JavaScript class inherit to add an events management
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Copy the events-manager.js file into your project and include it in your HTML page. You can use it at anytime on your web page.
In your object declaration, call EventsManager to get access of the features:
function MyClass() {
// inherit EventsManager features;
var myClass = new MyClass();
// Register an event with a name and a function
// the function always gives the args variable object
// you can add a priority (optional) in the third argument like:
// 'low', 'normal' (default), 'high' or and integer value
myClass.on('changeSomething', function(args) {
// Displays {hello: 'world'}
// To stop the events list propagation
// To retrieve the event name
// To retrieve the event namespace
// Return a value is stacked in the .fire() results
return 'a value';
}, 'normal');
// If your stack of events needs to wait until your event have
// completed its async execution, use "onAsync"
// This method provide a "callback" function
myClass.onAsync('changeSomething', function(args, callback) {
// Provide a value to retrieve it in the .fire() results
callback('a value');
// For more safety the method "onSafe" deletes
// automatically the same event if it is already registered
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
myClass.onSafe('changeSomething', function(args) {
// will be fire just once
// The same way for "onAsync"
myClass.onAsyncSafe('changeSomething', function(args, callback) {
// will be fire just once
// You can register a special event to be fired on every .fire()
// You have to use a namespace before for safety
// .onAnythingSafe() is also accessible
myClass.onAnything('myNamespace', function() {
// Fire an event trigger all of the registered events
// The second (optionnal) argument is the args variable
// The third (optionnal) argument is the callback method'changeSomething', {
hello: 'world'
}, function(results) {
// Every returned values in the events are stacked
// in the "results" array
// To remove an event from the stack, use .off() with the exact
// same function on it'changeSomething', function(args) {
// To remove an onAnything() event
myClass.offAnything('myNamespace', function(args) {
// To remove all registered events
// Events can use a namespace to be registered by feature
// They works in the same way as traditionnal event
myClass.on('myNamespace.changeSomething', function(args) {
// ...
// you can remove all events from namespace registered
// many events can be used in the same call with a space separation
myClass.on('changeAData myNamespace.changeSomething ANewChange', function(args) {
// ...