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jjdishere committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent d3b8130 commit 5cd6fc5
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Showing 2 changed files with 57 additions and 40 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion EuclideanGeometry.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ import EuclideanGeometry.Example.Index
# Euclidean Geometry
Welcome! This project aims to formalize the Euclidean Geometry in Lean. Please enjoy youeself in exploring with theorems and examples.
95 changes: 56 additions & 39 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Vector.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.InnerProductSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.Arg
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
# Standard Vector Space
This file defines the standard inner product real vector space of dimension two, but we will build this on the complex numbers.
This file defines the standard inner product real vector space of dimension two, but we will build this on the complex numbers.
## Important definitions
* `Vec` : The class of "2-dim vectors" `ℂ`, with a real inner product space structure which is instancialized.
* `Vec_nd` : The class of nonzero vectors, `nd` for nondegenerate.
* `Dir` : The class of vectors of unit length `Vec_nd`.
* `Proj` : the class of `Dir` quotient by `±1`, in other words, `ℝP¹`.
* `Vec_nd` : The class of nonzero vectors, `nd` for nondegenerate.
* `Dir` : The class of vectors of unit length `Vec_nd`.
* `Proj` : the class of `Dir` quotient by `±1`, in other words, `ℝP¹`.
## Notation
Expand All @@ -24,11 +25,11 @@ Then we define the class `Dir` of vectors of unit length. We equip it with the s

noncomputable section
namespace EuclidGeom

scoped macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y)
scoped notation "π" => Real.pi

/- the notation for the class of vectors -/
scoped notation "Vec" => ℂ
scoped notation "Vec" => ℂ

/- the class of non-degenerate vectors -/
def Vec_nd := {z : ℂ // z ≠ 0}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ theorem Vec_nd.norm_ne_zero (z : Vec_nd) : Vec_nd.norm z ≠ 0 := norm_ne_zero_i
theorem Vec_nd.ne_zero_of_ne_zero_smul (z : Vec_nd) {t : ℝ} (h : t ≠ 0) : t • z.10 := by
simp only [ne_eq, smul_eq_zero, h, z.2, or_self, not_false_eq_true]

theorem Vec_nd.ne_zero_of_neg (z : Vec_nd) : - z.10 := by
theorem Vec_nd.ne_zero_of_neg (z : Vec_nd) : - z.10 := by
simp only [ne_eq, neg_eq_zero, z.2, not_false_eq_true]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ theorem Vec_nd.self_eq_norm_smul_normalized_vector (z : Vec_nd) : z.1 = Vec_nd.n
rw [this]

-- Basic facts about Dir, the group structure, neg, and the fact that we can make angle using Dir. There are a lot of relevant (probably easy) theorems under the following namespace.
-- Basic facts about Dir, the group structure, neg, and the fact that we can make angle using Dir. There are a lot of relevant (probably easy) theorems under the following namespace.

namespace Dir

Expand All @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ namespace Dir
instance : Neg Dir where
neg := fun z => {
toVec := -z.toVec
unit := by
unit := by
rw [← unit]
exact inner_neg_neg _ _
Expand All @@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ instance : Mul Dir where
instance : One Dir where
one := {
toVec := 1
unit := by
unit := by
simp only [Complex.inner, map_one, mul_one, Complex.one_re]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ def mk_angle (θ : ℝ) : Dir where
rw [← Real.cos_sq_add_sin_sq θ]
rw [pow_two, pow_two]
simp only [Complex.inner, Complex.mul_re, Complex.conj_re, Complex.conj_im, neg_mul, sub_neg_eq_add]

theorem toVec_ne_zero (x : Dir) : x.toVec ≠ 0 := by
by_contra h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,6 +323,22 @@ theorem inv_of_I_eq_neg_I : I⁻¹ = - I := by
apply @mul_right_cancel _ _ _ _ I _
simp only [mul_left_inv, neg_mul, I_mul_I_eq_neg_one, neg_neg]

theorem pos_angle_eq_angle_iff_cos_eq_cos (ang₁ ang₂ : ℝ) (hang₁ : (0 < ang₁) ∧ (ang₁ < π)) (hang₂ : (0 < ang₂) ∧ (ang₂ < π)) : Real.cos ang₁ = Real.cos ang₂ ↔ ang₁ = ang₂ := by
rw [Real.cos_eq_cos_iff]
intro ⟨k, e⟩
rcases e with e₁ | e₂
-- First Case
have i₀ : (2 * π) * k > (2 * π) * (-1) := by linarith [Real.pi_pos]
have i₁ : (2 * π) * k < (2 * π) * 1 := by linarith [Real.pi_pos]
have tst₂ : k = 0 := by linarith [(@Int.cast_lt ℝ _ _ (-1 : ℤ) k).1 (Eq.trans_lt (by norm_num) ((mul_lt_mul_left (Right.mul_pos zero_lt_two Real.pi_pos)).1 i₀)), (@Int.cast_lt ℝ _ _ k (1 : ℤ)).1 (Eq.trans_gt (id (Eq.symm (by norm_num))) ((mul_lt_mul_left (Right.mul_pos zero_lt_two Real.pi_pos)).1 i₁))]
simp only [e₁, tst₂, Int.cast_zero, mul_zero, zero_mul, zero_add]
-- Second Case
have i₂ : (2 * π) * k > (2 * π) * 0 := by linarith [Real.pi_pos]
have i₁ : (2 * π) * k < (2 * π) * 1 := by linarith [Real.pi_pos]
linarith [(@Int.cast_lt ℝ _ _ (0 : ℤ) k).1 (Eq.trans_lt (by norm_num) ((mul_lt_mul_left (Right.mul_pos zero_lt_two Real.pi_pos)).1 i₂)), (@Int.cast_lt ℝ _ _ k (1 : ℤ)).1 (Eq.trans_gt (id (Eq.symm (by norm_num))) ((mul_lt_mul_left (Right.mul_pos zero_lt_two Real.pi_pos)).1 i₁))]
exact fun a => congrArg Real.cos a

section Make_angle_theorems

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,7 +367,7 @@ theorem mk_angle_arg_toComplex_of_Dir_eq_self (x: Dir) : mk_angle (Complex.arg (
simp only [div_one]
by_contra h
rw [h] at w
simp only [map_zero, zero_ne_one] at w
simp only [map_zero, zero_ne_one] at w

theorem mk_angle_zero_eq_one : mk_angle 0 = 1 := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,24 +447,24 @@ end Dir
def PM : Dir → Dir → Prop :=
fun x y => x = y ∨ x = -y

-- Now define the equivalence PM.
-- Now define the equivalence PM.

namespace PM

def equivalence : Equivalence PM where
refl _ := by simp [PM]
symm := fun h =>
symm := fun h =>
match h with
| Or.inl h₁ => Or.inl (Eq.symm h₁)
| Or.inr h₂ => Or.inr ( neg_eq_iff_eq_neg (id (Eq.symm h₂)))
trans := by
intro _ _ _ g h
unfold PM
match g with
| Or.inl g₁ =>
| Or.inl g₁ =>
rw [← g₁] at h
exact h
| Or.inr g₂ =>
| Or.inr g₂ =>
match h with
| Or.inl h₁ =>
Expand All @@ -463,15 +480,15 @@ instance con : Con Dir where
unfold Setoid.r PM
intro _ x _ z g h
match g with
| Or.inl g₁ =>
| Or.inl g₁ =>
match h with
| Or.inl h₁ =>
rw [g₁, h₁]
| Or.inr h₂ =>
rw [g₁, h₂, ← mul_neg _ _]
| Or.inr g₂ =>
| Or.inr g₂ =>
match h with
| Or.inl h₁ =>
Expand All @@ -484,7 +501,7 @@ end PM

def Proj := Con.Quotient PM.con

-- We can take quotient from Dir to get Proj.
-- We can take quotient from Dir to get Proj.

namespace Proj

Expand All @@ -508,9 +525,9 @@ theorem Dir.eq_toProj_iff (x y : Dir) : x.toProj = y.toProj ↔ x = y ∨ x = -y

theorem Dir.eq_toProj_iff' {x y : Dir} : x.toProj = y.toProj ↔ PM x y := by rw [Dir.eq_toProj_iff, PM]

def Vec_nd.toProj (v : Vec_nd) : Proj := (Vec_nd.normalize v : Proj)
def Vec_nd.toProj (v : Vec_nd) : Proj := (Vec_nd.normalize v : Proj)

-- Coincidence of toProj gives rise to important results, especially that two Vec_nd-s have the same toProj iff they are equal by taking a real (nonzero) scaler. We will prove this statement in the following section.
-- Coincidence of toProj gives rise to important results, especially that two Vec_nd-s have the same toProj iff they are equal by taking a real (nonzero) scaler. We will prove this statement in the following section.

section Vec_nd_toProj

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,7 +581,7 @@ theorem neg_normalize_eq_normalize_smul_neg (u v : Vec_nd) {t : ℝ} (h : v.1 =
theorem neg_normalize_eq_normalize_eq (z : Vec_nd) : Vec_nd.normalize (-z) = - Vec_nd.normalize z := by
apply neg_normalize_eq_normalize_smul_neg z (-z) (t := -1)
apply neg_normalize_eq_normalize_smul_neg z (-z) (t := -1)
simp only [ne_eq, fst_neg_Vec_nd_is_neg_fst_Vec_nd, neg_smul, one_smul]

Expand All @@ -589,7 +606,7 @@ theorem eq_toProj_of_smul (u v : Vec_nd) {t : ℝ} (h : v.1 = t • u.1) : Vec_n
theorem smul_of_eq_toProj (u v : Vec_nd) (h : Vec_nd.toProj u = Vec_nd.toProj v) : ∃ (t : ℝ), v.1 = t • u.1 := by
let h' := Quotient.exact h
unfold HasEquiv.Equiv instHasEquiv PM.con PM at h'
simp only [Con.rel_eq_coe, Con.rel_mk] at h'
simp only [Con.rel_eq_coe, Con.rel_mk] at h'
match h' with
| Or.inl h₁ =>
rw [Dir.ext_iff] at h₁
Expand All @@ -612,7 +629,7 @@ theorem Vec_nd.eq_toProj_iff (u v : Vec_nd) : (Vec_nd.toProj u = Vec_nd.toProj v
· intro h
exact smul_of_eq_toProj _ _ h
· intro h'
rcases h' with ⟨t, h⟩
rcases h' with ⟨t, h⟩
exact eq_toProj_of_smul _ _ h

end Vec_nd_toProj
Expand All @@ -626,7 +643,7 @@ def I : Proj := Dir.I
theorem one_ne_I : ¬1=(Proj.I) := by
intro h
have h0: Dir.I=1∨Dir.I=-1 := by
apply (Con.eq PM.con).mp
apply (Con.eq PM.con).mp
exact id (Eq.symm h)
have h1: (Dir.I)^2=1 := by
rcases h0 with h2|h2
Expand All @@ -638,7 +655,7 @@ theorem one_ne_I : ¬1=(Proj.I) := by
rw [←Dir.I_mul_I_eq_neg_one]
exact sq Dir.I
have h4: ¬(-1:Dir)=(1:Dir) := by
intro k
intro k
rw [Dir.ext_iff, Complex.ext_iff] at k
simp at k
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -751,7 +768,7 @@ theorem perp_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two_or_angle_eq_neg_pi_div_two (v₁ v₂ : Vec

end Cosine_theorem_for_Vec_nd

-- Our aim is to prove nonparallel lines have common point, but in this section, we will only form the theorem in a Linear algebraic way by proving two Vec_nd-s could span the space with different toProj, which is the main theorem about toProj we will use in the proof of the intersection theorem.
-- Our aim is to prove nonparallel lines have common point, but in this section, we will only form the theorem in a Linear algebraic way by proving two Vec_nd-s could span the space with different toProj, which is the main theorem about toProj we will use in the proof of the intersection theorem.

section Linear_Algebra

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -784,7 +801,7 @@ theorem det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul (u v : Vec) (hu : u ≠ 0) : det u v = 0 ↔ (
· intro e
match h with
match h with
| Or.inl h₁ =>
use v.1 * (u.1⁻¹)
unfold HSMul.hSMul instHSMul SMul.smul Complex.instSMulRealComplex
Expand All @@ -810,11 +827,11 @@ theorem det_eq_zero_iff_eq_smul (u v : Vec) (hu : u ≠ 0) : det u v = 0 ↔ (
· intro e'
rcases e' with ⟨t, e⟩
unfold HSMul.hSMul instHSMul SMul.smul Complex.instSMulRealComplex at e
simp only [smul_eq_mul] at e
simp only [smul_eq_mul] at e
rcases e

theorem det'_ne_zero_of_not_colinear {u v : Vec} (hu : u ≠ 0) (h' : ¬(∃ (t : ℝ), v = t • u)) : det' u v ≠ 0 := by
theorem det'_ne_zero_of_not_colinear {u v : Vec} (hu : u ≠ 0) (h' : ¬(∃ (t : ℝ), v = t • u)) : det' u v ≠ 0 := by
unfold det'
have h₁ : (¬ (∃ (t : ℝ), v = t • u)) → (¬ (u.1 * v.2 - u.2 * v.1 = 0)) := by
intro _
Expand All @@ -823,16 +840,16 @@ theorem det'_ne_zero_of_not_colinear {u v : Vec} (hu : u ≠ 0) (h' : ¬(∃ (t
have trivial : (( : ℂ) * - * = ((Sub.sub (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) : ℂ) := by
have trivial : (( : ℂ) * - * = ((Sub.sub (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) : ℂ) := by
((Sub.sub (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) (Mul.mul (α := ℝ) : ℂ) = ((Mul.mul - (Mul.mul := Complex.ofReal_sub _ _
_ = ((Mul.mul - ( * := by
rw [← Complex.ofReal_mul]
_ = ((Mul.mul - ( * := by
rw [← Complex.ofReal_mul]
_ = (( * - ( * := by
rw [← Complex.ofReal_mul _]
_ = (( * - ( * := by
rw [← Complex.ofReal_mul _]
rw [trivial, ← ne_eq]
rw [ne_eq, Complex.ofReal_eq_zero]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,12 +917,12 @@ theorem det_smul_right_eq_mul_det (u v : Vec) (x : ℝ) : det u (x • v) = x *

--antisymmetricity of det
theorem det_eq_neg_det (u v : Vec) : det u v = -det v u := by
theorem det_eq_neg_det (u v : Vec) : det u v = -det v u := by
unfold det

--permuting vertices of a triangle has simple effect on area
theorem det_sub_eq_det (u v : Vec) : det (u-v) v= det u v := by
theorem det_sub_eq_det (u v : Vec) : det (u-v) v= det u v := by
rw [sub_eq_add_neg, det_add_left_eq_add_det u (-v) v]
have : det (-v) v = 0 := by
unfold det
Expand All @@ -927,7 +944,7 @@ theorem det_eq_sin_mul_norm_mul_norm' (u v :Dir) : det u.1 v.1 = Real.sin (Dir.a
rw [det_eq_im_of_quotient]
unfold Dir.angle
rw [sin_arg_of_dir_eq_fst]

theorem det_eq_sin_mul_norm_mul_norm (u v : Vec_nd): det u v = Real.sin (Vec_nd.angle u v) * Vec.norm u * Vec.norm v := by
let nu := u.normalize
let nv := v.normalize
Expand Down

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