This project uses voyager and mysql
First step is login with the default user ( and password by default)
On Create Table we will create our table which allow us to create a meeting, for this sample I called reuniones with columns name and slug.
After that you will see on the left side as menu option, so you can click on it and you will see like this.
When you press create you will see the next fields to fill, in the combobox option is for allowing which users can connect to that meeting.
After saving, on the list you will see compartir button, that button will be useful to send to the user which will connect to the videocall.
If any other user wants to connect that will not be possible because in this crud we set which ones are allowed to connect.
After logging we can send the link and only that user will connect to the videocall.
To see how it works you can write me by email