XCFit 5 : Protocol Oriented BDD, Fastfile and Podfile Template
XCFit 5 is a major release which has following changes
Protocol Oriented BDD Templates
XCFit has new Xcode templates for Protocol Oriented BDD. XCFit templates provides template code and Xcode groups to allow Protocol Oriented BDD -
Template -
Setup 'Fastfile` template
XCFit 5 now provide templates of the Podfile
using XCFit inbuilt command
$ xcfit setup_xcfit_podfile
This file has all template targets which we need to replace with real targets. We can then use pod install
to install dependencies.
- Setup
XCFit 5 template now provide inbuilt command to setup template Fastfile
which has lanes to run tests using Fastlane
$ xcfit setup_xcfit_fastfile
We have to replace our WORKSPACE and SCHEME in the Fastlane/Fastfile
file then we can run using
$ fastlane xcfit
- Fixed Architecture issue while building for Carthage