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da-liii authored Sep 24, 2024
1 parent dad1105 commit 5991e9b
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,266 additions and 20 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions progs/convert/data/css.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@

;; MODULE : css.scm
;; DESCRIPTION : tools for manipulation of CSS attributes
;; COPYRIGHT : (C) 2020 Joris van der Hoeven
;; This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
;; It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
;; in the root directory or <>.

(texmacs-module (convert data css)
(:use (convert data sxml)))

(define (css-style-item->pair s)
(with l (string-tokenize-by-char s #\:)
(and (== (length l) 2)
(cons (tm-string-trim-both (car l))
(tm-string-trim-both (cadr l))))))

(define (css-style->assoc s)
(let* ((l1 (string-tokenize-by-char s #\;))
(l2 (map css-style-item->pair l1)))
(list-filter l2 (lambda (x) x))))

(define (pair->css-style-item p)
(string-append (car p) ": " (cdr p)))

(define (assoc->css-style a)
(with l (map pair->css-style-item a)
(string-recompose l "; ")))

(define (css-max l1 l2)
(if (and (length? l1) (length? l2))
(length-max l1 l2)

(define (css-add l1 l2)
(if (and (length? l1) (length? l2))
(length-add l1 l2)

(define (assoc-change a k v)
(cond ((null? a) a)
((== (caar a) k) (cons (cons k v) (cdr a)))
(else (cons (car a) (assoc-change (cdr a) k v)))))

(define (css-merge-attrs a1 a2)
(cond ((null? a1) a2)
((not (assoc-ref a2 (caar a1)))
(cons (car a1) (css-merge-attrs (cdr a1) a2)))
((in? (caar a1) '("margin-top" "margin-bottom"
"padding-top" "padding-bottom"))
(let* ((k (caar a1))
(v (css-max (assoc-ref a1 k) (assoc-ref a2 k)))
(a2* (assoc-change a2 k v)))
(css-merge-attrs (cdr a1) a2*)))
((in? (caar a1) '("margin-left" "margin-right"
"padding-left" "padding-right"))
(let* ((k (caar a1))
(v (css-add (assoc-ref a1 k) (assoc-ref a2 k)))
(a2* (assoc-change a2 k v)))
(css-merge-attrs (cdr a1) a2*)))
(else (cons (car a1) (css-merge-attrs (cdr a1) a2)))))

(tm-define (css-merge-styles s1 s2)
(let* ((a1 (css-style->assoc s1))
(a2 (css-style->assoc s2))
(a (css-merge-attrs a1 a2)))
(assoc->css-style a)))
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions progs/convert/data/sxhtml.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@

;; MODULE : sxhtml.scm
;; DESCRIPTION : Utilities for HTML in SXML format
;; COPYRIGHT : (C) 2002 David Allouche
;; This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
;; It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
;; in the root directory or <>.

(texmacs-module (convert data sxhtml)
(:use (convert data sxml)))

;; TODO: rewrite the predicates using DRD
;; TODO: consolidate with htmltm dispatch DRD

;; Is the node x a HTML element whose name is a given set?
;; (tm-define sxhtml-heading? (ntype-names?? '(h:h1 h:h2 h:h3 h:h4 h:h5 h:h6)))
;; NOTE: outcommented in order to keep inline nature of h5 and h6
(tm-define sxhtml-heading? (ntype-names?? '(h:h1 h:h2 h:h3 h:h4)))
(tm-define sxhtml-list? (ntype-names?? '(h:ul h:ol h:dl)))
(tm-define sxhtml-table? (ntype-names?? '(h:table)))

(tm-define (sxhtml-label? x)
;; Is the node x a h:a element with an id attribute?
(and (sxml-element? x)
(eq? 'h:a (sxml-name x))
(sxml-attr x 'id)))

(tm-define (sxhtml-glue-label x label)
;; Set the id attribute of element x from the id of element label.
(sxml-set-attr x (list 'id (sxml-attr label 'id))))

(define table-kid?
(ntype-names?? '(h:tr h:td h:th h:col h:colgroup h:tbody h:thead h:tfoot)))
(define row-group-kid? (ntype-names?? '(h:tr h:td h:th)))
(define row-group? (ntype-names?? '(h:tbody h:thead h:tfoot)))
(define tfoot? (ntype-names?? '(h:tfoot)))
(define col-data? (ntype-names?? '(h:col h:colgroup)))
(define row? (ntype-names?? '(h:tr)))
(define cell? (ntype-names?? '(h:td h:th)))

(define (shtml-attr-number as name)
(and-let* ((x (shtml-attr-non-null as name)))
(string->number x)))

(define (shtml-attr-positive-integer as name)
(and-let* ((n (shtml-attr-number as name)))
(if (< n 0) #f (inexact->exact n))))

(tm-define (shtml-decode-span as name)
;; FIXME: zero spans (until end of group) are not supported
(let ((n (shtml-attr-positive-integer as name)))
(cond ((not n) 1) ((zero? n) 1) (else n))))

;; Correct invalid element nesting in HTML tables

;; A correct TABLE contains only COL, COLGROUP, THEAD, TFOOT and TBODY
;; elements. THEAD, TFOOT and TBODY (row groups) contains only TR elements. TR
;; elements contain only TD elements.
;; Correcting a table is inferring TBODY and TR elements when they are missing
;; and filtering illegal nodes out.
;; TODO: filter contents of COLGROUP elements.

(tm-define (sxhtml-correct-table x)
;; Correct all TABLEs in postorder in the sxml tree @x.
(let sub ((x x))
(cond ((sxhtml-table? x)
(correct-table (sxml-set-content x (map sub (sxml-content x)))))
((sxml-element? x)
(sxml-set-content x (map sub (sxml-content x))))
(else x))))

(define (correct-table e)
;; @e must be a h:table element (ns-prefixes must be normalized)
;; Make TBODY elements explicit.
;; Collect lone TD elements in TR.
;; Drop table data not in TD.
(correct-table-content e table-kid?
(lambda (tr tbody) (cons `(h:tr ,@tr) tbody))
(lambda (tbody kdr) (cons `(h:tbody ,@tbody) kdr))))

(define (correct-row-group e)
;; Collect lone TD elements in TR inside of @e.
;; Drop table data not in TD.
(correct-table-content e row-group-kid?
(lambda (tr tbody) (cons `(h:tr ,@tr) tbody))
(lambda (tbody kdr) tbody)))

(define (correct-row e)
;; Drop everything but TD elements.
(sxml-set-content e (list-filter (sxml-content e) cell? )))

(define (correct-table-content e accept? make-tr make-tbody)
e ((cut <> #f) (list-fold-right
(lambda (kar kdr) (kdr kar))
(cut correct-table-content/step
accept? make-tr make-tbody <> '() '() '())
(sxml-content e)))))

(define (correct-table-content/step accept? cons-tr cons-tbody
kar tr tbody kdr)
(define (state kar tr tbody kdr)
(correct-table-content/step accept? cons-tr cons-tbody kar tr tbody kdr))
(define (flush-tr curry-tbody-kdr)
;; curry-tbody-kdr: (proc tbody -> state)
;; curries @proc like (cut proc <> tbody kdr) with an updated @tbody.
(curry-tbody-kdr (cut state <> '() <> <>)
(if (null? tr) tbody (cons-tr tr tbody))))
(define (flush-tbody curry-kdr)
;; curry-kdr: (proc kdr -> state)
;; curries @proc like (cut proc <> kdr) with an updated @kdr.
(lambda (proc tbody)
(curry-kdr (cut proc <> '() <>)
(if (null? tbody) kdr (cons-tbody tbody kdr))))))
(cond ((not kar) (flush-tbody (lambda (proc kdr) kdr)))
((not (accept? kar)) (cut state <> tr tbody kdr))
((cell? kar) (cut state <> (cons kar tr) tbody kdr))
((row? kar)
(flush-tr (lambda (proc tbody)
(cut proc <> (cons (correct-row kar) tbody) kdr))))
((row-group? kar)
(flush-tbody (lambda (proc kdr)
(cut proc <> (cons (correct-row-group kar) kdr)))))
((col-data? kar)
(flush-tbody (lambda (proc kdr) (cut proc <> (cons kar kdr)))))
;; no "else" clause needed (assuming @accept is correct)

;;; Table iterator

;; Iterating over cells of a table while maintaining the coordinates of the
;; current cell is a complex operation because table positions which are
;; covered by spanned cells are not represented by cell elements in HTML.
;; Also, the TFOOT element is present before TBODY element but is logically
;; located at the end of the table.

;; HTML-4.01 says that ROWSPAN=0 or COLSPAN=0 spans the cell to the end of its
;; containing group (colgroup, tbody, thead, tfoot). However, neither
;; Mozilla-1.4 nor Konqueror 3.1.3 implement this part of the specification.
;; Since this feature also requires a significant added complexity, it is left
;; out.

(tm-define (sxhtml-table-fold kons knil table)
;; Fundamental HTML table content iterator.
;; knil: T
;; kons: symbol (int @i) (int @j) sxml T -> T
;; table: sxml
;; Fold @kons over elements of @table, with (@i @j) the cell position.
;; @kons is applied in the following modes:
;; Entering a row-group : (kons :in-row-group i #f row-group kdr)
;; Entering a row : (kons :in-row i #f row kdr)
;; (possible extension: entering a colgroup and iterating over a col)
;; Leaving a row-group : (kons :out-row-group nrows #f #f kdr)
;; Leaving a row : (kons :out-row #f ncols #f kdr)
;; Iterating over a cell : (kons :cell i j cell kdr)
((cut <> #f) (list-fold (lambda (kar kdr) (kdr kar))
(cut table-fold/table <> 0 '() '() kons knil)
(sxml-content table))))

(define (table-fold/table kar i rowspans footers kons kdr)
;; @kar is a child element of the TABLE element.
(cond ((not kar)
(if (not footers) kdr
((cut <> #f)
(list-fold (lambda (kar kdr) (kdr kar))
(cut table-fold/table <> i rowspans #f kons kdr)
(reverse! footers)))))
((and footers (tfoot? kar))
(cut table-fold/table <> i rowspans (cons kar footers) kons kdr))
((row-group? kar)
((cut <> #f)
(list-fold (lambda (kar kdr) (kdr kar))
(cut table-fold/group <> i i rowspans footers kons
(kons :in-row-group i #f kar kdr))
(sxml-content kar))))
;; ELSE clause for col-data elements.
;; NOTE: could be extended to support parsing of col-data
(else (cut table-fold/table <> i rowspans footers kons kdr))))

(define (table-fold/group kar i0 i rowspans footers kons kdr)
;; @kar is a child element of a THEAD, TBODY or TFOOT element.
(cond ((not kar) (cut table-fold/table <> i rowspans footers kons
(kons :out-row-group (- i i0) #f #f kdr)))
((row? kar)
((cut <> #f)
(list-fold (lambda (kar kdr) (kdr kar))
(cut table-fold/row <> i0 i 0 rowspans footers kons
(kons :in-row i #f kar kdr))
(sxml-content kar))))
;; ELSE clause should never be reached (the table is corrected).
(else (cut table-fold/group <> i0 i rowspans footers kons kdr))))

(define (table-fold/row kar i0 i j rowspans footers kons kdr)
;; @kar is a child element of a TR element.
(cond ((not kar)
(cut table-fold/group <> i0 (1+ i) (next-rowspans rowspans) footers
kons (kons :out-row #f (skip-spanned-cols j rowspans) #f kdr)))
((cell? kar)
(let ((j (skip-spanned-cols j rowspans))
(a (sxml-attr-list kar)))
(let ((rspan (shtml-decode-span a 'rowspan))
(cspan (shtml-decode-span a 'colspan)))
(cut table-fold/row <> i0 i (+ j cspan)
(if (= 1 rspan) rowspans
(add-rowspan rowspans j rspan cspan))
footers kons (kons :cell i j kar kdr)))))
;; ELSE clause should never be reached (the table is corrected).
(else (cut table-fold/row <> i0 i j rowspans footers kons kdr))))

;(set-trace-level! sxhtml-table-fold
; table-fold/table table-fold/group table-fold/row)

;; Columns on which a cell is spanned are remember in a sorted ROWSPANS list.
;; Items of ROWSPANS are lists (J SPAN) where:
;; J : column number (zero-based). ROWSPANS is sorted by ascending J.
;; SPAN : count of additional rows (incl. the current row) where this column
;; is occupied by a spanned cell.

(define (skip-spanned-cols j rowspans)
(let next ((j j) (rowspans rowspans))
(cond ((null? rowspans) j)
((< j (first (car rowspans))) j)
((= j (first (car rowspans))) (next (1+ j) (cdr rowspans)))
(else (next j (cdr rowspans))))))

(define (add-rowspan rowspans j rspan cspan)
(let next ((rowspans rowspans) (j j) (cspan cspan))
(cond ((zero? cspan) rowspans)
((null? rowspans)
(cons (list j rspan) (next '() (1+ j) (1- cspan))))
((< j (first (car rowspans)))
(cons (list j rspan) (next rowspans (1+ j) (1- cspan))))
((= j (first (car rowspans)))
;; This can only happen with some very vicious incorrect HTML.
(cons (list j (max rspan (second (car rowspans))))
(next (cdr rowspans) (1+ j) (1- cspan))))
(else (cons (car rowspans)
(next (cdr rowspans) (1+ j) (1- cspan)))))))

(define (next-rowspans rowspans)
(reverse! (list-fold (lambda (kar kdr)
(with (col old-span) kar
(let ((span (1- old-span)))
(if (zero? span)
(cons (list col span) kdr)))))
'() rowspans)))

;(set-trace-level! skip-spanned-cols add-rowspan next-rowspans)

;;; Table iterator applications

(tm-define (sxhtml-table-dimension table)
(lambda (msg i j kar kdr)
(with (nrows ncols) kdr
(list (if (eq? msg :out-row-group) (+ nrows i) nrows)
(if (eq? msg :out-row) (max ncols j) ncols))))
'(0 0) table))

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