Tool for Hi-C data analysis.
Bowtie: the latest version of BWA should be installed from Shell: awk python 2.7
-1 The input R1 fastq or fastq.gz files. Files seperated by comma.
-2 The input R2 fastq or fastq.gz files. Files seperated by comma.
The order of files can paired with R1 files.
-o The output dir.'
--label The lable for each paired R1_R2 fastq files, seperated by comma.
-g The bowtie index.
-p Cpus. Default:1.
-n The mismatch number for bowtie mapping. Default=2.
-5 Trim bases number of 5 prime.
-3 Trim bases number of 3 prime.
--re The resites for cut unmapped fastq files. It is the cut site from 5'-> 3'.
Default, DPNII:GATC.'
--genomic_dis The length for remove genomic DNA.Default:500.
--start_search_REsite The starting step is search REsite.If set, you should set old_file_dir.
--start_REsite_mapping The starting step is search RE reads mapping.If set, you should set old_file_dir.
--old_file_dir If not start at the full length map step,set this to get former files.
--keep_media_fq_files If set, keep the median sam and fastq files. Default delete them. -1 A.R1.fastq,B.R1.fastq -2 A.R2.fastq,B.R2.fastq -o out --label A,B -g bowtie_index -p 10 -n 2 --re GATC