> npm i get-twitter-media
- url - |
type: string | MediaOptionsWithUrl
| - A URL or an object with a URL property, and optionally a buffer and/or text property - options - |
type: MediaOptions
| - An object with a buffer and/or text property
const getTwitterMedia = require('get-twitter-media');
getTwitterMedia(url, options)
Example with buffer:
const getTwitterMedia = require('get-twitter-media');
let media = await getTwitterMedia("https://twitter.com/CursedVideos/status/1687071264848879616?s=20", {
buffer: true
Output with buffer:
found: true,
type: 'Video',
media: {
url: 'https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1687071206959177728/vid/854x480/SlOcOcqfwdfNhtdk.mp4?tag=14',
buffer: <Buffer 00 00 00 1c 66 74 79 70 6d 70 ... 3522918 more bytes>
Example with text:
const getTwitterMedia = require('get-twitter-media');
let media = await getTwitterMedia("https://twitter.com/TurnkeyPet/status/1523047586998865920", {
text: true,
Output with text:
found: true,
type: 'image',
media: {
url: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSLztSMVcAA84nP.jpg'
text: "My little rescue dog..Iris who is blind now due to cruel treatment, we have had her a year now had one eye taken out and lots of other things done and she's now a little monkey!! https://t.co/BKqd0ruHzc"
export interface MediaOptions {
buffer?: boolean
text?: boolean
export interface MediaOptionsWithUrl extends MediaOptions {
url: string
export interface Output {
found: true
type: "video" | "image" | "gif"
media: {
url: string
buffer?: Buffer
text?: string
export interface ErrorOutput {
found: false
error: string
export function getTwitterMedia(url: string | MediaOptionsWithUrl, options?: MediaOptions): Promise<Output>