This is pythonic high-level libtorrent API, inspired on the for-humans trend set by Kenneth Reitz (
TorrentStream is centered around the principle of streaming a torrent (sequential download, buffering and playing).
TorrentStream exposes a CLI command, intended as an example usage.
Torrent objects are context managers that can clean up torrent content after you finish using them.
add_torrent method of a TorrentSession returns a Torrent object, thus can be used directly as a context manager.
async def stream_torrent(hash_torrent):
session = TorrentSession()
# By default this will cleanup torrent contents after playing
with session.add_torrent(magnet_link=hash_torrent, remove_after=True) as torrent:
# Force sequential mode
# Wait for torrent to be started
await torrent.wait_for('started')
# Get first match of a media file
media = next(a for a in torrent
if a.is_media and not 'sample' in a.path.lower())
except StopIteration:
raise Exception('Could not find a playable source')
with timeout(5 * 60): # Abort if we can't fill 5% in 5 minutes
await media.wait_for_completion(5)
return await asyncio.gather(media.wait_for_completion(100),