaining pieces of the Master Emerald. Now is my chance!
2550 Rouge I've retrieved the information about the secret Project Shadow. Now's my chance to grab the Master Emerald and dash!
2551 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat, better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.
2552 Rouge He's starting to get on my nerves! He is relentless about the Master Emerald, isn't he? Why doesn't he just give up? That annoying echidna!
2553 Rouge I will beat him up and take the Master Emerald!
2554 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2555 Eggman Sonic and his buddies somehow found a way to get to the space colony.
2556 Eggman Why am I getting readings from two seperate Chaos Emeralds? What's going on?
2557 Eggman They must be planning a counterattack!
2558 Eggman I've got no time to waste. Back to the space colony, to attack them!
2559 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2560 Knuckles Following the signal from the Master Emerald, I found myself deep inside this canyon.
2561 Knuckles This place looks like a deserted mine of some kind. Most of it's underwater now.
2562 Knuckles It's going to be tough finding the pieces of the Master Emerald here. No time to complain about it!
2563 Knuckles I have to find the pieces of the Master Emerald quickly!
2564 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!
2565 Eggman Hahaha! I finally did it! I've defeated Sonic! That annoying hedgehog is now gone forever! He's nothing but floating chunks in space now!
2566 Eggman What are you going to do now, Tails? If you are against me, you'll suffer the same fate as your buddy, Sonic!
2567 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2568 Shadow Finally, all the seven Chaos Emeralds are set in place. Now the stage is set. I'm almost finished!
2569 Shadow All this time, someone has been trying to get at the Eclipse Cannon. There's no hope for him now!
2570 Shadow It's important we don't make any mistakes right now. I have to get rid of all those pests!
2571 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2572 Shadow It's that blue hedgehog that's trying to destroy the Eclipse Cannon!
2573 Shadow I'm impressed. I thought he died in the capsule that was shot into space.
2574 Shadow Now I know that blue hedgehog is dangerous!
2575 Shadow When I'm finished with him, he'll wish he died in the capsule. I'm going to show him my real power!
2576 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2577 Tails I tracked the signal from the Chaos Emeralds and located Eggman.
2578 Tails What's Eggman doing in outer space?
2579 Tails No worries! I've got to find the exact location of Eggman and quick!
2580 Tails No worries, Amy! Remember I'm a wiz when it comes to mechanical things.
2581 Tails I'll find the President!
2582 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2583 Tails We rode in the President's limo, and guess what? We found where Eggman is hiding!
2584 Tails Eggman and his buddies are in the Space Colony ARK.
2585 Tails Next step is to find Eggman's secret pyramid base, somewhere in the desert.
2586 Tails Got it! I'll go first and find the entrance.
2587 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2588 Sonic We managed to sneak into the pyramid and find Eggman's secret base.
2589 Sonic There's got to be a way to get to outer space from here. We don't have much time. Let's go!
2590 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2591 Knuckles We were able to locate Eggman's secret base, deep inside the pyramid.
2592 Knuckles Now we need to find the key to open the door to get to the other side.
2593 Knuckles What? Why do I have to find that key? That's not my job, but I'll do it. I have to because it's for the Master Emerald.
2594 Knuckles I'll show you the skills that make me the ultimate treasure hunter!
2595 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2596 Knuckles That was a piece of cake. I found the key and now it's time to explore Eggman's secret base!
2597 Knuckles What was that? I got a bad feeling about this. It's creepy in here. Could there be spirits that guard the tombs?
2598 Knuckles I don't think I can deal with this, but then how am I going to find the pieces of the emerald? Darn... I have no choice!
2599 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2600 Sonic Thanks to Knuckles, we were able to unlock the door to Eggman's secret base.
2601 Sonic Out of nowhere, Eggman appeared, and a huge statue came alive!
2602 Sonic That evil egghead! How did he know we were coming?
2603 Sonic Do you really think that piece of rock can stop us?
2604 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2605 Tails We managed to hotwire the space shuttle from Eggman's secret base, and finally arrived at the Space Colony ARK.
2606 Tails It was my idea to destroy that weapon using the fake emerald I made.
2607 Tails I wonder if Sonic understands the plan.
2608 Tails It's up to me to find the power supply and fast!
2609 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2610 Knuckles The pieces of the Master Emerald I collected are now floating in space. We should have secured them better in the shuttle cargo bay.
2611 Knuckles It's not an easy job protecting the Master Emerald, you know!
2612 Knuckles I have to find them before we lose them again!
2613 Amy My name is Amy Rose. I'm cute and full of energy!
2614 Amy Something horrible is happening. Professor Gerald activated this program a long time ago.
2615 Amy Activating that program has caused the space colony to fall out of its orbit. Now it's on a crash-course with the Earth!
2616 Amy Looks like Eggman has tricked Shadow.
2617 Amy He's such an evil doctor! I want to yell at him, but first, we need to stop the space colony from falling.
2618 Amy We decided to team up and go to the colony's core to stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds.
2619 Amy We don't have much time left! Hang on, everybody! Let's do it!
2620 Shadow I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the one and only Ultimate Life Form.
2621 Shadow Thanks to Amy, I was able to remember Maria's wish.
2622 Shadow When I finally realized it, the ultimate life prototype tried to stop me!
2623 Shadow I'll take care of this, Sonic! You go try to stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds.
2624 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2625 Sonic We were able to stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds, but the space colony is still falling!
2626 Sonic That prototype has become one with the space colony and is heading it on a collision course with Earth.
2627 Sonic copy of 2626
2628 Sonic The space colony will be entering the Earth's atmosphere soon. We have to destroy it now!
2629 Sonic The ultimate power is fueled by everyone's wish. Let me show you Super Sonic power!
2630 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Just call me Knuckles.
2631 Knuckles After finding half of the pieces of the Master Emerald, I ran into that bat girl again.
2632 Knuckles I bet she has the other half of the pieces. No time for small talk; I won't give her the chance!
2633 Knuckles I've got to get those pieces back!
2634 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2635 Sonic Our plan was perfect... until Eggman snatched Amy.
2636 Sonic Eggman said he'll trade us Amy for the emerald. I have to think about that one!
2637 Sonic There's no time for jokes! Eggman's ready to fire that weapon again!
2638 Sonic Tails, Amy! Hold on! I'm coming!
2639 Tails My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.
2640 Tails Sonic was captured and put in that capsule. Eggman shot the capsule into space and exploded it!
2641 Tails No! It can't be true! Sonic can't be dead!
2642 Tails Eggman! I won't let you get away with this! I promised Sonic I wouldn't give up and I won't. I'll make you pay for this!
2643 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2644 Sonic I took a chance using Chaos Control and managed to escape from Eggman's trap.
2645 Sonic There's not much time left before the weapon fires again!
2646 Sonic I'll take my chances and throw this emerald into the cannon before it fires!
2647 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2648 Sonic Timing couldn't be worse! Just when I thought I had everything under control, Shadow showed up. I have to end this battle against that black hedgehog now!
2649 Sonic Show me what you got, Shadow! True power? Yeah, right!
2650 Eggman My name is Dr. Eggman.
2651 Eggman I'm Dr. Eggman.
2652 Knuckles I'm Knuckles the Echidna.
2653 Knuckles copy of 2652
2654 Knuckles I'm Knuckles.
2655 Rouge My name is Rouge the Bat.
2656 Rouge I'm Rouge.
2657 Shadow My name is Shadow the Hedgehog.
2658 Shadow I'm Shadow.
2659 Sonic I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
2660 Sonic I'm Sonic.
2661 Tails My name is Miles "Tails" Prower.
2662 Tails I'm Tails.
2663 Amy Amy Rose is here! 2P Intro
2664 Amy Move aside, Knuckles!
2665 Amy Well, yeah.
2666 Amy WAAAAAA
2667 Amy Sonic!
2668 Amy You're not Sonic! Who are you?
2669 Amy Ooooh, I hate it when they leave me behind!
2670 Amy Awesome!
2671 Amy You've got just about all of the Emblems, haven't you?
2672 Amy Just wait a minute!
2673 Amy My name is Amy Rose.
2674 Amy grunt
2675 Amy giggle
2676 Amy Oooh!
2677 Amy Yeah!
2678 Amy Yay! All right! SA2B only
2679 Amy All right! SA2B only
2680 Amy Yes, yes, yes! SA2B only
2681 Amy Wow, I'm good! SA2B only
2682 Amy Hey, c'mon! SA2B only
2683 Amy It's my turn now! SA2B only
2684 Amy Here I come! SA2B only
2685 Amy I'm getting excited! SA2B only, Alternate 2P Intro
2686 Amy I'm going to do my best, Sonic! SA2B only, used when Sonic is the opponent
2687 Chaos Zero splash SA2B only
2688 Chaos Zero splash SA2B only
2689 Chaos Zero splash SA2B only
2690 Chao yell Taking damage, SA2B only
2691 Chao yell Critical health, SA2B only
2692 Chao Chao, Chao, Chao! SA2B only
2693 Chao babble SA2B only
2694 Chao Chao! Firing homing missiles, SA2B only
2695 Chao Cha! Firing rockets/Power Laser, SA2B only
2696 Chao babble SA2B only
2697 Chao babble SA2B only
2698 Chao Chao! SA2B only
2699 Chao Oooh! Selecting Chao Walker/2P Intro, SA2B only
2700 Chao Chao! SA2B only
2701 Dark Chao yell SA2B only
2702 Dark Chao yell Critical health, SA2B only
2703 Dark Chao babble Victory, SA2B only
2704 Dark Chao Oh Yay! Speed Shoes/Invincibility, SA2B only
2705 Dark Chao Chao! SA2B only
2706 Dark Chao Cha! SA2B only
2707 Dark Chao Chao pa! SA2B only
2708 Dark Chao babble SA2B only
2709 Dark Chao Chao! SA2B only
2710 Dark Chao babble Selecting Dark Chao Walker/2P Intro, SA2B only
2711 Dark Chao babble SA2B only
2712 Metal Sonic mechanical whirring Victory, SA2B only
2713 Metal Sonic copy of 2712 SA2B only
2714 Metal Sonic programming engaged Selecting Metal Sonic, SA2B only
2715 Metal Sonic programming engaged 2P Intro, SA2B only
2716 Tikal The fighting's over. SA2B only (Round Clear)
2717 Tikal No, no, no! SA2B only (Death by enemy)
2718 Tikal Ah! SA2B only
2719 Tikal Why did this have to happen? SA2B only
2720 Tikal Hear me now. SA2B only
2721 Tikal I'm sorry. SA2B only (Use Power)
2722 Tikal I beg of you. SA2B only (Use Heaven's Justice)
2723 Tikal How can I make you understand? SA2B only (Use Captive Light)
2724 Tikal I'm Tikal. SA2B only (2P Battle Select)
2725 Tikal I must do something. SA2B only (2P Intro 1)
2726 Tikal copy of 2725 SA2B only, the game can randomly select this voice for the 2P Intro

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