Harry Potter e-commerce book-purchasing app, developed as part of Xebia's technical assessment.
Tests can be viewed here: https://dashboard.cypress.io/projects/myru3b/runs/1/specs
The app may be accessed here: https://yhadjrabia.github.io/ecommerce/
cd ecommerce
npm install
npm start
npm run cypress
- Discount feature.
- Functional ReactJS with hooks.
- Axios for HTTP requests to API.
- i18n for internationalization.
- Paypal's API.
- Sass using the 7-1 pattern.
- Redux Toolkit for global state management (Respecting state immutability).
- Cypress for UI, localstorage and Redux store tests.
- Fully responsive mobile-first website built entirely with Sass (No Bootstrap/Tailwind or other styling libraries).
- API consumption (displaying fetched data and filtering it through a search bar).
- Cart storing selected items and computing the total price according to applicable discounts.
- ✓ Multiligual website using localstorage to save user preferences.
- ✓ Loading animations and toast notifications for better user experience.
- ✓ 404-not-found routing.
- ✓ Meta parameters (icon, description, link thumbnail).
- ✓ Paypal checkout.
- ✓ Cypress end-to-end tests.