Simple Mandelbrot fractal generator developped in Rust for training purposes.
Complete Mandelbrot set
Command (default coordinates):
mandelbrot -s '(-0.25,0.0)' -w 4.5
For an UHD high quality version you can run this command:
mandelbrot -r 7680x4320 -i 25000 -a 16
This command will take MUCH LONGER to run (34mn with a Ryzen 3900X), and will stress the CPU during all the process.
Near the "Valley of seahorses"
mandelbrot -s '(-0.75, 0.18)' -w 0.5
One of:
- rustc compiler + cargo : Install instructions
- Docker (tested on 19.03.1-ce)
git clone
cd mandelbrot-rs
- With Cargo
cargo build --release
./target/release/mandelbrot --help
- With Docker
docker build -t mandelbrot .
docker run -it mandelbrot --help
# mandelbrot --help
# valley of seahorses example
## With binary
mandelbrot -r 1920x1080 -a 8 -i 5000 -o seahorses.png -s '(-0.75, 0.18)' -w 0.5
## With Docker
docker run -it sigbilly/mandelbrot:master -r 1920x1080 -a 8 -i 5000 -o seahorses.png -s '(-0.75, 0.18)' -w 0.5
- Optimization: cycle checking in divergence test
- Incremental / resumable fractal computation
- Interface: Dynamic exploration of the set
- Image: Add color methods / custom colors
- Cli: shortcuts for common resolutions
- Corresponding Julia set explorer ?
- Video generation ?