Encrypted chat app
Frontend: React, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Backend: Express (Node.js)
Message Queue: RabbitMQ (for message brokering, like friend request notifications)
Database: MongoDB
CI/CD: GitHub Actions (with Super-Linter for code quality)
Testing: Jest/Cypress and Postman
Download and install RabbitMQ 4.0.2 and Erlang 27.1.2
Open cmd and run "rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management"
Stop then start rabbitmq service
Open RabbitMQ Managment from http://localhost:15672/ (username: guest, password: guest)
Create databse inside cluster using MongoDB atlas
Copy the connection uri from connections tab and paste it in .env (ATLASURI="your connection string")
Run "npm install" and then "npm start"