The profile about studying Python. And there are some study notes, they might be improved along with more and more studying.
Study Notes:
Python: %r, %s, %d. They can be used for number, string, boolean, but usually use %s and %r just debugging (%r is raw programmer's vision variable)
Java String also can use %s as placeholder
String domain = "Hello";
int num = 5;
String str = String.format("%s, today is July %sth.", domain, num);
SQL use "?"
String sql = "SELECT name, owner, species, picture FROM test1 WHERE name=?";
ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, "Tom");
Python: Use *args as variable argument, and it will be passed in a list into the method.
```Python def print_two(*args): arg1, arg2 = args # the variables in args list will be assigned to arg1 and arg2 respectively.
print("arg1: %r, arg2: %r" % (arg1, arg2))
Java: After JDK 5.0, Java has its own variables argument list. It also can be a container for many variables, but the container is array, not list.<br>
public int sum(int... nums){
int sum = 0;
for(int i : nums){
sum += i;
return sum;
notes: In Java, the variables argument list must be the only one the the last argument in method signature:
public int sum(int num1, int num2, int... nums){
Python's sys.argv can stored system arguments. sys.argv[0] is the current python file script, so the arguments from outside should be read from sys.argv[1]. It also can pass files from outside. Python3.5 test.txt new.txt, passing arguments into the python program.
from sys import argv
script, from_file, to_file = argv # Assign system arguments to those three variables
Java: the interesting point is that the args[] array in Java main method also can receive arguments from outside.
public class Example{
public static void main(String[] args){
for(String s : args){
Java Example 123 hello word
then the main method will print
Data Structure is an very important part of OOP languages, and List, Map (Dictionary), Set are all very classical in it. So this part I would try to display what are different and what are same between Java and Python. Similarities:
No matter in Java or Python, the length of List is changable, beginning index is 0, the orders of its values are beased on their adding order, also at the bottom is formed by array, and it can contain any kind of types, like Object, primitives, String. (In Java, List can store any type if itself has no Generics restrict type)
Differences: Create ```Python # Python a_list = ['1', 1, '1', 'String', 5.40] # [1, 1, 1, String, 5.40] ``` ```Java List list = new ArrayList(); // []
// create List with Generics Type List intList = ArrayList(); // []
a_list.append("adding one")
# [1, 1, 1, String, 5.40, adding one]
list.add("adding one Java");
//[adding one java]
// Generics one
// [888]
# Python has "del" method to remove element in list
rmovIndxNo = 3
del a_list[rmovIndxNo]
# [1, 1, 1, 5.40]
//Generics one
# Python list is mutable
a_list[0] = "new index 0"
# [new index 0, 1, 1, 1, 5.40]
list.add("old index 0");
//[old index 0]
list.set(0, "new index 0");
//[new index 0]
// same as Geneircs one
# 1
//new index 0
Notes: CPython uses an array of pointers; Jython uses an ArrayList, IronPython uses an array too.
But in Java, List is the sub-interface of Collection interface. It has ArrayList, LinkedList two main list implementing classes(Vector is too old to use). For ArrayList, it is still formed by array on the bottom, but Linked list is formed by double-linked list construction, which is very convenient and more efficient than ArrayList in field of adding, deleting continually. Both are not synchronized(not Thread safe)
For handle method of Dictionary, it is so much handy than Map's.
Ergodic and Delete ```Python dictionary = { 1: "A", 2: "B", 3: "C" }
for key in dictionary: print(key, dictionary[key]) """ Will print 1 A 2 B 3 C """
del dictionary[2] """ Will print 1 A 3 C """
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, "A");
map.put(2, "B");
map.put(3, "C");
Notes: In Java, if I want to store data in Map on order, I can use LinkedHashMap. But in Python, it is possible to invoke "OrderedDict" object in collections, then sort Dictionary by "Key" or "Values" directly.
import collections
orderedDict = collections.OrderedDict
dictionary_sort = orderedDict(sorted(dictionary.items(), key = lambda t:t[0]))
Map<Integer, String> orderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Elements in orderMap will dispaly on the order of they were put in
To be Continue...