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A great starting point for building RESTful APIs in Go using Gin framework, and sqlx for connecting to a PostgreSQL database. The implementation follows Clean Architecture principles as described by Uncle Bob.


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A great starting point for building RESTful APIs in Go using Gin framework, and sqlx for connecting to a PostgreSQL database. The implementation follows Clean Architecture principles as described by Uncle Bob.


  • Implements the Clean Architecture pattern for a scalable and maintainable codebase
  • Uses the Gin framework for efficient and fast handling of HTTP requests
  • Integrates with PostgreSQL databases using SQLx.DB for powerful and flexible database operations
  • Supports JWT authentication with configurable expiration and issuer, allowing for flexible and secure authentication processes.
  • Supports OTP authentication with configurable expiration and Redis caching to store and retrieve the OTP codes, providing fast and efficient authentication processes.

Getting Started

  • Go version 1.17 or higher
  • PostgreSQL version 9.1 or higher

To get up and running with the Go-REST-Boilerplate, follow these simple steps:

$ git clone
$ cd go-rest-boilerplate
$ cp internal/config/.env.example internal/config/.env # create a copy of the example environment file, and also follow configuration steps on the difference section below
$ go build -o go-rest-boilerplate.out cmd/api/main.go
$ ./go-rest-boilerplate.out


The application can be configured using environment variables to fit your specific needs. A sample environment file is provided as .env.example with the following variables available for customization:

  • PORT: The port on which the server will listen (defaults to 8080)
  • ENVIRONMENT: The environment the application is running in (defaults to "development")
  • DEBUG: Enable or disable debug mode (defaults to true)


  • DB_POSTGRE_DRIVER: The database driver to use (defaults to "postgres")
  • DB_POSTGRE_DSN: The database connection URI in DSN format (defaults to "user=myuser password=mypassword host=myhost port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=disable timezone=Asia/Jakarta")
  • DB_POSTGRE_URL: The database connection URI in URL format (defaults to "postgres://user:pass@host/db")
  • JWT_SECRET: The secret key used to sign and verify JWT tokens (defaults to "dont-tuch-mytralalala-mydangdingdong")
  • JWT_EXPIRED: The number of hours until JWT tokens expire (defaults to 5)
  • JWT_ISSUER: The issuer of JWT tokens (defaults to "snykk_here")
  • OTP_EMAIL: The email address to send OTP codes to (defaults to "")
  • OTP_PASSWORD: The password to use for sending OTP codes (defaults to "idonthavepassword")


  • REDIS_HOST: The host and port of the Redis server (defaults to "localhost:6969")
  • REDIS_PASS: The password to use for connecting to Redis (defaults to "mydangdingdong")
  • REDIS_EXPIRED: The number of minutes until cache items expire in Redis (defaults to 5)

Folder Structure

|-- cmd/
|   |-- api
|   |   |-- server/
|   |   |-- main.go
|   |-- cron/
|   |   |-- jobs/
|   |   |-- main.go
|   |-- migration/
|   |   |-- migrations/
|   |   |-- main.go
|   |-- seed
|       |-- seeds/
|       |-- main.go
|-- deploy/
|   |-- Dockerfile
|   |-- docker-compose.yml
|-- docs/
|   |-- swagger.yaml
|-- internal/
|   |-- business/
|   |   |-- domains
|   |   |   |-- v1
|   |   |       |-- domains.users.go
|   |   |-- usecases
|   |       |-- v1
|   |           |-- usecase.users.go
|   |           |-- usecase.users_test.go
|   |-- config/
|   |   |-- .env
|   |   |-- .env.example
|   |   |-- config.go
|   |-- constants/
|   |   |-- constant.users.go
|   |-- datasources/
|   |   |-- caches/
|   |   |   |-- cache.redis.go
|   |   |-- drivers/
|   |   |   |-- driver.postgre.go
|   |   |-- records/
|   |   |   |-- record.user.go
|   |   |   |-- record.user_mapper_v1.go
|   |   |-- repositories
|   |   |   |-- postgres/
|   |   |   |   |-- v1
|   |   |   |       |-- postgre.user.go
|   |   |   |-- mongos/
|   |-- http/
|   |   |-- datatransfers/
|   |   |   |-- requests/
|   |   |   |   |-- request.users.go
|   |   |   |-- responses/
|   |   |       |-- response.users.go
|   |   |-- handlers/
|   |   |   |-- v1/
|   |   |       |-- handler.base_response.go
|   |   |       |-- handler.users.go
|   |   |       |-- handler.users_test.go
|   |   |-- middlewares/
|   |   |   |-- middleware.auth.go
|   |   |   |-- middleware.auth_test.go
|   |   |-- routes/
|   |       |-- route.users.go
|   |-- mocks/
|   |   |-- mock.cache_redis.go
|   |-- utils/
|-- pkg/
|   |-- helpers/
|   |   |-- helper.bcrypt.go
|   |   |-- helper.bcrypt_test.go
|   |-- jwt/
|   |   |-- jwt.go
|   |   |-- jwt_test.go
|   |-- logger/
|   |-- mailer/
|   |-- validators/
|-- vendor/
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- makefile
|-- (thisfile)
|-- rest.http
cmd folder

This folder contains all the entry points of the application. There are four sub-folders in the cmd folder:

  • api: This folder contains the main entry point of the REST API server. The main.go file in the server sub-folder is responsible for starting the server and setting up all the necessary routes.

  • cron: This folder contains the main entry point for any cron jobs that need to be run.

  • migration: This folder contains the main entry point for managing database migrations.

  • seed: This folder contains the main entry point for seed data into the database.

deploy folder

This folder contains the necessary configuration files for deploying the application to a production environment.

  • Dockerfile: This file is used to build a Docker image of the application.

  • docker-compose.yml: This file is used to start the application and its dependencies (such as the database) using Docker Compose.

docs folder

This folder contains the documentation for the REST API, including the swagger.yaml file which defines the API specification.

internal folder

This folder contains all the business logic and other implementation details of the application. It is structured as follows:

  • business folder

    • domains folder: This folder contains domain-specific logic, such as the business rules for creating, updating, and deleting users.

    • usecases folder: This folder contains the implementation of the use cases that are defined in the domains folder.

  • config folder

    • .env: This file contains the environment variables that are used by the application.
    • .env.example: This file is an example of the .env file, with all the necessary environment variables listed.
    • config.go: This file reads the environment variables and sets up the configuration for the application.
  • constants folder

    • this folder contains constant values used throughout the application.
  • datasources folder

    • caches folder: This folder contains the implementation of cache storage, such as Redis.
    • drivers folder: This folder contains the implementation of database drivers, such as PostgreSQL.
    • records folder: This folder contains the implementation of database records, such as User.
    • repositories folder: This folder contains the implementation of database repositories, such as PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
  • http folder

    • datatransfers folder: This folder contains the implementation of data transfer objects, such as request and response objects.
    • handlers folder: This folder contains the implementation of HTTP handlers, which handle incoming HTTP requests and send responses back to the client.
    • middlewares folder: This folder contains the implementation of middlewares, which are executed before the request is handled by the handler.
    • routes folder: This folder contains the implementation of routes, which map URLs to handlers.
  • mocks folder

    • this folder contains the implementation of mock objects used in tests.
  • utils folder

    • this folder contains utility functions and classes used throughout the application.
pkg folder

This folder contains reusable packages that are shared across different parts of the application.


This project is open for contributions and suggestions. If you have an idea for a new feature or a bug fix, don't hesitate to open a pull request


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


A great starting point for building RESTful APIs in Go using Gin framework, and sqlx for connecting to a PostgreSQL database. The implementation follows Clean Architecture principles as described by Uncle Bob.







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  • Go 99.3%
  • Makefile 0.7%