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autorelease: pending
autorelease: pending
is the initial state of the Release PR before it is merged
autorelease: published
autorelease: published
means that a GitHub release has been published based on the Release PR (release-please does not auto
autorelease: snapshot
autorelease: snapshot
is a special state for snapshot version bumps
autorelease: tagged
autorelease: tagged
means that the Release PR has been merged and the release has been tagged in GitHub
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
If a issue is in critical state and needs to be resolved ASAP
Priority: High
Priority: High
Issue with a high priority
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Issue with a low priority
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Issue with medium priority
Special: Good first issue
Special: Good first issue
Special "achievement" for good first issues
Status: Abandoned
Status: Abandoned
Issue got abandoned from reporter
Status: Accepted
Status: Accepted
Feature got accepted
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
Can't complete yet due to external blocker
Status: Can't reproduce
Status: Can't reproduce
Can't reproduce problem
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Developer is working on the issue.
Status: More details required
Status: More details required
Not enought information given. Need more.
Status: On Hold
Status: On Hold
Issue is on hold cause of internal or external reasons.
Status: Pending
Status: Pending
Waiting for response.
Status: Revision Needed
Status: Revision Needed
Issue needs revision
Status: Wontfix
Status: Wontfix
This will not be worked on
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working
Type: Duplicate
Type: Duplicate
This issue already exists
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
Feature request
Type: Maintenance
Type: Maintenance
Maintenance issue
Type: Question
Type: Question
A question from reporter