This application, developed with the Laravel PHP Framework (see below), is used to migrate content from YSFlight Headquarters' existing websites, notably our old Drupal website and back to our more sustainable phpBB forum. As the initial content is scattered across multiple database tables and columns, this tool is used to easily capture the important bits, then re-post the content in a templated fashion on the forum.
- Collect content from Drupal and YSUpload
a. Drupal
1. Addons
2. Screenshots
3. Stories (blog posts)
4. Videos
b. YSUpload
1. Addons (metadata)
2. Addons (downloadable files)
- Save content (except for files on YSUpload) into a database, with schema set to match the output format (topic/post).
- Repost on the forum. For each post...
a. If topic_id==null
then create a new topic with the data from the Post model.
b. Otherwise, reply to the topic_id
specified with the data from the Post model.
c. Update all posts with their original authors and post times.
d. (If YSUpload) copy the addon file from YSUpload to the attachment directory and add a record in phpBB's database, linking the attachment record to the already made post (with the original upload time).
- YSUpload meta import should search for existing Drupal addon posts which use YSUpload if it finds it, then update post_id in YSUpload post model to point to Drupal post
- Implement file transfer process for YSUpload
- Add method to
which can add attachment record to database - More work not yet realized
Developed by Eric Tendian.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as:
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- Real-time event broadcasting.
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