- Use your existing Trello account from the Front End Project, or create a new one.
- Create a new board called "Lambda Notes(Backend) - {Your Name}".
- Create lists titled Backlog,To do, Blocked, In Progress, and Done.
- Fill in the To do list with the MVP features listed below.
- Fill in the backlog list with all the extra features listed below.
- Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your Section Lead for guidance.
- Add your Trello URL to your project's README.md file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request.
Abdul ahmad - Lambda Notes backend project Trello Board
We recommend that you finish all the MVP features before trying to deploy.
- Add data persistence using a Relational Database. We suggest you start with SQLite3.
- Create a Web API for the React application you built in the front-end project week.
- Build endpoints for each of the following features: - Display a list of notes. - Create a note with a title and content. - View an existing note. - Edit an existing note. - Delete an existing note. - Modify your front-end so that it uses your newly created Web API.