Simple tool to aggregate data to file during pentest
At the first stage result stored in files in directory "output"
Results from:
sslyze library to check TLS/SSL server settings
Additional idea/feature: make request in parallel (for dirb, tlscheck command) to get result more faster
Support command:
- dns2ip
Usage: dns2ip [OPTIONS] FIN
Find ip address related with dns name
-fout TEXT Name of file to store result
-humanr / -no-humanr Store result for human read format
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'FIN' is the file, contain list of DNS name
List of DNS which used
"google" : "",
"opendns" : "",
"comodo" : "",
"level3" : "",
"advantage" : "",
# "opennic" : "",
"dyn" : "",
"safedns" : "",
"watch" : ""
Sometimes "openic" thinks for a very long time, so, at this moment make a comment for this DNS server.
- mdirb
Usage: mdirb [OPTIONS] WEBURLS
Run 'dirb' tools for multiply url
-th INTEGER Max thread for dirb
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'WEBURLS' - file, contain list of
- sengine
Usage: sengine [OPTIONS] FIN
Get information from search engine. At this moment from Shodan
-fout TEXT Name of file to store result
-api-key TEXT API KEY fot Shodan
-tout [ip|port|all] Type of output
-humanr / -no-humanr Store result for human read format
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'FIN' is the file, which contain list of ip-address to get information
How to get api-key Shodan
go to Shodan
login or register for your account
my account -> Overview
Usage: tlscheck [OPTIONS] FIN
Check TLS/SSL server setting
Fot this used sslyze library
-p, --ports TEXT Scan Ports
-fout TEXT Name of file to store result
-th INTEGER Max thread
-humanr / -no-humanr Store result for human read format
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'FIN' is the file, which contain list of ip addrees to chekc TLS/SSL server settings
- urls
Usage: urls [OPTIONS] FIN
Check availability of web-interface/web-resource;
very similar like 'curl -I http://some_site'
-timeout INTEGER How many second wait the answer
-p, --ports TEXT Scan Ports
-fout TEXT Name of file to store result
-humanr / -no-humanr Store result for human read format
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'FIN' is the file, contain list of url-address
- xml2txt
Usage: xml2txt [OPTIONS] XML
Convert xml file from 'masscan' tool to txt file, sorted by ip or by port
-fout TEXT Name of file to store result
-tout [ip|port|all] Sort by ip, port or both
-humanr / -no-humanr Store result for human read format
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Where 'XML' is the file, where store result of masscan tool
Working environment: Debian 10
$git clone
$cd pwnOSINT
$python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment/venv
- to activate virtual envinronment:
. venv/bin/activate
- it is recommended upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pip
$pip install -r requirements.txt
- if there are some problems with pycurl, try
sudo apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev librtmp-dev
$./ <some_command>
Usually, result stored like:
ip:ip_v4_address => tcp/80
ip:ip_v4 address => tcp/443
ip:ip_v4 address => tcp/10000
ip:ip_v4 address => tcp/12345
It is easy to future analyze, use and etc... -humanr flag allow you get additional file, where store information like this:
=> tcp/80
=> tcp/443
=> tcp/10000
=> tcp/12345